Irish Eyes For Madonna Are You Seeing?
ArticleIrish Eyes For Madonna Are You Seeing?
MADONNA MYSTERY WOMAN… so many last year on Twitter were pushing Madonna videos in her lockdown and they were all believing it was her. Today, many are still asking about things in her videos, still trying to understand whether she was on house arrest or COVID lock down. At that time, I commented that was not Madonna. The response was so loud in defending it was her. I let it alone. I had no time for it and they enjoyed their blindness. Today is a different day. We have now, at least here, seen how and what they are doing. So one good blogger than many have now come to understand her “speak”, for lack of another word to describe it, as only one with Irish eyes can see…or heavenly eyes…..this is for that person and others who have been mezmerized by the deception in the past.
Stephen E. Arnold: An Algorithm to Pinpoint Human Traffickers
ArticleAn Algorithm to Pinpoint Human Traffickers
We love applications of machine learning that actually benefit society. Here is one that may soon be “Taking Down Human Traffickers Through Online Ads,” reports the Eurasia Review. The algorithm began as a way to spot anomalies (like typos) in data but has evolved into something more. Now dubbed InfoShield, it was tweaked by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and McGill University. The team presented a paper on its findings at the most recent IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering.
Tweet by Dustin Prem-Singh-Penner on Twitter
TweetThis is a good idea and wonder why kenney is not doing his 🤔 pic.twitter.com/0oRGx50cnn
— Dustin PREM-SINGH-Penner (@Dustinpenner25) May 4, 2021