Human and Child Trafficking – Big Business! Biden Knows This!
ArticleHuman and Child Trafficking – Big Business! Biden Knows This!
Creating awareness of human and child trafficking is never popular, and it is a horrid thing to even imagine. That being said, closing our eyes to it and acting as though it never happened only causes the evil to grow more powerful and abundantly. President Trump took action to cut off their merchandising routes and get rid of their coyote holding houses. He assigned task forces to raid their strong holds and rescue children and women who were held captive and enslaved by evil psychopaths that partake in this and find it fun.Trump has agreements with governments in South America and Mexico to stop human and drug trafficking. Continue reading “Human and Child Trafficking – Big Business! Biden Knows This!”
Chapter 39: Epstein-Maxwell Zionist Blackmail Operation: Lucifer’s NWO Control Matrix Dissected
ChapterChapter 39 Epstein-Maxwell Zionist Blackmail Operation: Lucifer’s NWO Control Matrix Dissected
Joachim Hagopian
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