Chapter 53: (Book 5: Chapter 14) Elite’s Sinister Agenda to Normalize and Decriminalize Pedophilia


Elite’s Sinister Agenda to Normalize and Decriminalize Pedophilia

Joachim Hagopian

“Some psychiatric leaders who were instrumental in removing homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Association’s list of mental disorders in 1973 have been fighting to remove pedophilia as a disorder as well, not to justify the abuse of children but rather to say that being sexually attracted to children is not a mental disorder.”

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Chapter 50 (Book 5: Chapter 11): Australia: Where the Globalized Satanic Pedophilia Network Thrives Like No Other


Australia: Where the Globalized Satanic Pedophilia Network Thrives Like No Other

Joachim Hagopian

Child trafficking is run as a single, integrated world operation. This operation is coordinated by the CIA in collaboration with British and Australian intelligence services.

Fiona Barnett, Australian MK-Ultra child sex abuse victim-activist-author[1]

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Chapter 49 (5-10) Evergreen Traffickers Busted in the Suez Canal: The Crime Cabal’s Pedo Empire Is Going Down!

Amazon Kindle Page

Evergreen Traffickers Busted in the Suez Canal: The Crime Cabal’s Pedo Empire Is Going Down!

Joachim Hagopian

Children are sex trafficked around the globe primarily by means of air, water and ground transportation. The last chapter exposed the pedophilia in the Middle East, with a particular focus on nations like Israel and Saudi Arabia as global trafficking’s belly of the beast. Southern Israel shares its western land border with Egypt’s Sinai Desert, with just 176 air miles (284km) separating Jerusalem from Egypt’s Port Said, by plane a mere 20-minute ride apart. With northern Saudi Arabia also about the same short distance away from Suez, the southernmost point of Egypt’s famous canal, this crucial nearby waterway acts as a main artery hub of the belly of the beast’s child sex trafficking portal to the rest of the world.

Continue reading “Chapter 49 (5-10) Evergreen Traffickers Busted in the Suez Canal: The Crime Cabal’s Pedo Empire Is Going Down!”

Chapter 48 (Book 5 Chapter 9): Israel, Saudi Arabia & the Gulf States: Global Child Sex Trafficking’s Belly of the Beast

Amazon Page

Chapter 9, Book 5 (or Chapter 48 overall)

Israel, Saudi Arabia & the Gulf States: Global Child Sex Trafficking’s Belly of the Beast

Joachim Hagopian

As an independent journalist a half decade ago, I wrote a widely distributed article titled “Israel is the Organ Harvesting and Human Trafficking Global Ringleader, with Complicit Help from US and Turkey.”[1] Since it still applies today and encapsulates Israel’s primary role and reach as both an organ harvester as well as global human trafficker, and remains highly relevant to Pedophilia & [Zionist] Empire, its full text is reprinted below:

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Chapter 46: France: The Pedophile Haven Holdout Still Awaiting Its Age of Consent Law


Chapter 46 Online : Print Book 5: Chapter 7

France: The Pedophile Haven Holdout Still Awaiting Its Age of Consent Law

Joachim Hagopian

France has always been considered a pedophile’s paradise since, throughout history, it’s among the only nations in the entire world still without an age of sexual consent law. Maintaining that prepubescent and pubescent children can be developmentally capable of providing sexual consent for engaging in sex with adults is morally wrong and realistically reprehensible. Yet France stubbornly adheres to this absurdly destructive notion that in effect protects pedophiles. According to French law:

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