American Revolution: Before Pizzagate


American Revolution – BEFORE PIZZAGATE

Long, long BEFORE the Pizza-Gate scandal, sick politicians in Washington D.C. had wooden cabinets filled with embalmed babies…

1776 was a year when a whole new wing of the ILLUMINATI developed.

They had a plan. It was to breed and cross-breed – like a horse breeder – a new SLAVE SOCIETY. At the cutting edge of this GOYIM SLAVE SOCIETY was Benjamin Franklin, who was heavily influenced by the macabre genetic and anatomical research of Peter the Great’s doctor…

Perhaps one of the most prolific killers of all time.

Read full article.

SHOCKING SUICIDE: After Accusations For Sex Trafficking – He Took His Life


SHOCKING SUICIDE: After Accusations For Sex Trafficking – He Took His Life

The latest news about the US gymnastics team didn’t say anything about their challenges and awards, but brought out the most shameful and painful things happening right in the core!

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US Gymnastics Team Coach, John Geddert took his life, according to the news by state officials, as well as Geddert’s attorney at law.  after the shocking documentary reached the eyes of the public. In the documentary, filthy sexual abuse of the female gymnasts is revealed, and the main culprit is the USA Team doctor – Larry Nassar.

Chapter 46: France: The Pedophile Haven Holdout Still Awaiting Its Age of Consent Law


Chapter 46 Online : Print Book 5: Chapter 7

France: The Pedophile Haven Holdout Still Awaiting Its Age of Consent Law

Joachim Hagopian

France has always been considered a pedophile’s paradise since, throughout history, it’s among the only nations in the entire world still without an age of sexual consent law. Maintaining that prepubescent and pubescent children can be developmentally capable of providing sexual consent for engaging in sex with adults is morally wrong and realistically reprehensible. Yet France stubbornly adheres to this absurdly destructive notion that in effect protects pedophiles. According to French law:

Continue reading “Chapter 46: France: The Pedophile Haven Holdout Still Awaiting Its Age of Consent Law”

Chapter 44: John Roberts and Mike Pence: Treasonous Trump Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate


Chapter 44 Online

John Roberts and Mike Pence: Treasonous Trump Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate

Joachim Hagopian


Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape. I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information. Continue reading “Chapter 44: John Roberts and Mike Pence: Treasonous Trump Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate”

Hershey, Nestlé, Mars and Other Chocolate Makers Named in Child Slavery Class Action Lawsuit


Hershey, Nestlé, Mars and Other Chocolate Makers Named in Child Slavery Class Action Lawsuit

EcoWatch, 15 February 2021

A human rights group filed a lawsuit Friday on behalf of eight Malian men who say they were trafficked across the border to the Cote D’Ivoire and forced to harvest cocoa for one or more of seven popular companies, including Mars, Nestlé and Hershey.

Continue reading “Hershey, Nestlé, Mars and Other Chocolate Makers Named in Child Slavery Class Action Lawsuit”

Video (24:48) GENE DECODE gives an Update on Disclosure and Child rescue

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Editor: We don’t like Rumble and we have no direct knowledge but in this one instance, the combination of Jaco, Gene Decode, and child rescue warrants attention. We have no knowledge of any base on the moon where high value prisoners have allegedly been sent, but based on what we have heard and read over time do not discount this. Bottom line: between what Juan O. Savin (P) is telling us, and what Joachim Hagopian has documented, there is something going on and what Gene Decode is sharing needs to be taken seriously.

2+ FBI Special Agents Die Serving Child Porn Warrant


At Least 2 FBI Agents Killed In Gun Battle While Serving Child Porn Warrant

Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, 2 February 2021

Editor:  It is going to get much worse. The Satanic pedophiles and their criminal support networks know we are full on and they know they have no exit. These people will fight to the death.  Heart-felt condolences to the FBI, they need to up their game — take the gloves off and don’t stand in front of doors that can be shot through easily. Time to add twelve gauge shotguns to every entry team.