David Icke: Satanic Ritual Abuse is Universal

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Alert Reader KeenlyObservant offers up:

When it comes to this business of ritual abuse sure people will call it satanic however based on my analysis it’s just universal because on has to realize that there’s at least sixteen different biological hierarchies on earth.

Full Text & Editor Comment Below.

Divine (Earth Based Terrestrial and Illuminati)

A, B, O and AB + Blood (Without The Blood Factors)

European, Arab, Asian and African

45 (XO), XXX, 44 (XX), 46 (XY)

A, B, O and AB – Negative (Without The Blood Factors)

European, Arab, Asian and African

45 (XO), XXX, 44 (XX), 46 (XY)

Cosmic (Celestial Based Extraterrestrial and Non Illuminati)

A, B, O and AB + Blood (With The Blood Factors)

European, Arab, Asian and African

47 (XXY), 48 (XXXY) and 49 (XXXXY)

A, B, O and AB – Blood (With The Blood Factors)

European, Arab, Asian and African

47 (XXY), 48 (XXXY) and 49 (XXXXY)

Then another thing to consider aside from the sixteen biological demographics of the people on earth there’s a number of political, social and religious demographics that associate with these particular political, social and religious demographics either individually and collectively that network internally between each biological demographics and then from there it double crosses externally to internally into the other biological demographics that are the exactly the biologically opposite of the other biological demographics. Because there is such a wider array of analysis, opinions and consensuses amongst each different biological hierarchy the competing hierarchies like the political, social and religious hierarchies are always going to be fighting with each other physically, mentally and spiritually,

Hence the reason why ritual abuse is a truly universal system that doesn’t belong to anyone group of people or individuals anywhere.




Editor: The best way to understand the universality of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is to read Book 1, available in Print and also free online in chapter form translatable into other languages.


Book 1 of 5 Full Text Online Free Edition
