Chapter 46: France: The Pedophile Haven Holdout Still Awaiting Its Age of Consent Law


Chapter 46 Online : Print Book 5: Chapter 7

France: The Pedophile Haven Holdout Still Awaiting Its Age of Consent Law

Joachim Hagopian

France has always been considered a pedophile’s paradise since, throughout history, it’s among the only nations in the entire world still without an age of sexual consent law. Maintaining that prepubescent and pubescent children can be developmentally capable of providing sexual consent for engaging in sex with adults is morally wrong and realistically reprehensible. Yet France stubbornly adheres to this absurdly destructive notion that in effect protects pedophiles. According to French law:

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Chapter 44: John Roberts and Mike Pence: Treasonous Trump Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate


Chapter 44 Online

John Roberts and Mike Pence: Treasonous Trump Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate

Joachim Hagopian


Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape. I have the key to the files containing the videos. I have also shared this information. Continue reading “Chapter 44: John Roberts and Mike Pence: Treasonous Trump Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate”

Chapter 43: Canada & Pedophilia: Genocide against First Nations Women and Girls Deconstructed

Amazon Page

WEBSITE: includes tag cloud of names and videos.

Chapter 43 Online Book 4 Chapter 15

Canada & Pedophilia: Genocide against First Nations Women and Girls Deconstructed

Joachim Hagopian

Full Text and Linked Endnotes Below the Fold

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Chapter 25: Dunblane Massacre: Scottish Children’s Sacrificial Slaughter for Gun Control and 100-Year Masonic VIP Pedophilia Cover-up

Amazon Kindle

Chapter 25 Dunblane Massacre: Scottish Children’s Sacrificial Slaughter for Gun Control and 100-Year Masonic VIP Pedophilia Cover-up 

Joachim Hagopian

Full Text Free Online Below the Fold

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Chapter 23: Tony Blair, his Pedo-Infested Ministers and how Zionism and Pedophilia Reign Supreme

Amazon Kindle Page

Section 7: British Government – A Pedophile Haven Protected Forever by Criminal Cover-up

Chapter 23: Tony Blair, his Pedo-Infested Ministers and how Zionism and Pedophilia Reign Supreme

Joachim Hagopian

Full Text Free Online Below the Fold

Continue reading “Chapter 23: Tony Blair, his Pedo-Infested Ministers and how Zionism and Pedophilia Reign Supreme”

Chapter 20: Savile: Occult Death Cult Practitioner of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Necrophiliac & Best Friend of Britain’s Deadliest Serial Killers

Amazon Page (99 cents)

Chapter 20: Savile: Occult Death Cult Practitioner of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Necrophiliac & Best Friend of Britain’s Deadliest Serial Killers

Joachim Hagopian

Full Text Free Online Below the Fold

Continue reading “Chapter 20: Savile: Occult Death Cult Practitioner of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Necrophiliac & Best Friend of Britain’s Deadliest Serial Killers”

Chapter 19: Sir Jimmy Savile: British History’s Biggest Pedophile, Sexual Blackmail Kingpin, VIP Pimp, BBC Pedophile Ringleader and the Massive Cover-up

Amazon Kindle Page

Chapter 19 Sir Jimmy Savile: British History’s Biggest Pedophile, Sexual Blackmail Kingpin, VIP Pimp, BBC Pedophile Ringleader and the Massive Cover-up

Joachim Hagopian

Full Text Free Online Below the  Fold

Continue reading “Chapter 19: Sir Jimmy Savile: British History’s Biggest Pedophile, Sexual Blackmail Kingpin, VIP Pimp, BBC Pedophile Ringleader and the Massive Cover-up”