Chapter 30: North Wales Masonic Sex Abuse Epidemic: Elite Pushback – Lies of Denial and Murder
Joachim Hagopian
Full text Free Online Below the Fold
The pedophilia scandal in North Wales has a little bit of everything, lasting longer than any other from the 1970s well into the 1990s with criminal prosecutions of historic abuse still lingering to this very day because police and Crown Prosecution Service have been sabotaging criminals ever being brought to justice. Like virtually all the child abuse scandals in Britain, underage victims were children trapped in the government care system, targeted by intelligence services as sexual blackmail fodder for the child rapists who are big name politicians, foreign dignitaries, gatekeeping honchos in law enforcement, social services, the media and judicial system, all participating in another nonstop major cover-up. And just like the Scottish Dunblane scandal, high degree Freemasons in high places acting as both primary perpetrators and cover-up securers have consistently protected their own in strict adherence to blood sworn oaths to Lucifer and each other.
All the usual suspects were present in the North Wales scandal as yet another web tentacle to the pedophilia network thriving throughout the British Isles and beyond – MI5 as pedo-operation coordinators and blackmailers, Jimmy Savile as an intel operative, key networker and child procurer, linking prominent local pedophile judges, police chiefs and businessmen with London’s centralized higher echelons from the Westminster-10 Downing Street crowd, both for sick jollies and sexual blackmail purposes.
But more than any previously reported scandal, other than perhaps the BBC pedophile ring and maybe America’s Franklin scandal, the infamous North Wales operation has resulted in more known murders and mysterious deaths of child abuse victims, witnesses and whistleblowers than any other. Other than the Jimmy Savile scandal, this shameful chapter in British history victimized more children than any other based on number of reported cases by alleged victims. Finally, this scandal also graphically demonstrates not only the standard cover-up through lost or destroyed evidence and countless whitewashed inquiries denying existence of a highly organized pedo-web, but also more than any other, the ruling elite’s aggressive pushback with guilty-as-sin perps winning high profile libel lawsuits to wrongfully collect significant financial damages in compensation, piling on gross injustice after gross injustice.
Just like Kincora and other residents from Northern Ireland, boys from the North Wales care home Bryn Estyn along with the Bryn Alyn community homes and others were also trafficked to the same VIP orgies held at Pimlico’s notorious Dolphin Square as well as other locations around London and other British cities like Manchester and Brighton. Every UK scandal provides yet more solid evidence of a highly organized pedophilia trafficking network operating throughout the British Isles and beyond involving the elite and its intelligence services protectors. This chapter will present all of these facts in a straightforward, no-holds-barred manner, empirically unveiling how the planetary controllers atop the world’s pedo-epicenter always manage to live above the law in order to maintain global control despite their ugly filth exposed by the cumulative, overwhelming body of evidence. But humanity’s currently reaching critical mass where the totality of their criminal cabal guilt can no longer be ignored, concealed nor tolerated.
Similar to the Northern Ireland scandal named after the government-run care system facility Kincora Boys Home, the care home in North Wales deemed most notorious for both physical and sexual abuse of its prepubescent and adolescent boy population is Bryn Estyn Children’s Home and school, though in both scandals abuse occurred at numerous other local private and government owned care homes and schools as well. Also a smaller percentage of underage girls were targeted. In Wales’ two northern counties Clwyd and Gwynedd, near 40 care homes and schools were identified as crime scene locations where both underage boys and girls were reportedly harmed in an endemic orgy of abuse and violence. Most of the children had been separated from their families of origin by family courts and social services, ostensibly due to physical and/or sexual abuse or neglect beginning as early as 5 years of age, and placed into the British government care system that quickly became their living hell, far exceeding any earlier trauma experienced. Under the deceitful guise of protection and care, the UK child care system and its adjunctive family court system are both extremely guilty of facilitating and enabling this appalling abuse and trauma inflicted on Britain’s most vulnerable and defenseless population for far too many decades.
The North Wales scandal amounts to the largest Masonic elite child abuse bust in British history. Amongst the child sodomizers are Britain’s top politicians, businessmen, police, judges, social workers and childcare workers – 650 named perpetrators identified by about 1,200 of their victims lasting three decades from the early 1960s to early 1990s.[1] Acclaimed longtime journalist with The Guardian Nick Davies summarized the dreary shameful results in October 1997 when no real change or improvement had occurred despite repeated probes into the local abuse epidemic:
Over the years, twenty-seven police inquiries failed to disclose the scale of the alleged abuse. Thirteen reports by social services went unpublished. Several journalists reached out for the truth and ended up scorched by libel actions. When police finally launched a major inquiry, in 1991, they secured the conviction of only four care workers and concluded that there was no evidence of a paedophile ring. Clwyd County Council then commissioned its own independent inquiry but decreed that its [Jillings] report could not be published.[2]
Clwyd Council’s refusal to publish its damning 300-page Jillings Report, naming the abusers of victims as young as 10 was in and of itself blatant proof of Britain’s largest cover-up in history with, as of 1994, only a trickled handful of six pedophiles out of the whole lot ever serving prison time.[3] Five of these six convicted men all worked at Bryn Estyn Home, and are believed to have sexually abused at least 25 residents. Of the victims aged 10-16 at Bryn Estyn, 20 were boys and five were girls. Crimes of both sexual and physical assault by care home staff, as disgusting adult role models, spilled over into older juveniles in placement following suit, committing crimes against the younger kids. As an illustration of how cruel the murderous staff at Bryn Estyn was, after one boy was placed inside a laundry basket, it was tied closed and he was tossed into a swimming pool, only to be saved from drowning by other boys.[4] Sadistic, perverted staff would often take victims home for the weekend for further abuse during their off work hours.
An internal Clwyd council report reviewed by the Jillings panel alluded to the high probability of a wider network of child abusers, referring to a:
Ring of paedophiles who help one another find sources and situations where abuse can be perpetrated and the addiction fed. There were numerous claims and suggestions that senior public figures might have been involved in the abuse of young people.[5]
Ultimately it was the Home Office in London that suppressed the report’s public release for obvious reasons.[6] Both the sheer magnitude of the disturbingly egregious abuse as well as its implications of a much wider VIP pedophile trafficking web in operation across the nation involving a most powerful elite, as always, had to be covered up at all cost. Keep in mind that the Home Office is in charge of and controls both MI5 and all police investigations in the United Kingdom, which is another reason why the Home Office, MI5 and North Wales Police are all flauntingly guilty of perversion, subversion and obstruction of justice.
The Home Office Secretary from 1993 to 1997 was none other than Michael Howard, the first Jew to become leader of Britain’s Tory party.[7] Also recall that he was in deep along with Health Minister Virginia Bottomley (with Elm Guest House hubby MP Peter B.) of shutting down the 1993 police investigation of major UK pedophilia networker-child porn distributor Peter Righton in 1993 (See Chapters 23 and 24). Once the Jillings Report was completed in February 1996, the North Wales Police, the Clwyd County Council and the council’s insurers all warned the extremely few officials and local politicians who had access to the report that they’d risk their careers, be arrested and sued if they leaked a word out to the press.[8] That is how damaging the results were and how criminally guilty authorities have been to cover up the appalling abuse in North Wales.
With Welsh citizens and some vocal local politicians appalled by the Clwyd Council’s secrecy suppressing the Jillings Report in the face of decades of growing crisis caused by upwards of hundreds of child rapists, all being swept under the rug, or in this case, criminal evidence destined for the paper shredder, the then Wales Secretary of State – the highly compromised Tory puppet William Hague – had no other choice but to call for a public judicial inquiry in 1996 with his handpicked retired Judge Ronald Waterhouse presiding. But that wasn’t necessary at all if police had simply done its job and arrested the abusers and justice obstructionists delineated in the Jillings Report. But Hague the boy wonder of the Conservative party knew exactly what his assigned “damage control” role was, pretend to be both concerned and determined to get to the nasty truth while maintaining the secret hidden agenda to keep the status quo lines of the larger pedo- operation still going with impunity, safeguarding from arrest the Big Whig perps involved from his own party, keeping it all completely under wraps in defense of the realm. With the Jillings Report full of incriminatingly shocking evidence, including identifying big name perpetrators,[9] Hague agreed with the corrupt Clwyd County Council to destroy all copies of the Jillings Report, especially since high profile Thatcher government aides along with high court judges and police chiefs were linked to the out of control abuse in North Wales… as well as every corner of the United Pedo-Kingdom (See Chapters 18-29).
The official reason for the never made public banishment of the Jillings Report was that Clwyd County insurers feared costs would shoot through the roof and become unaffordable. Sternly warning a flood of civil lawsuit claims filed by so many potential victims in the care system would be certain to break the bank, the corrupt council preferred to just simply sweep the entire filthy mess under the proverbial rug, pretending it never happened. As a result, the copies of the report were allegedly pulped, though one or two managed to linger. Moreover, when a Clwyd councilor, county secretary and solicitor are advising North Wales Police and the Home Office that allegations against members of the police force should not be investigated, you know something is very rotten in North Wales, (not just “Denmark”). Add the fact that the North Wales Police refused to hand over 130 boxes of files to the investigative panel using the old sub judice excuse (still under judicial consideration),[10] you know the masonic child fuckers must be at it again, desperate to hide their crimes. Not only would the North Wales chief constable refuse to meet with the investigative Jillings panel or assist in any way, the county council refused to permit newspaper notices inviting witnesses to report abuse and information, thus limiting the inquiry to interviewing only 70 witnesses and hampering determination of extent of abuse.
The BBC submitted a freedom of information request for public release of the long lost 1996 Jillings Report, and after 17 years of concealment, a heavily redacted version was made available to the BBC, which published an article on July 8, 2013 titled “The Jillings Report: The Main Points.”[11] When only a handful of pedophiles convicted and behind bars result from the just completed North Wales police probe in 1994, while at least a dozen care home victims were found dead after complaining about the abuse,[12] that’s over twice as many dead child victims as imprisoned abusers, you know something’s dreadfully wrong with that picture. As public awareness of this appalling disparity was growing around Britain via the 1994 Scalawag Magazine article, accusing top Tory figures like Lord McAlpine and Derek Laud as abusers, in response the Clwyd County Council reluctantly decided to launch an independent investigation led by retired Derbyshire social services director John Jillings, joined on his panel by a clinical psychologist who worked with abuse victims and a social work professor.
Despite receiving virtually no help or support from two major contributing forces to this disgraceful scandal – the North Wales Police and Clwyd County Council, with the council scheduled to be disbanded in 1996, from March 1994 to December 1995 the panel persevered and compiled massive evidence of a major epidemic of abuse. Their report was completed in February 1996, revealing widespread physical and sexual abuse in over 40 county run care homes from 1974 to 1995, complete with names of both abusers and the abused. But within two months, in April of that same year 1996, Clwyd County Council was no more, restructured into four separate unitary authorities, Wrexham borough among them. Almost as if to absolve itself of its gross wrongdoing for woefully allowing rampant abuse to flourish under its watch over the last three decades, its final shirking of duty was its departure gift – the decision to not release the highly damaging Jillings Report.
The abuse panel’s findings were predictable. The response of care home and social services personnel to reported abuse was consistently “too little too late.” With the well-being and needs of the children “incidental rather than a primary concern,” there was:
…a conflict of interest between safeguarding professional position versus the safety of children and young people. The interests of children have almost invariably been sacrificed.[13]
The chain of command from Wales to London had consistently looked the other way, from the social services to the councils to both local and national governments, knowing endemic levels of abuse were ongoing for decades on end. Yet, as if from orders on high – 10 Downing Street and Westminster, specifically the Welsh Office led by the appointed Wales Secretary of State demonstrated nonstop gross negligence in responsibility for overseeing social services, playing passive and ignorant throughout, even while indictments against high profile care home operators mounted.[14] It turns out that the Inspectorate out of the Wales Office never conducted even one inspection of a children’s home in North Wales from 1984 until 1994.[15]
Plus, respected, award winning journalist Eileen Fairweather who in 1996 through an anonymous whistleblower was allowed access to take copious notes of the Jillings Report, has written that the redacted copy released in 2013 eliminated entire mention of the Welsh Office in its criminal malfeasance “looking the other way” throughout the rampant abuse.[16] And that’s because either pedophiles or enablers were in charge. With senior sickos managing all the gatekeeping departments within the corrosive, good ol’ pedo-boys club, and cops also complicit or active abusers themselves, with a wink and a nod from London, for many years all was well in North Wales according to the masonic controlling sodomizers and their protectors.
Eileen helped expose the Margaret Hodge Islington scandal in the early 1990s (See Chapter 23) and how under the phony guise of gay liberation rights pedophiles saturated employment ranks as children’s care home staff. The exact same dynamic occurred in North Wales. But the caveat is the redacted version of the Jillings Report deleted all reference to this phenomenon, leading to the question why? The redactors in 2013 didn’t want the public to know that homosexual child rapists hijacked gay rights in the 1970s and 80s to the detriment of both children and “ordinary, decent gay men?” Sadly, today’s reality hasn’t changed much, slick pedophilia normalizers are still masquerading under the coattails of a co-opted LGBT rights agenda.[17]
A slew of MPs from Wales during the entire abuse debacle had to have known rampant abuse under their watch was occurring in their districts since brave whistleblowers like Allison Taylor were ringing alarm bells since the mid-1980s, while the few prosecuted abusers’ trials were capturing headlines, yet all the while the majority of Wales politicians remained passively quiet under the pretense of “gee, I never knew” ignorance.[18] And those wolves guarding the henhouse were duly rewarded, a number of blind social services staff elevated to senior positions while “ignorant” Welsh politicians rose to peerage in the House of Lords. One notable exception in Parliament from the Cynon Valley district in Wales is Labor MP Ann Clwyd. With a number of abuse victims as her constituents, for years she’s been outspoken in attempts to draw attention to the plight and urgency of justice for children at Bryn Estyn and other care home institutions. When she was the first to call for the publication of the long lost, pulped Jillings Report in November 2012, she stated:
I would say please get the Jillings report published because it shows… rape, bestiality, violent assaults and torture, and the effects on those young boys at that time cannot be under-estimated.[19]
Sadly, as is so often the case, during the entire shameful saga of the North Wales abuse and cover-up, the vast majority of politicians from Wales kept quiet until it was politically expedient and safe for them to typically jump on the bandwagon in hypocritical moral outrage. Yet among them are/were those who participated in abuse and obstructed justice to ensure it was covered up.
Having infiltrated for numerous decades since the 1960s the local police, the courts, social services, governing councils and national governments, North Wales gatekeeping sodomizers were able to use their connections extended all the way to 10 Downing Street and Westminster to make certain all evidence was completely suppressed,[20] secured in large part by their shared sworn loyalty to a rampant masonic brotherhood.[21]
In 1996 William Hague put on his most serious long face to describe the horrendous North Wales abuse as one of the “saddest chapters” in social care history, promising that with his new public inquiry, there’d be “no cover-up.”[22] While squelching all the horrific evidence from the just completed Jillings Report that he colluded to suppress, Hague called for a new North Wales public inquiry that had the covert purpose really to cover up, and clean up the unresolved filthy mess that was already exposed (but never released to the public). True to his character and not his word, Hague lied. As the largest child sex abuse inquiry in Britain’s history to-date, the North Wales public tribunal culminated more than three years later with its February 2000 release of the Waterhouse Report, a 937-page account that cost almost £14 million called “Lost in Care,” detailing controlled samples of systemic abuse occurring only inside the North Wales care homes between 1974 to 1990, along with 72 recommendations for future abuse prevention.[23]
Only the tenth such public tribunal in British history and first to investigate child sexual abuse, holding the power to subpoena witnesses and requisition documents, the North Wales Tribunal was supposed to be transparent and open to public scrutiny.[24] But from the very start, conspicuous omission of abuse perpetrated by a nationwide network of VIP pedophiles was surgically removed by Hague and his puppet masters’ narrowly defined “inquiry terms of reference.”[25] Probing all that VIP dirt was simply made off limits. Moreover, other than the renowned Guardian journalist Nick Davies, there was a virtual complete news blackout by the mainstream press, as if the pedo-cabal had also made the inquiry itself off limits.[26] Thankfully the gifted journalist was there to capture a glimpse of the heartrending, agonizing testimony:
Right now, for example, a 27-year-old woman in a cream suit is sitting at the microphone in the far corner of the room, gripping her elbows in her lap, rocking with emotion, struggling to describe how it felt, as a seven-year-old girl in a residential home, to be locked in a dark cupboard by the staff who were supposed to care for her; or what it was like when she was sent to a foster home, where she was hung out of a top-floor window by her ankles and, sometimes, thrashed by her foster parents and, sometimes, taken into the cupboard under the stairs so that they could put their fingers inside her. She cries as she tells how she was anally raped by her foster brother and how, back in a children’s home, she saw a boy being buggered by a teacher.[27]
In November 2012, Keith Gregory, a 55-year old councillor in Wrexham from 2012 to 2017, separated from his parents at age 11 and brought to live at Bryn Estyn for nearly the next three years, spoke of his rude awakening at his care home welcome party:
On my first day I was told to wait outside a staff member’s door, as he would want to speak to me, so I waited and leaned against the wall. When the member of staff saw that, he punched me in the stomach and shouted ‘when I talk to you, you stand to attention.’ I refused to apologise and he dragged me in, tore my clothes off and caned me from the back of my neck to the bottom of my feet. I was beaten bloody. They didn’t bring in a doctor. Everything was in-house, kept in secret within the walls of the home. They would do searches after a visit, where they’d check you everywhere. It made me hate visits from my family. It was very invasive – they would check your penis and your bum. They said it was because people could smuggle stuff in, but why didn’t they just search the visitors? It was just an excuse to touch us.[28]
Keith also alluded to boys being taken either to Bryn Estyn deputy head Howarth’s flat at night or trafficked to a nearby hotel:
I became aware of people being taken from their beds at night. They made you feel powerless. There was a flat on the grounds where we were told all the ‘good boys’ would go to watch films. But they were given something to drink and then they would abuse them. We used to lie in our beds and pretend to be asleep and put our heads under the sheets. We didn’t know who they were going to come for. You’d hear the kids being put back into their beds crying their eyes out, sobbing their eyes out. It sounds horrible, but you’d be glad when it wasn’t you. We knew of people visiting this flat [like the perverted Savile brothers]. People [meaning VIPs] turned up regularly. We also knew of kids being driven off to a [Crest] hotel where they would be gang raped. That didn’t happen to me, but it was common knowledge. I knew it carried on.[29]
Another victim Alan Leyhon told ITV News in November 2012 that he and others were taken from their care home and passed around to other schools “by a network of powerful men”:
I can’t say Masonic, but people in power. Ex-military, ex-judges or ex-police or even active judges or police is what we were told then.[30]
Similar to another outspoken survivor Steve Messham’s views, in 2012 Keith Gregory lamented how the Waterhouse Inquiry gave visiting pedophiles a free pass:
In the inquiry there were a lot of people we were not allowed to name, all the visitors (the report focused solely on Bryn Estyn staff and care workers). If you wrote a name they would cross it out. If the authorities had looked into the names we supplied during the Waterhouse Inquiry, there’s a chance they could have caught more paedophiles. Links could have been found. And that would have stopped another 12 years of innocent people being abused [since the 2000 Waterhouse Report].[31]
Keith explained that he knew of more than a dozen of his abused peers who committed suicide,[32] though many died mysterious early deaths, or wound up on the streets of Manchester, Brighton and London as rent boy sex workers, struggling with alcohol and drugs. Few victims are able to have families of their own as the lifelong abuse effects are often too crippling and incapacitating. Wrexham councillor Keith Gregory also told BBC Radio 5 that he is convinced that justice was never served in North Wales because of the sworn blood oath that binds Masonic loyalty. In his words:
Most of them [the abusers] were Freemasons. There were two MPs [one being Sir Peter Morrison[33]], senior judges, serving police officers, senior police officers, market traders, business people from Wrexham – but there were people from all over Britain.[34]
The Welsh-English strand of the pedo-web sounds exactly like the Irish-English one described in the last chapter. VIPs from the London government making frequent “R&R” trips for “pedo-holidays” in North Wales and North Wales children trafficked to London orgies.[35] The network’s flourished nationwide since the 1960s only because it’s been largely covered up, but not enough for the public to forget what powerful sickos have been doing to innocent kids nonstop for more a half century now.
Wales Secretary of State William Hague played a crucial role in quashing many of the North Wales child sex crimes against its care home children committed by some of Britain’s most prominent politicians, judges and police due to the fact that he arbitrarily imposed such severe limitations on the Waterhouse Inquiry.[36] From The Telegraph article of November 8, 2012:
[North Wales child abuse victim] Mr Messham believes that Sir Ronald’s three-year inquiry would have unearthed evidence of high-profile figures abusing children in collusion with care home staff had it not had such a narrow remit.[37]
Judge Waterhouse prohibited the media from publishing any and all the names of the accused, then claimed that offering them anonymity would encourage the pedophiles to come forward and give testimony without fear of retribution.[38] This kind of backward logic demonstrates his hubris and audacity to think anyone would buy such horseshit. The fact is not one criminal came forward to “confess” his crimes. All of the accused denied any wrongdoing or had legal representation denying their wrongdoing. An attorney connected with the Inquiry explained how the judge’s ruling had just the opposite effect:
Newspaper readers may well have information of potential value to this tribunal. They may themselves have been the victims of abuse, or they may have worked with the alleged abusers. But if the press is not allowed to inform them of the names of those against whom allegations are made, they will not learn that their information is important. So they will not come forward.[39]
Sir Ronald Waterhouse was not a stupid man, and he knew very well what he was doing. By expanding censorship of what was allowed to be reported and restrictively changing his initial ground rules as he went along reflected his clear intention and agenda to make that certain damaging truth would safely remain covered up, minimizing the state’s liability, protecting corrupt law enforcement, the contemptible justice system and most significantly the outright guilt of prominent public figures who were sodomizing perpetrators.
Steve Messham, who was sexually abused from age 13 to up to 16, claims that he was “sold” to men at the nearby Wrexham Hotel, one of several locations where the senior Tory public figure – Lord McAlpine – allegedly abused him with other men and victims.[40] Steve was even able to get ahold of photographs of the famous Tory actually raping him alongside other men caught in the sex act violating other boys. Messham stated that he retrieved the confiscated evidence from the home of one of the key members of the pedophile ring in Wrexham Gary Cooke and immediately took them to the North Wales police, submitting them in good faith that they’d be used to bring justice for both abusers and the abused. Instead, the police were far more than complicit in criminally destroying such crucial incriminating evidence. Steve told the press in 2012:
There was certainly a cover-up within government, and there was certainly a cover-up within North Wales Police. I took dozens and dozens of photographs to North Wales Police, which I stole from a paedophile’s flat. The faces and what they were doing in the photos was horrifying.[41]
Steve Messham also gave police a list containing over 60 names of his identified perpetrators, only to be told that 30-32 of them – about half of his named abusers would go free. All his abusers who weren’t workers employed at his group home as well as all his abusers who committed their crimes outside his group home were made off limits and protected by Hague’s so called “public inquiry.”[42] Under narrowly prescribed terms of reference laid down by the Secretary of State and his pedo-cabal, by design from the very get-go, the Waterhouse Tribunal was restricted from uncovering all evidence of VIP involvement within the UK’s national child trafficking network. Period. So half of Steve’s sodomizers with sufficient enough “national” power and clout remained unreachable, protected by the masonic pedo-brotherhood granting full immunity for all their heinous crimes, thanks in large part to cabal errand boy William Hague.
Not only that, Judge Waterhouse already had a prepared list of 28 prominent VIP individuals who’d been previously identified no doubt by victims in the earlier Jillings Report that Sir Ronald was ordered to ban from even bringing up their names during his unfolding public inquiry proceedings. Then Sir Ronald threatened journalists covering the tribunal with libel suits if they dare print any perpetrator names, even the rapist care home employees, and even dead pedophiles.[43]
It wasn’t just victims who knew that a cover-up was allowed to take place. Referring to Sir Waterhouse’s refusal to allow journalists to name names, over a dozen years after the public tribunal, Newport West MP Paul Flynn confronted then Home Secretary Theresa May in the House of Commons in November 2012:
I believe there was a cover-up and that powerful people were responsible for ensuring that allegations were not aired in public as they should have been. I know journalists who were deeply affected after persuading people to speak about the appalling abuse they were subjected to yet being unable to get the justice they were seeking. They came forward for nothing, and some of them took their own lives.[44]
In a 2013 radio interview former London mayor and MP Ken Livingstone said:
The truth is there’s been an awful lot of covering up of paedophiles and paedophile rings for decades and decades.[45]
Clearly from the very beginning, the pedo-cabal was using the Waterhouse Tribunal as a convenient public airbrush, “cleansing away” the cold hard reality that a centralized pedophilia network leading straight to 10 Downing Street and Parliament sodomized North Wales care home boys and girl for decades, ensuring that the “official” Inquiry parameters strictly made uncovering this despicable criminal web off limits – once again establishing undeniable proof of criminal cover-up at the highest level, implementing its SOP policy of subversion, perversion and obstruction of justice perpetrated by a criminal British Establishment elite. It’s the same old shitty story in every single rotten scandal.
Former intelligence operative and child abuse whistleblower Andrea Davison weighed in her assessment:
The fact that those organisations responsible for the care and protection of the children, and who could alone act on complaints, were actively involved in an apparent cover-up of the rape, sexual abuse and torture of those children was a matter which should have been properly investigated by an outside Police Force. This was never done. Neither did the Waterhouse Inquiry investigate the vast amount of evidence and testimony of the cover-up or the evidence of an elite paedophile ring. The Result of the limits the Inquiry placed upon itself operated to prevent proper inquiry and investigation into the systematic abuse of children, over decades, and their exploitation by a ‘VIP paedophile ring’ and use as commodities in the lucrative child porn network with its links to Peter Righton, the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and the Home Office itself. The Inquiry also operated to reduce public speculation into the allegations against public figures and linked criminal activities.[46]
For his critical part in sealing off massive incriminating evidence, Hague was immediately rewarded for his pedophile-protection service in defense of the realm, rising overnight to soaring heights within the British government. Less than a year after announcing the Waterhouse Inquiry and secretly constricting its focus, at age 36 Hague was selected as British history’s youngest leader of its most powerful political party, the Conservative party for the next four years until two days after 9/11.[47] By 2005 he was promoted to Shadow Foreign Secretary until 2010 when his Tory Party re-entered 10 Downing Street under the pedo-enabling PM Cameron to become UK’s foreign minister until his resignation in July 2014. Meanwhile, the cover-upper for Her Majesty’s Crown served a full decade as Tory Party Deputy Leader from 2005 to 2015, just like one of his predecessors he protected – hardcore sodomizer and Thatcher favorite Peter Morrison.
The compromised foreign secretary was responsible for MI6 which by its criminal actions is historically responsible (along with MI5) for Britain’s sexual blackmail operations. As a onetime resident of notorious Dolphin Square, the infamous intel hub known for its blackmail pedo-orgy operations, William Hague’s ties to intelligence and pedophilia are indelibly enduring.[48] As UK and US foreign ministers of international terror, Hague and Hillary colluded to foment coups (in the Ukraine and elsewhere) to further create growing political instability and Zionist wars in Syria and Libya for the Greater Israel Project using their devious divide and conquer agenda to wreak yet more havoc in the already ravaged but oil-rich Middle East and North Africa.[49] After doing his part to destabilize the world, ultimately in 2015 it was good riddance for useful idiot Hague as a compromised “front man” to leave chessboard politics behind, but with so many creepy deleterious skeletons lurking in his seedy NWO closet, as both reward and protection at first opportunity the crime cabal elevated him to peerage and Willie the Wonder Boy became known as Lord Hague.[50] The higher they go, the more steeped in evil, loyal cover-up and blackmail-able control with lifetime guarantee of insulated impunity as long as they continue to diligently play their errand boy-useful idiot role in the puppet game.
Just a year after announcing the 1996 North Wales tribunal, no sooner was the rising star elected leader of the Tory party, the Wales Secretary of State was marrying his private secretary, 29-year old Welsh Ffion Jenkins whom he’d met on his first day on the job in 1995.[51] The Jenkins family girls were used to playing subservient roles to men in power. For a dozen years from 1999 to 2011 Ffion’s older sister Manon was assistant private secretary to the Prince of Wales, teaching Welsh to Charles’ son the future king Prince William,[52] then in 2017 as a top senior civil servant in Wales, Manon was appointed the Chief Executive and Clerk of the Welsh National Assembly.[53]
Like the Oxford educated Hague who has authored several biographies, in 2008 his wife joined him, becoming the respected published biographer of Britain’s only Welsh prime minister, the philandering David Lloyd George and his women,[54] elected during the height of World War I on whose watch the Rothschild dynasty manipulated Britain’s Zionist commitment to establish the future Jewish State (See Chapter 27).
In July 2014 William Hague’s abrupt and surprising resignation as British Foreign Secretary at only 53, a typical age where a successful politician’s career arc is still ascending to even loftier, rarified heights, suggests that the onetime Thatcher protégé had quite a lot of baggage not so hidden in his closet. As Wales Secretary of State in 1996 in charge of the North Wales public inquiry on child abuse, Hague proved crucial to a flagrant cover-up. But in 2010 he had more intimate personal problems he was attempting in vain to cover up.
When the new prime minister David Cameron was pledging to cut bureaucratic waste left over from the New Labor governments of pedo-enabler Miranda Blair and pedophile Gordon Brown (in Chapter 23), Cameron vowed he would limit the number of his ministerial advisers. But no sooner said, his most senior minister of all – his deputy PM William Hague, whose two prior Labor predecessors had only two advisers, defied his boss’ pledge and decided to employ a third Foreign Office adviser, a kid barely out of college half Hague’s age.[55]
While rumors had been swirling around Hague’s sexuality for years, the foreign secretary’s latest move backfired bigtime, inviting further media scrutiny. Newspapers were soon exposing the fact that during his extensive globetrotting travels, Britain’s Foreign Secretary was sharing the same hotel room with his brand new third “special adviser,” 25-year old Christopher Myers, opting to leave his blonde trophy wife back home on the mansion shelf.[56] Even prior to appointing the unqualified Myers to his post, it was learned that Hague had actually paid Myers to accompany him on previous trips abroad.[57] Foolishly in desperation, Willy boy tried to pass off sharing his hotel twin bed with another man as merely his frugal North Yorkshire upbringing.[58] But under the growing media glare and pressure, Myers was forced to resign.[59]
Personally speaking, it was nobody else’s business whether Willie Hague and Chris Myers were having torrid anal sex or not. That’s between them and his wife. But hiring someone who possessed zero experience in foreign affairs with absolutely no qualification to become adviser to the leader guiding Britain’s foreign policy, Hague exercised fatal judgment making a complete laughable buffoon of himself, especially with his forthcoming litany of feebly lame excuses. Spouting off one after the other under the media frenzy, Hague first cited his inherently frugal nature to share the one room. But when that wouldn’t wash, then came his emphatic unbelievable denial that he was ever a homosexual, and then in final desperation, he pathetically used his pandering sympathy card disclosing that he and his wife were still grieving over her multiple miscarriages. His overplayed hand delivering way “too much information” made him a laughing stock, clearly demonstrating loss of both sound judgment and waning credibility with the public, and as a consequence, the self-sabotaging golden boy had already written the ending to his storybook career after 26 years in parliamentary politics, dashing Ffion’s hope and dream of repainting 10 Downing Street in old Welsh glory a century later.
Despite his irreparable faux paus, his pedo-cover-up allegiance to the crime cabal made him the lame-duck leader of the House of Commons during his final year in electoral politics, and again, his loyal defense of the pedo-realm was duly rewarded with House of Lords peerage. After his 2015 departure from public life, Hague’s “decision” to fade into obscurity while still in his mid-50s following such an unprecedented historic, meteoric rise in Tory party politics, in recent years has undoubtedly left him with lots of time on his hands, of course to write his customary memoir as onetime boy wonder and any other books enhancing his “slightly” tainted image. And what better idyllic setting to write books than at his hometown Richmond residence in North Yorkshire, not far from one of Jimmy Savile’s old stomping grounds.
Savile who owned a home in North Yorkshire’s Scarborough, had teamed up with Mayor Jaconelli to abuse children at the seaside resort.[60] Questions have arisen about when and how much William Hague knew of the North Wales abuse since William and Jimmy were photographed all smiles yukking it up together. No doubt while on “undercover” (per Jimmy’s word) assignment as a UK’s leading pedophile networking expansionist, Sir Savile was among the frequent Bryn Estyn VIP houseguests as key operative-boy procurer within Britain’s VIP pedo-network. But more on that a little later.
During the public revulsion over Savile’s half century of state sanctioned serial predation and the flare-up of the unresolved North Wales scandal in the fall of 2012, former North Wales Tory MP Rod Richards who was Welsh Office junior minister of health and social services while Hague was Secretary of State, asserted that Hague was well aware of the numerous criminal complaints against Thatcher Private Parliamentary Secretary and deputy party leader Peter Morrison long prior to it going public. Morrison conveniently died the year before Hague announced the Waterhouse Inquiry.[61] Mr. Richards also reiterated the fact that Hague was privy to both the Jillings Report and preliminary tribunal evidence implicating both Morrison and another high ranking unnamed Tory (likely Lord McAlpine though in 2012 Richards maintained the other Tory suspect was already dead, which meant Lord Lloyd Tyrell-Kenyon as McAlpine died in January 2014). More to come later on accused VIPs. Regardless, frequent visiting abusers of MP/lordship status to North Wales care homes, located outside their political constituencies and duties should serve as a red flag notice that they were not where they properly belonged.
It’s no accident that Willie Hague had taken over the Richmond parliamentary seat in 1989 left by his pedophile mentor Leon Brittan when the Tory fixture became EU commissioner. In the late 1980s the young William Hague even lived with Sir Leon for a while at his country estate in Pennithorpe.[62] Of course another infamous Richmond council solicitor was pedo Keith Vaz, who also went on to become longtime leader of the House of Commons and always ultra-staunch defender of his unprosecuted pedophile mentor the late Lord Greville Janner (See Chapter 21). See a pattern here? Recall also from Chapter 24 how the social services from the pedo-haven Richmond supplied Lord Brittan, Sir Cyril and Sir Cyril among others with young boys at the Elm Guest House. So with such a rich contextual pedo-gay history going on for so long in Richmond, having already written the biography of both the youngest and first gay prime minister William Pitt the Younger,[63] Willie boy’s attraction towards his namesake the Younger who always preferred the exclusive company of younger males,[64] no doubt had the biographer closely identifying with his namesake subject. In any case, Baron Hague of Richmond has to be feeling pretty relaxed in retirement at his hometown estate, revving up his creative juices for writing his revisionist history of the world.
Of course William Hague can also fill in his hours, months and years in retirement fulfilling his book writing aspirations at his posh London apartment or even more ideal, his Welsh countryside manor in Mid Wales that he and his wife plunked down £2.5million in January 2015 as their retirement dream home.[65] And when he’s not too busy writing, the former politician is expected to earn a cool £100,000 a pop for a quick one or two-hour speech on the VIP speaking circuit, set to cash in his dubious fame building his expected £20m retirement nest egg by 2020.[66] Like with all high profile ex-UK politicians who so diligently cover up Establishment pedophile scandals, doing cabal dirty work never fails to generously pay off (See Chapters 19-29).[67] After all, crime does pay in this world’s two-tiered injustice system as long as you’re a tight-lipped member of the inner club elite, forever protected, you’re a VIP untouchable for life.
At the height of the Jimmy Savile bombshell, on November 2nd, 2012 the bitter sour aftertaste of the North Wales whitewash that Hague was responsible for, sparked a renewed determination among abuse survivors like Steve Messham to go public full bore with allegations that Hague had covered up the scandal, severely restricting the remit of the Waterhouse Inquiry.[68] On the BBC Newsnight program, Steve claimed “a high ranking member of the Tory party” was among his abusers, raping him “more than a dozen times” when he was 13-years old, and threatening repeatedly to kill him if he ever told.[69] Steve was referring to the longtime Tory party treasurer and close pal of Lady Thatcher – Lord Alistair McAlpine.
With control over both police and the judiciary, powerful perpetrators not only traumatize child victims with their sexual abuse, they also terrorize youth with threats they’ll be killed if they tell. A victim stated:
When we were boys, it was not just the sex abuse, it was the gagging, beatings and threats to kill which still wake me in the dead of night.[70]
Though Scalawag Magazine had publicly outed McAlpine nearly two decades earlier in a scathing 1994 exposé article on the North Wales to London VIP child abuse scandal, detailing McAlpine’s very active role in it, yet at the time the Lord never said one word in response. The magazine maintained it had:
Documentary evidence that former Tory party treasurer Lord McAlpine indulged in oral sex with an underage boy.[71]
In addition to North Wales allegations identifying McAlpine as their rapist by a number of victims aside from Steve Messham, that same Scalawag issue cited an incident from 1965 when from the comfort of his car, the Lord McAlpine apparently was given a blow job by an underage boy. Strathclyde Police allegedly issued him a formal caution. Yet Lord Alistair opted to keep as low a profile as possible over these rather serious scandalous accusations. For what it’s worth, Strathclyde Police in 2006 refused to release a dossier implicating “senior public figures” involved in a VIP pedophile ring operating in Strathclyde, Scotland during the 1950s and 1960s when the McAlpine incident took place.[72] Controversy arose in 2006 when police refused to release the dossier that might have shed light on the notorious abduction and disappearance case of 11-year old Moira Anderson in 1957… one among the countless casualties whose only crime was being born at the earth’s pedophilia epicenter.
The bigger question becomes, if the above allegations are not true about Lord McAlpine’s pedophilic activities in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, why didn’t McAlpine challenge them in court when they first surfaced? Further, in 1999 David Icke in The Biggest Secret made reference to his pedophilia on three different pages with the added assertion that McAlpine is not only a serial child rapist but a Freemason and Satanist as well.[73] But just like David’s outing of Edward Heath, mum’s the word while still alive with these criminals. Why would Lord Alistair still sit idly by for nearly two decades while all this character-defaming publicity is constantly hurled at him regarding his perversions if they weren’t actually true? To add more pause for consideration, the most infamous pedophile black book on the planet, belonging to the infamous Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad sexual blackmailer-trafficker scum, includes Lord McAlpine’s name and number listed on page 37.[74] Though the combination of all these highly incriminating, well-established pedophilia connections are substantial, the most damning circumstantial evidence providing an inner glimpse into the cagey Alistair McAlpine arrived in a book made for posterity by his own written words.
McAlpine authored a book published in 1998 called The New Machiavelli: The Art of Politics in Business. While promoting it in an interview in Australia in 2000, Mr. Machiavelli’s advice extracted directly from his book in dealing with adversarial press calls for the following actions:
Spread false defeat to gain public sympathy; or false accusation and then arrange for it to be exposed as such – so the accuser will forever be treated with suspicion.[75] [boldface for emphasis]
And then directly from page 176 of his tome comes these words of wisdom:
Another useful ploy is the false accusation. First, create a situation where you are wrongly accused. Then, at a convenient moment, arrange for the false accusation to be shown to be false beyond all doubt. Those who have made accusations… become discredited. Further accusations will then be treated with great suspicion.[76]
Lord McAlpine delivered the one-two Machiavellian punch, first by proxy, letting others take out the Scalawag brothers in 1994 by a bogus three-pronged legal assault and then at the right convenient moment years later taking out the BBC/Messham/North Wales’ false accusations himself in 2012. During the 2000 interview the princely Lord comes right out and says what he and his book are really all about:
A book on how to manipulate people for the greater good.[77]
The question becomes “for the greater good” of whom? Lord Machiavelli McAlpine? Certainly not for humanity. So in November 2012, when Steve Messham brings up being abused “more than a dozen times” by a prominent senior member of the Tory party, what does the Machiavellian prince do? After sitting on his thumbs for nearly two decades of silence after caught diddling little boys in both North Wales and Scotland, compliments of Scalawag, in November 2012 Lord McAlpine quickly dove into his Machiavellian plan of action to arrange his so called “false accusation,” unwittingly aired on BBC by abuse victim Messham, then opportunistically arrange for the government-owned media giant to play the fall guy while deep in the shithouse embroiled in the Savile-BBC cesspit,[78] arrange for BBC director-general George Entwhistle to fall on the sword [no doubt for the realm],[79] arrange for wife Sally of the speaker of the House John Bercow (who just resigned October 31, 2019 after a decade at the anti-Brexit helm[80]) to lead the Twitter charge with more “false accusations,” then in collusion with the corrupt high courts, arrange the rollout of history’s fastest staged defamation suit payout (miraculously within a month or so) to the tune of nearly one third of a million pounds in damages (£310,000). Within the next 24-hours McAlpine would then arrange The Guardian and Telegraph to immediately run stories identifying the “real” McAlpine pervert, Alistair’s long lost cousin from Wrexham, Jimmie McAlpine (as a Sir Jimmy bookend piece), who happened to be 33 years older than Alistair and conveniently died in 1991.[81]
Then at that point came his payoff, the vindicated miracle worker had arranged a heap of apologies coming in at his feet, starting with the abuse victim himself, admitting it must’ve been a case of “mistaken identity.” Then came profuse apologies from BBC, which of course had to find the scapegoat who’d okayed the Newsnight story to broadcast, concluding:
The BBC placed too much trust in the reporter, and the ‘management of the story was not carried out adequately.’[82]
And then all those Twitter users naming Lord McAlpine as the “unnamed” pedophile. And look who two of them are – George Monbiot, The Guardian columnist, tweeting:
I looked up Lord McAlpine on t’internet. It says the strangest things.[83]
And then the cutesy remark by Sally Bercow:
Why is Lord McAlpine trending? *innocent face*.
This whole amateurish production was all preplanned. The pedo-loving cabal are such curmudgeons. The incredible speed at which this neatly arranged Machiavellian psychodrama plot unfolded appears very much artificially staged, providing the convenient by-the-numbers, “textbook” excuse that the Lord relished playing the martyr “to gain public sympathy.” And everyone was so readily willing to swallow it hook, line and sinker, all for the Lord and the pedo-cabal’s “greater good” of course. Poor pitiful Lord McAlpine went into overdrive speaking to The Telegraph to “spread false defeat to gain public sympathy”:
It gets into [you], it makes you angry. And that’s extremely bad for you. It gets into your soul. It makes you think there’s something wrong with the world. There is nothing as bad as this that you can do to people. To find yourself a figure of public hatred, unjustifiably, is terrifying.[84]
Can you hear the violins playing? Of course right on cue, as a poorly acted out, pre-choreographed, full stage production, The Telegraph rag, denying there ever was a Westminster pedophile ring to begin with, gave the Lord his long overdue sympathy:
As the furor grew, Lord McAlpine, a 70-year-old with heart problems, found himself both helpless and terrified… The Newsnight investigation was not the first time Lord McAlpine had been forced to endure false allegations that he was a paedophile. In the 1990s Scallywag, a gossip magazine printed in London, published the claims, but went bankrupt after being sued by Sir John Major, who was the Conservative prime minister at the time.[85]
The answer as to why Lord McAlpine never took action toward Scalawag exposing him as a pedophile is simply because the sue-happy pedo-cabal that the Lord belonged to already had come up with the exact same Machiavellian attack plan years earlier. First up in 1993, adulterer PM John Major’s lawsuit based on his lie that he was not having an affair. He conspired with MI5 to leak the wrong women’s name to Scalawag as the bait to then justify his libel suit. Next came pedo-steeped MP Julian Lewis’ libel lawsuit resorting to underhanded dirty tricks to unscrupulously manipulate the legal system into padlocking the magazine office front door in order to illicitly steal Scalawag’s collected evidence incriminating Julian and his fellow Westminster pedo-buddies like MP Portillo and Derek Laud’s sadistic penchant for young boys.[86]
Mentioned earlier was the fact that Steve Messham was not the only accuser of Lord McAlpine. Back in the spring of 1994 when Scalawag titled its article “Lord McAlpine and the Paedophile Ring,” it featured details of another victim named Paul’s close encounter with the famous Alistair.[87] Paul entered the UK “scare” system at age four and by eight, he was being sexually abused at Norton School in Warwickshire, sodomized nightly by his older peers. Paul was placed in one of owner John Allen’s Bryn Alyn homes by age 14, all punk and gothic wearing lipstick, which to pervert Allen was all the more a turn-on. Immediately boss man had Paul sucking his dick. By the time Lord McAlpine came a-knocking for a young piece of ass, at 17 the fully groomed Paul was Allen’s first choice, instructing his little sex slave to be very nice to the very important client, giving him whatever he wanted. In November 1985 Lord McAlpine picked up Paul and took him to an extravagant restaurant in Chester, fellow pedo-Morrison’s hometown. On the way back, the dirty old man pulled off in a lay-by, and ordered the boy “to suck him off.” Dropping him off at his home, McAlpine promised him a Christmas gift that never arrived and off he went. Paul left Bryn Alyn a confused and depressed young man, sent by Allen to live in Brighton at one of his boy brothels. Eventually, Paul managed to break away and sever all ties with his slave-master John Allen.
When Private Eye came out with a January 1993 article exposing the infamous pedophile, the retired North Wales Supt. Gordon Anglesea, it emboldened Paul to reach out to its author Brian Johnson Thomas.[88] After several interviews with Brian, Paul was convinced to report the abuse to the police. Brian Johnson Thomas had known about the McAlpine rumors and believed there was a connection with John Allen, so he laid out four photos of similar looking, middle aged men and immediately Paul picked the McAlpine pic, and felt certain it was him. The lead child sex abuse investigator at North Wales Police, Supt. Peter Ackerley, took Paul’s testimony and also believed him. A formal statement was taken with two officers from Criminal Investigation Division interviewing Paul for two days. Paul also made a sworn affidavit with Brian Johnson Thomas that Scalawag was able to obtain a copy. At the time of the Angus James Scalawag article, Paul was in a stable homosexual relationship in Brighton and a willing, able, credible and available witness waiting to be called.
Both Steve Messham and Paul later testified as witnesses in 1997 at the Waterhouse Inquiry, both naming Lord Alistair McAlpine among their abusers and describing in detail their abuse. Yet Waterhouse twisted their words around in order to claim inconclusive evidence based on the false judgment that they were describing two different individuals. The Waterhouse Report bogusly concluded:
It is obvious on this evidence that we cannot be satisfied that any member of the X [McAlpine] family was involved in paedophile activity.[89]
Anything to protect the man Scalawag described as:
He [McAlpine] is a copper bottomed, true blue pervert who, it appears, enjoys nothing more than being sucked off by little children.[90]
Supt. Anglesea’s fate as it relates to Lord McAlpine proves that winning a bogus masonic lawsuit and wrongfully collecting a huge cash settlement does not in the least prove that a pedophile is innocent. But as it turned out, back in 1994 the Machiavellian Lord McAlpine already had his Machiavellian team lined up in place, so he didn’t have to lift a finger then to extinguish the spreading fire since all the Establishment’s big guns were already a-blazing, suing the publication right out of existence. In Lord Machiavellian’s words:
They [the allegations] were dealt with — Scallywag went bankrupt, they stopped.[91]
So you can see that in one fell swoop, McAlpine and his cabal puppet masters completely turned the tables, exactly as his already scripted Machiavellian Manifesto called for in 1998, with cabal players pretending both in 1994 as well as in 2012 to be so gravely wounded, little more than a year after his 2012 libel coup, the obese Lord with a bad heart keeled over at 71 from all those rotten, vicious lies spewed against his saintly innocence and impeccable honor, or was it just more rotten karma of “what goes around, comes around.” All in defense – or more aptly, offense of the realm, to this day McAlpine’s bogusly successful libel suit cast a mighty wide net of doubt, dispersion, lack of trust and lack of credibility on not only victim Steve Messham, but every other child abuse victim who ever lived to report past, present and future VIP rapists. Chalk up another big win for Lucifer’s team, in Machie McAlpine’s own written words, for out-finagling all abuse “accusers forever treated with suspicion.”
Another key point – in 2012 McAlpine took his arranged money and ran, conveniently choosing to expeditiously settle out of court because he knew had he proceeded to a public trial, all the ugly truth from his long perverted past might rise to the surface, joining his already exposed tip of the iceberg.[92]
As if all this protracted Machiavellian crime spree buggery skullduggery cover-up isn’t enough, the three-pronged legal attack in 1994 struck a lethal blow to ruin Scalawag from ever fully getting to the bottom of Britain’s pedophilia epidemic. Subversive cabal pushback suppressing the horror worked highly effectively. According to magazine co-founder Simon Regan:
All of a sudden very private information, some of it even privileged between ourselves and our lawyer during the John Major libel action, was being published in selected, pro-Conservative sections of the media.[93]
MP Julian Lewis’ illicit collusion involved sharing stolen privileged information with Conservative party outlets and retired North Wales police chief Gordon Anglesea, convincing the opportunistic pedophile to jump on the cabal bandwagon and add Scalawag as his fifth defendant in his spurious libel lawsuit. Perhaps worst of all, MP Lewis was able to obstruct justice by illegally obtaining all of Scalawag’s highly incriminating pedophile evidence.[94]
So in 1994 Anglesea took his libel case against The Observer, Private Eye, Independent, HTV (now ITV Wales) and soon enough Scalawag into the rigged North Wales courtroom where high court Judge Sir Maurice Drake – also a Freemason[95] – handpicked the jury that erroneously awarded the brutal pedophile an enormous settlement of more than £375,000 for destroying a bunch of young lives while betraying those he was sworn to protect.[96] Worse yet, it allowed the serial sexual predator 22 years longer as a free man to hurt yet more underage boys. Under cross-examination, Anglesea was forced to admit his evidence failed to even match his own notebooks, which to any objective observer would immediately cast doubt on Gordon’s credibility, upon which his entire civil case wrested.[97] Again, it was rigged from the start, tainted by Freemasonry and a probable stacked jury, the message was loud and clear, the so called free press in the UK was not free to unravel the truth about bigtime pedophilia atop the British Establishment. And Scalawag, as the cutting edge muckraker of its time, had to go.
To eliminate any possible chance of accusations of masonic influence later being hurled at Judge Drake, he shrewdly declared that both he and Anglesea were members of the same organization, though not specifying Freemasonry by name. But it was expressly put out there in order to effectively negate critics charging undue influence. An entirely different approach to this “masonic problem” was strategically acted out by Sir Ronald Waterhouse at his tribunal. He simply either ignored the issue of Freemasonry altogether, or when forced to respond, in a display of self-righteous anger, he bitterly defended his and his court’s honor and integrity, lambasting the solicitor for daring to even raise the issue. But more on that cover-up sham shortly. Despite the Judge Drake disclosure, in every way it falls short guaranteeing that Anglesea’s successful lawsuit wasn’t at all favorably impacted by a masonic bond. Bottom line, when masons take their blood oath, they swear allegiance to fellow brothers for life, regardless of whether any criminality is involved. Their initiation oath dictates that they remain loyal to each other over and above their legal oath to enforce and/or adjudicate the law.[98]
Anglesea – the sexual predator – apparently assaulted female police officers on two different occasions during the 1970s. But his superior, Supt. Percy Edwards, a fellow Freemason, protected him.[99] Had the rapist been punished for his predation back then, think of how many young lives would have been spared from the lifelong horror of child sex abuse. Anglesea was first accused of child abuse in a newspaper article in 1991, claiming it was the reason that he abruptly retired from the police force at just 55 after 34 years on the job.[100] His 1994 libel suit insisted that once these allegations were made public by various media outlets, even though they were true, he set about convincing the court on how his entire life fell apart because of the bad press, and the jury bought it, rather than recognizing that the asshole’s life fell apart because all the dreadful accusations about him were true and the predatory coward feigning innocence couldn’t face the heat.
Scalawag was among four other publications wrongly sued for rightly linking the North Wales senior cop to Bryn Estyn abuse. As defendants, much of their defense was based on testimony supplied by three former residents at the 1994 libel trial. Unfortunately, the media publications in their defense did not have knowledge that in fact Anglesea had been investigated by his own North Wales police force that based on gathered evidence recommended his prosecution to Crown Prosecution Services, but as one of Britain’s major pedo-enabling gatekeepers, CPS decided not enough evidence. Mark Humphries, the first victim to accuse Anglesea back in 1991, just two months after his 1994 court appearance, allegedly committed suicide.[101] His testimony against his predator at the libel trial was compelling:
On one occasion, he entered my bedroom, attacked me and grabbed my penis. On the second occasion, several days later, he entered my room, pounced on me and held my wrists with his hands so I could not move. He ripped my pyjama shirt and trousers off and pinned me to the bed, face down, and raped me. I believe I was 13-years old at the time.[102]
With so many care home victims dying mysteriously, pedo-system payback cannot be ruled out, especially since Anglesea blamed all his life problems on the press once that first 1991 article anonymously referred to Humphries’ allegations. Police Superintendent Anglesea would have known it was Humphries’ accusations that first led to the flood of bad publicity that allegedly ruined the sexual predator’s life.
One of Anglesea’s victims at his 2016 trial stated that even as an adult, he was very afraid of him:
Of all my abusers, Anglesea was the worst. He was the one I feared the most.[103]
So the question of a violent act of revenge in murderous rage toward Mark just two months after his 1994 testimony against the senior policeman possessing both means and potential motive definitely falls within the realm of possibility, if not probability, especially considering that so many of the North Wales abuse victims died suspiciously, one after the other… either that or he simply grew too exhausted to continue never being heard or believed by adults.
A Home Office program run from 1978 to 1986 was implemented as an alternative to juvenile detainment for adolescent boys committing petty crimes. The North Wales police officer in charge in Wrexham was Gordon Anglesea. He would caution boys not at the police station as is normal protocol but at the Bryn Estyn and Bryn Alyn children’s homes where he abused boys both in their homes as well as when they’d attend a program every other Saturday at the attendance center located at a local school where they’d undergo a physical workout supervised by the opportunistic predator, requiring them to perform exercises in the nude and ogling boys in the showers.[104] A number of witnesses provided damaging testimony at Anglesea’s trial leading to his guilty verdict in November 2016.
Unfortunately, with Scalawag’s three legal back-to-back-to-back losses in court in 1994, it was ordered to pay attorney fees in addition to exorbitant costs in inflated damages. Plus, in the Anglesea case, the magazine was prohibited from any further investigation into the North Wales rapist who held a critical gatekeeping role in the cover-up… another story where in real life when it comes to child abuse, the bad guys virtually always win and the damaged, defenseless children and heroic truth tellers virtually always lose, too often literally losing their very lives.
Amazingly to this day on his personal website, MP Julian Lewis actually brags about how he singlehandedly brought down Simon Regan and Scalawag, and apparently is still proud of his helping the vile sexual predator Anglesea forge the third litigious fatal attack through the Scalawag distributors against the pedo-cabal’s most serious threat unmasking its vast child raping network at the heart of the British government.[105]
But in the end, as a result of the National Crime Agency’s Operation Pallial, the outside independent police organization examined mountains of growing evidence, and the masonic pervert Gordon Anglesea finally received his comeuppance in November 2016, over two decades after his undeserved legal victory.[106] But this time was different, his quarter century lies of denial were no longer believed. And like John Allen, he too pretended he was the innocent victim right to the end, accusing his victims of being out for money, after his £375,000 bogus windfall in 1994.
From an October 2016 Independent article:
A former police chief who forced teenage boys to exercise naked and spied on them showering before assaulting them has been found guilty of historical sex offences.[107]
Failed boy scout leader and fellow Freemason Thomas Hamilton, also known regularly to carry a gun, murdered 16 schoolchildren in Dunblane. Remarkably, he too engaged in exactly these same perverted behaviors with his victims (See Chapter25). The article in the Independent went on to link the police chief with the wider North Wales pedophile network:
The jury also heard how Anglesea was accused of having ‘a connection’ to notorious North Wales paedophiles John Allen, Gary Cooke and Peter Howarth, who were part of a ring operating in the region using children’s homes as cover for their abuse.[108]
As the invaluable Lord Kenyon-installed law enforcement cog within the larger gatekeeping wheel, the prosecuted 79-year old pedophile was convicted on four counts of indecent assaults on two boys in the 1980s and sentenced to a dozen years in prison.[109] But he lasted all of just one month behind bars before the aging child fucker dropped dead from multiple organ failure and a lifetime of really rotten karma.[110]
The three unethical yet highly effective lawsuits fatally sank Scalawag Magazine as Britain’s best hope of getting to the bottom of its vast Westminster pedophilia network in the mid-1990s. The Establishment had targeted the magazine as the only ballsy publication willing to take risks exposing the down and dirty truth about widespread VIP sex abuse, unlike the MSM fake news giants always following cabal orders to protect the vile, “too big to jail” pedophiles. The Scalawag article boldly presented a very strong case of a highly organized pedo-network linking North Wales care home boys to top Tory politicians through a fraudulent social services empire built by John Allen, due to his prosecution at the time, referred to in the article as Mr. X.
Entrepreneurial criminal John Ernest Allen worked closely with local pedophile ring members, primarily Gary Cooke, Peter Howarth and copper Gordon Anglesea. Allen and Howarth both were friends with intel undercover operative Jimmy Savile. Allen was on friendly “boy business terms” also with Tory consultant-pedo Derek Laud and aristocratic business mogul Lord McAlpine in the 1970s and 1980s as his VIP liaison-patrons from Westminster and 10 Downing Street. Recall from Chapter 23, convicted child abuser and friend of John Allen – John Michael Carroll, who was also on “friendly terms” with Labor Lord Paul Boateng prior to Carroll’s imprisonment for pedo-crimes in the London borough of Lambeth,[111] bought the Hand Hotel just outside of Wrexham, prompting suspicion that the two pedos had linked up again in North Wales as part of the nationwide pedophilia web.[112] Evidence has emerged that they traded child victims. A source from social services stated:
There were patterns of children moving to certain homes around the country, Lambeth, north Wales, south Wales and Merseyside. It was bigger than Lambeth – it involved senior children’s homes officers around the country but it was proving it that was the problem.[113]
Now there’s more than enough proof of a highly organized modern child sex slave trafficking system that’s been operating and protected by the highest echelons of power for many decades to this very day. No accident that pedo-rings were all flourishing during the same time period all over the British Isles. When John Allen went to jail the first time in 1995, the Sunday Times ran an article in March reporting that 80 social workers were under police investigation in Cheshire and Merseyside (where John Carroll was convicted in 1999[114]) in northern England.[115] The pedo-network was fully operational and nationwide by the 1970s and has been thriving ever since because too many perverts infiltrated all reaches of child care, from social services to NHS to law enforcement, the justice system, to local council as well as national governance, often masked by a secret, invisible presence – the masonic brotherhood.
A November 2012 Mirror article disclosed:
A [Jillings] report in 1996 suggested Allen had connections with senior establishment figures and was hiring out children as rent boys.[116]
Through his niece’s company in Copenhagen, Denmark, John Allen smuggled child pornographic films and photos throughout Europe. He also trafficked children to powerful men in London and Amsterdam.[117] Aside from his business of selling boys and child pornography, Allen also owned several different companies – entertainment promotions, a video company and a construction firm.[118] While kingpin in the growing nationwide rent boy-child porn industry, he was able to buy a yacht and own multiple properties in Wales, London, Brighton, Manchester, the Cotwolds and southern France, along with his community of over 50 “bread and butter” care homes in North Wales, Cheshire and Shropshire with over 500 children in his care.[119] For years, gatekeepers in social services, councils and Westminster provided him with both a safety net and steady supply of children filling up his residential homes, many sent from England. As they aged out of the system, many ended up in his boy brothels all over Britain.
Allen always showered gifts and positive attention on his favorites, often setting them up in his owned flats in Wales and beyond for his booming rent boy cottage industry. The sick dynamics and culture of his care homes employing so many violent sexual predators constantly pit older kids bullying and exploiting younger ones, where after sexual and physical attacks by the older peers, he’d play good thug vs. bad thug, moving in to rescue his groomed prey with sympathy and emotional support, only to violate the children himself as their supreme master. If a child complained or rebelled, he’d withhold food and water to coerce compliance and subservience. Allen aspired to be a pop music producer and spent a fortune on the latest sound and film equipment, profiting handsomely in child pornography as well, distributing indecent photos and film porn through his contacts in Holland and Denmark.
John Allen misappropriated £30 million between 1974 and 1991, paid for by British taxpayers through NHS and UK care system funding. One account maintains that Allen made over £12 million a year at a rate of £1,000 to £1,500 per child per week.[120] All the while he was a voracious serial sexual predator parasitically feeding off abusing perhaps hundreds of boys as young as seven and eight over the years, predominantly young boys but girls in his homes were victimized as well, all consigned and trapped in his perverted care since the late 1960s.[121] Reportedly threatening victims if they speak out, John Allen is likely a murderer as well, using third party assassins to silence victims trying to expose him, aka Bryn Alyn victims Adrian and Leander Johns, more than a dozen either dying suspiciously or committing suicide.[122] More on the Johns brothers shortly.
John Allen stole his fortune from the complicit British state that supported his illegal, inhumane operation both financially and legally, ostensibly to look after children from problem homes and backgrounds placed in his care only to be wrecked virtually for life. According to Superintendent Peter Ackerley who in 1989 led a police probe that solicited over 1,500 witness statements, in the year 1987 alone, £440,000 went missing from Allen’s bank account.[123] His annual salary in 1988 was well over £200,000, equivalent to nearly a £half mil today, and his average yearly turnover was £2.7million. Keep in mind, these are the millions John Allen made through legally “legit on paper” contracts with social services from all over Britain sending boys and girls to his homes.
Perhaps John Allen made even more millions as a child sex slave owner and trafficker, using all his homes across Britain and his hundreds of children for sale to wealthy pedophiles paying cash for Allen’s sex services. And then there’s the child pornography component to his unholy empire. With so much money rolling in for so many years to corrupt and bribe, it’s no wonder his unprecedented criminal operation lasted from the late 1960s to the early 1990s, from the pedo-Heath years through the pedo-enabling Thatcher years, co-timed with undercover superstar operative Jimmy Savile’s reign of glory.
This former hotelier had no education, training or qualifications to care for troubled youth, yet the gatekeeping overseers from North Wales social services and Welsh Home Office were totally negligent in allowing a swarm of pedophile care workers onto their payrolls. Fleecing Britain, Allen bought up gobs of real estate all across the nation and beyond, setting up his chain of high-end boy brothels occupied by young male sex slaves formerly from his care homes, used and abused with no skills but through forced sex labor to continue servicing the sick whims and perversions of Allen’s rich and powerful VIP clientele.
Aside from Lord McAlpine, Sir Peter Morrison and Derek Laud, Scalawag revealed an A-list of some of Allen’s other pedophile customers: the North Wales masonic Grand Master himself, Lord Kenyon (1917-1993), which explains why he went to such great lengths to promote fellow pedo-mason Anglesea, rendering his own pedo-son untouchable.[124] Another power player was longtime Tory MP for Conwy, Sir Lord Wyn Roberts (1930-2013), who also served an unprecedented 15 years as both gatekeeping Parliamentary Under-Secretary and Minister of State at the Welsh Office all the way until 1994, knighted by Thatcher upon her leaving office in 1990 alongside Jimmy Savile,[125] which in totality explains why infiltrated pedophilia ruled North Wales for so long. Another named high-end client was Adam Mars-Jones (1954- ), gay novelist and literary critic, also son of homophobic prominent high court Judge William Mars-Jones (1915-1999).[126]
The magazine exposé also identified by name six early retired North Wales police officers – all Freemasons, starting with Supt. Anglesea plus five others – Sgt. Mike Roach, Sgt. Geraint Morgan, Police Constable David Rodgers, PC Peter Sharman and Detective Constable Gary Probert.[127] Though Supt. Ackerley’s internal investigation in the early 1990s recommended indictments on the half dozen pedophiles within his ranks, once again it was the pedophile loving CPS that blocked these cases from moving forward.[128] Only their fully intact pensions moved forward as they all remained free, masonic brothers protected to the end. CPS released the statement:
It is not in the public interest to prosecute these police officers.[129]
As demonstrated in every single scandal, the British Crown Prosecution Service has to be the vilest, most criminally corrupt organization that no doubt has long been infested with Freemasonry, and is the largest, single most reason why so many VIP pedophiles in the United Pedo Kingdom stay untouched their entire lives.
Dennis Parry, former Clwyd County Council member, asserted in 2014 that John Allen’s international trafficking operation supplied underage boys from his care homes not only to prominent national and foreign VIP visitors in North Wales, monitored by MI5 for sexual blackmail purposes, but also to pedo-orgies for Westminster MPs at Dolphin Square apartments in central London as well. Dennis told The Times:
My information was that not only was he an abuser, he was a supplier. There was movement between Holland and this country, and Dolphin Square was part of the setup.[130]
Of course this is exactly what Scalawag had already confirmed a full twenty years earlier. Back in the 1970s and 1980s Dolphin Square was home to MI5 pedo-blackmail operations as well as 70 MPs and 10 lords, as covered in Chapter 24. Much of John Allen’s film pornography were privately screened at Winchester Street where Derek Laud lived or at the luxurious Dolphin Square flats to a drooling audience of perverted MPs and Lords, often as an appetizer for the late night orgies when young boys arrived trafficked in from all over Britain by UK pedo networking procurers Laud and Greer. Teamed with intelligence services, Laud and Greer served the same function as Savile, UK care system “expert” Peter Righton and Foreign Office barrister pedo-liaison Colin Peters. This aforementioned motley crew written up in virtually every previous chapter on the UK scandals emerged to prominence from various walks of life and professions, but they all shared the same degenerate common interest and secret objective – expanding the central VIP pedo-network in Britain and beyond over the last fifty years. Though each had rumors swirling for years about them and the latter pair had brief run-ins with the law, all as major network procurers for the rich and powerful Establishment remained protected.
According to aagnirfan blogsite, MPs like Portillo, Lilley, Lewis, Neil Hamilton and a slew of other Thatcher party ministers of the 1980s and 90s closely affiliated with Laud and Greer:
All were alleged to have been guests at paedophile parties in London at which boys from care in a number of local authorities, including North Wales, Shropshire, Hampshire, Dorset, Brighton and Hove and others, were allegedly ‘ferried in’ with the co-operation of social workers to provide sexual entertainments for the guests.[131]
An anonymous insider source shared with Scalawag in 1994 information regarding the head of the Liberal Democratic party, compromised not unlike his predecessor Jeremy Thorpe:
David Steel, who has an apartment here [Dolphin Square], is rather fond of late nights… We often have underage boys wandering the corridors, totally lost, asking for the flat of a particular MP.[132]
Another 13-year old boy, Stephen Hasshim, from Greystone Heath children’s home in Merceyside was selected by one of John Allen’s local pedophile networkers Gary Cooke as a one night stand for the political fixer Derek Laud. Poor little Stephen was thrashed repeatedly all night long and because of the sadist’s oversized penis, Laud’s carnal lust sent Stephen into such excruciating pain, the following day he was sent to the hospital treated for a ruptured bleeding anus.[133] Scalawag went so far as to maintain that on numerous occasions, young boys “would end up in casualty wards” after a night with the unprosecuted criminal.
Simon Regan, the magazine co-founder, learned from two men who as 14-year olds from Bryn Alyn Hall were escorted from North Wales to London. They both swore that the larger pedophile ring not taken up by the North Wales Tribunal went much further afield than Wrexham’s Crest Hotel but all the way to Dolphin Square.[134] Each separately maintained he was trafficked there for late night parties at least three or four times, joining other victims from care homes all over Britain. Recall from the last chapter Richard Kerr trafficked from Northern Ireland as well as Savile’s nephew Guy Marsden’s observations. Simon Regan wrote:
We took them separately to Pimlico and asked them to point out the building where this had taken place. They were both positive in their identification. The two young men were able to give us very graphic descriptions of just what went on, including acts of buggery, and alleged that they were only two of many from children’s homes other than North Wales.[135]
The other Pimlico location that each victim positively identified turned out to be the private flat belonging to the now deceased lobbyist Ian Greer, another pedo-pal of Derek Laud and his band of MP pedo-fuck buddy suspects Michael Portillo, Peter Lilley, Julian Lewis,[136] Michael Brown[137] to name the short list. During the 1990s, recall from an earlier chapter that Ian got burned for his part in the “cash for questions” scandal where he used his lobbyist clout readily accessing MPs for cash payments from Harrods owner Mohamed al-Fayed,[138] whose son was murdered with Princess Diana in 1997.[139] But Greer’s downfall should have been hosting all his and Derek’s kiddie-fucking orgies in Winchester Square and Dolphin Square with all their powerful sick Westminster friends who never paid for their crimes.
Yet another hugely damning piece of evidence indicating that John Allen was in league with the London central Tory government is the fact that his finance officer Des Frost way back in 1980 reported Allen to Cheshire police, alleging that he was abusing boys.[140] Yet the police stood down and permitted his international trafficking-child porn empire operation to continue to flourish for yet another full decade, costing countless more damaged lives. Cheshire police feebly claimed it unable to locate Des Frost’s report on file because it “predated computer records” … what a stupidly lame excuse, as if paper files disintegrate on their own within 34 years. The Cheshire police spokesman alluded to typical protocol transferring it to North Wales police and with the latest police probe Operation Pallial conducted by the National Crime Agency (NCA) still in process, the North Wales police spokesperson was also conveniently off the hook since any current investigation precludes releasing public information. Bottom line, law enforcement did nothing with that information because pedo-power politics rule the day – then and now.
During the Waterhouse Tribunal in 1997, ITV Wales conducted an interview with Des Frost, only to have the Tribunal lawyers threaten the program editor if the interview was aired.[141] ITV would have been referred to the Attorney General for contempt. Sir Waterhouse knew that if it was known that police failed to follow up on allegations against John Allen in 1980, it would be unable to clear North Wales Police of the charge that it had failed to investigate child abuse properly. And since that’s what Ronnie’s orders from above required him to do, claim police did their job properly, Waterhouse threatened ITV with contempt charges to muzzle the “free press,” thereby suppressing the truth that the North Wales police were part of the colossal cover-up, allowing Allen to continue supplying boys to VIP abusers. They will resort to no limit just to cover-up their filth and undoubtedly will rot in hell for all their sins.
It took the Labor party to gain control over County Clywd Council in 1989 before any substantive action could begin to take hold against the North Wales pedo-overlord Allen and his vast criminal syndicate, minus a few of his enabling Conservative party pedophile cronies in power.[142] Not that the Labor party is a friend or protector to children (See Chapter 23). Incidentally, despite his supreme stature as top dog in Britain’s biggest pedophilia scandal in history (till Savile anyway), as the central figure and private owner of the infamous Bryn Alyn community consisting of a dozen care homes, “regulated” by social services for children 7 to 15, and as of early 1995, a freshly convicted pedophile, having just received his six-year prison sentence,[143] yet the North Wales Child Abuse Tribunal barely mentions John Allen at all in almost 1000 pages for all too obvious reasons. Whereas multiple pages of the Waterhouse Report are devoted to crimes of less powerful, minor players, the key central figure in the entire Wales-England-Europe pedophilia-child porn operation, by cabal designed remit that conspicuously avoided probing the wider abuse network, John Allen grabbed all of three lines:
John Ernest Allen was convicted of six offences of indecent assault against six young male residents at the schools between 1972 and 1983. He was acquitted of four other counts of indecent assault involving four different residents. Allen received a total sentence of six years’ imprisonment.[144]
By around the turn of this century John Allen was once again a free man. In 2003 he was let off the hook yet again for 36 more offenses when a shady judge decided under EU human rights legislation, Allen would not receive a fair trial.[145] So for the next decade the British pedo-cabal was still protecting John Ernest Allen, again at liberty to continue to harm children. In November 2012 with Operation Pallial, he was the first to be targeted in the latest police investigation into North Wales’ sordid, still unprosecuted crimes. In 2012 Allen was spotted working in the hotel industry as a night porter at a family-friendly Premier Inn in the East of England, still posing a grave danger to kids, renting a nice cozy little £128,000 a year pad.[146]
Under Operation Pallial since November 2012, the National Crime Agency has corralled a handful of relatively high profile rapists from the North Wales historical child abuse scandal. Aside from senior cop Anglesea, the now 78-year old John Allen was sentenced to discretionary life imprisonment in December 2014 for abusing 18 more boys and one girl after his conviction of 33 sex offenses.[147] The beast held out, pleading innocent of all charges. Incredibly, he called his victims “fantasists,” unfairly blaming him for all their problems in adult life. Actually so much of his victims’ problems in adult life are the direct result of his abuse. His earliest possible parole date is 2025, when he’ll be 84 if he lives that long. Based on how he skated for so long without any consequence for his monstrous cruelty and harm on such a massive scale, he’ll no doubt die rotting in prison. Jon Brown, the head of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, commented:
John Allen’s reign of terror over a dark period of several decades puts him high up the scale of the most prolific child abusers of recent times and his sentence quite rightly reflects the severity of his despicable crimes.[148]
This latest, still ongoing National Crime Agency operation in North Wales has netted 120 potential suspects, 31 men and 4 women have either been arrested or interviewed under caution and of those 35, a dozen were due to stand trial in 2015.[149] That same year, John Allen’s lieutenant of sorts, a former wrestler now 69-years old, Gary Cooke was sentenced to 14 years, former BBC Radio 4 DJ, 59-year old Roy Norry received 11 years behind bars and three other Wrexham pedo-ring members from the 1970s and 80s are all doing time for their past sins.[150] As of October 2016 with a total of 340 people reporting abuse and 84 complaints still being actively investigated, Operation Pallial has convicted nine men.[151] Though NCA has closed any new cases from being opened as of September 2016, several more cases are still on the docket for trials in 2020. As an outside independent national police force, the NCA has produced more concrete results than all prior North Wales police investigations combined. In April 2013 North Wales Chief Constable Mark Polin, who had asked NCA to run Operation Pallial, warned the guilty:
If you believe that the passage of time will reduce the resolve of Operation Pallial or any other police force to identify people still alive who have caused harm to others and bring them to justice, you are sorely mistaken. Offenders should quite rightly have to look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives.[152]
All this said, standard operating procedure in every British scandal still holds in North Wales. The pedophilia cabal will only cut several of its lowest hanging, most rotten fruit from the vine, like Gordon Anglesea, John Allen and his right hand pedo-men – Peter Howarth, Stephen Norris[153] and Gary Cooke, always the local boys. Yet John Allen undoubtedly interfaced directly with Westminster pedo-liaisons Jimmy Savile, Derek Laud, Peter Righton and a host of others including senior security services personnel who were also part of Allen’s multinational criminal empire. Obviously he didn’t operate alone and had help from top echelons of power. And of course he had to have known his VIP pervert clientele – Lord McAlpine, Lord Kenyon, Lord Roberts as well as plenty of sex abusing MPs for whom Allen supplied children in North Wales, London and Europe.
Aside from the obvious, one of the attractions that drew VIPs to indulge their perversions in Allen’s criminal operation was a sense that John Allen was always discreet in protecting their identity. Others in a similar situation, like convicted pedo-PR guru Max Clifford, who had the dirt on hundreds of celebrities including many pedophiles, once he was behind bars, he was far more apt to talk, and wasn’t trusted to keep his mouth shut, and therefore soon enough experienced a fatal heart attack in prison,[154] not unlike many powerful VIP sickos celebrating with gobs of relief the day Epstein “died.” John Allen knows if he wants to live another day, he’ll take his dirty secrets to the grave. Again, all VIPs high in government, business, law, entertainment, always escape justice without exception. Additionally, the Establishment always counts on the public to acquiescingly accept local criminal kingpins only to go down as just enough justice served… never ever a high court judge, a cabinet minister, lord, MP or PM or prince…
That’s why the current Prince Andrew case with his criminal past affiliations with Epstein is a current test case.[155] But based on the history of the law of the pedo-jungle that’s ruled for centuries, he will remain protected by royal impunity as an elite untouchable, confirming the in-our-face disgrace of the two-tiered justice system. Our judicial system must become one justice system for all, with no one remaining above the law, except in Lucifer’s world. For God’s sake, we must take our world back.
Another reason the Duke of York will never go to trial for sexually abusing an underage girl is, as of late, the rigged judicial system has been favoring the pedophiles, especially in the UK. The same winning McAlpine-Machiavellian cabal pushback formula was seized upon by the controversial, slippery octogenarian singer Cliff Richard (aka Kitty from his Elm Guest House appearances). Sir Cliff’s triumphant July 2018 privacy lawsuit decision against the bad old BBC [again] forced it to cough up £2m more for trying to cash in on its staged front-row helicopter coverage of Poor Richard’s 2014 police raid on his Berkshire estate.[156] More importantly, it secures both privacy and virtual impunity, sparing all future VIP arrestees the embarrassment of having their potential crimes ever reported. The right of the public to know of an arrest of any public figure, guilty or innocent, is not as important as the right of privacy for the superrich, sue-happy elite. This decision came after Cliff Richard had years earlier already secured a court injunction prohibiting the media from reporting his shady past (See any of the last 10 chapters as he too often shows up in numerous UK scandals). Though Britain’s notoriously tough libel laws are often used as the reason its pedophilia epidemic has been so extensively covered up, fear of libel suits, by far the biggest reason is that mainstream media has always been a propaganda tool for the Establishment, and just as intelligence services have served to protect the powerful pedophiles, so has the media.
A case in point comes the criminal fraud court case against the likely framed Carl Beech, aka “Nick,”[157] whose extensive abuse allegations back in December 2014 were deemed “credible and true” by Met Police,[158] now sitting in prison for the next 18 years for all his so called “false claims” of VIP child sexual abuse and witnessed VIP murders.[159] Despite Operation Midland detectives believing Carl’s version of events and two former detectives subsequently emerging that also backed up his claims that young boys were murdered by politicians at pedo-orgies,[160] and overwhelming proof of a vast VIP network operating across UK and the world as documented by this book, recent court decisions and the media today are having a field day insisting that the Westminster pedo-ring only originates and lives in the “wicked” imagination of criminal imposters like Carl Beech. Terms like “witch hunts” and “moral panics” are now being bandied about,[161] accusing fantasists out to “make a quick buck” at the expense of ruining the righteous reputations of falsely accused, maliciously maligned, revered public figures, like Britain’s just deceased national treasure-military war hero General Bramall,[162] since real abuse victims don’t exist at all according to the elite and its Mockingbird controlled press. Again, the propaganda war’s out to own your brain, believing that hearing enough of their lies, eventually they’ll wear your brain down and succeed.
The Machiavellian plan in 2019 appears to be working rather splendidly with Carl Beech’s false accusations having been arranged and exposed resulting in this year’s show trial – so accuser Beech [and any other child abuse accuser] will forever be treated with suspicion. And reported pedos like former MP Harvey Proctor and pedo-Lord Janner’s QC son are actively seeking sympathy and vindication that there’s never been a Westminster VIP pedo-ring. See how the very handy Machiavellian drama keeps replaying ad infinitum? Along with murder and character assassination, it’s the cabal’s most effective weapon of choice nowadays to maintain the lie that a VIP pedo-network never really existed, and that it’s those lying, not-to-be-believed victims that we must be on guard to watch out for.
Winning some major court victories has the pedo-cabal in 2019 really feeling their oats, behaving pretty arrogantly these days. The latest push is now calling for MP Tom Watson’s resignation as yet another “false accuser” deemed “unfit for office.”[163] Recall that in the wake of the Savile revelations in late October 2012, it was Tom Watson who confronted PM Cameron on the House floor (whose lame counterattack subsequently conflated “a gay witch hunt” with the very real pedophilia epidemic,[164] in defense of his crony friends like Derek Laud brutally fucking young boys.[165] MP Watson demanded a thorough investigation (which would be a first) into the longtime covered up 10 Downing Street-Westminster pedophile ring,[166] just as three decades earlier the ridiculed and heckled MP Geoffrey Dickens on the same house floor confronted his pedo-peers bringing unwanted attention to their flagrantly widespread abuse, documented in his 40-page dossier given and “misplaced” by then pedo-Home Secretary Leon Brittan.[167] Stolen, lost or destroyed evidence, 100 year D-notice censorship, multiple murders and “suicided” deaths, countless nonstop inquiry whitewashes, and bogus lawsuits turning victims into criminals is the pushback the pedophilia cabal is deploying in desperation while inevitably losing more ground in its war against the truth.
The swinging pendulum cycle appears to be emboldening the cabal into launching its biggest propaganda counteroffensive yet, “proving” all those past accusations were just part of an unfounded witch hunt brought about by the public’s anger for Britain’s failure to stop a half-century of savage Savile abuse. This apparently effective pushback strategy and revisionist history to twist and thwart the truth is all the more reason for a one source A-Z encyclopedia sourcebook on modern pedophilia that presents indisputable, solid-sourced evidence, empirically proving once and for all that powerful child rapists for way too long have been sodomizing children while all the while protected behind heavily guarded, gilded halls of power, getting away with the sickest pathological perversions. Cabal lies just don’t cut it anymore as fewer people are stupid enough to still believe them. The elite’s sordid dirty laundry history’s been hung out to dry in the light of the public domain for too many years now to be erased simply by a constant flood of desperate revisionist lies.
But in recent days the Luciferian Machiavellian controllers think they’re actually winning their war against truth. With their draconian agenda of massive internet censorship and criminalizing dissent, free speech and free press, the pedo-crime cabal is aggressively implementing its deceptive mass media propaganda and pushback lawsuits like there’s no tomorrow. The cabal’s message is clearly intent on demoralizing child abuse victims into giving up all hope of ever successfully seeking justice through reporting abuse to authorities. See what happens to victims who go to the police and the media to report their abuse? 18 years’ incarceration for Carl Beech is obviously sending a very loud and clear message for all abuse survivors everywhere to think twice about trying to bring anybody of power to justice.
To add insult to injury, the rather common complaint that abuse accusers are fantasists just out to make money from their wild claims is not borne out whatsoever by fact or reality. Those who say so are either misinformed, liars and/or pedophiles/pedo-supporters. Only .02% of all abuse victims (that’s 1 in 5,000 victims) in the UK ever actually receives any financial compensation at all from their convicted abusers despite often facing years within the bureaucratic torture chamber called the judicial system that constantly re-traumatizes victims at every turn.[168] Fantasists making up abuse charges are extremely rare, just look at what they must go through, but the deniers of an organized VIP pedo-network are always repeatedly evoking this totally bogus claim like a broken record. Again, both the injustice system and the media are complicit in protecting pedophiles, particularly if they’re MPs, Lords and cabinet ministers. Who’s going to protect and defend the children and finally give them a voice and much needed support? The system owned and operated by the child fuckers sure won’t. So it’s up to us.
The entire Luciferian system now has this world completely turned so upside down and rigged beyond repair, what is actually intrinsically good is now deemed bad and vice versa, white is now black, black is now white, the so called truth is nothing but lies, and actual lies are now upheld as gospel truth. With these latest turn of events, the media is in the process of insidiously inverting reality, rendering real child sex abuse now as mere fantasists’ lies. If you tell a lie often enough, eventually it becomes the truth, or so they believe.[169] The truth-starved, mind-controlled masses currently being bombarded 24/7 with propagandized deception hardly know what to believe any more, all by demonic design of course as it’s exactly where the Luciferian controllers want us, unable to discern reality from illusion and their lies.
Regardless of their ruthless oppression and perversion of truth and justice, we outnumber the sick bastards a million to one, and armed with the truth, we shall prevail. Don’t be taken in by the latest wave of deniers constantly harping on witch hunts, pretending rich, powerful members of the government don’t commit heinous crimes against children because all along there’s never actually been confirmed evidence – BULLSHIT!!! Or the myth that no actual organized network ever existed providing elite sickos with victims and shielding them from all accountability – BULLSHIT!!! That’s what intelligence services do – provide their BULLSHIT cover.
Case in point, in the 100-million-pound boondoggle sham of the IICSA’s first day of its Westminster strand in March 2019, inquiry counsel Brian Altman QC said:
MI5, MI6 and GCHQ had each found ‘no material to show the existence of a so-called Westminster VIP paedophile ring or any attempts to suppress the existence of such a paedophile ring.’[170]
Duhh, that’s their job! As the historic coordinators and pedo-ring pimps, primarily for the nefarious purpose of sexual blackmail to control puppet VIPs, that’s been among their primary duties for a very long time now. Again, I repeat, that’s what intelligence services do – provide their BULLSHIT cover.
Straight out of McAlpine’s self-promoting 1998 Machiavellian playbook, in 2012 Alistair demonstrated his and his cabal’s secret winning strategy for both his and his cabal’s “greater good.” Make no mistake, the criminal cabal is regularly using McAlpine’s Machiavellian strategy every time it loses an inch of ground in its epoch war against truth and its forever mission to conceal its pedophilia cover-up to ensure that its worldwide trafficking operation never sees the light of day. Once again each time plunging and submerging the tip of the iceberg bearing only an iota of learned truth into deeper, darker, murkier waters keeps the pedos for a time safe from full exposure. But too many iceberg tips have already surfaced and been exposed to criminally out them and their desperation is more evident than ever.
Never mind that Steve Messham is a North Wales abuse victim who was repeatedly told by McAlpine and others after each rape session that he’d be killed if he dared to say a word.[171] And just as a periodical reminder, for testifying against ex-cop Anglesea, on more than one occasion he was beaten up.[172] And never mind that well over a dozen of his fellow North Wales victims have either committed suicide, been “suicided” or died under highly unusual, suspicious circumstance.[173] Guided by Lucifer, the Pedo-Mafia deploys an unlimited, formidable arsenal of lethal weapons at its disposal to neutralize any and all truth holders. This reality has been demonstrated in each and every scandal countless times. Those deemed enough of a threat, simply die young.
That was the near certain fate of two brothers from the Johns family. A third brother Chris Johns wrote a heartfelt letter to Queen Elizabeth on behalf of his two siblings he believed “were murdered for trying to expose the truth.”[174] Though his choice of person to write to is a big part of the problem, one can’t blame the terrified, hurting now 66-year old man for the grief and despair thrusted upon him and his family. In November 2012 when the Savile scandal broke, Chris Johns went to the press expressing hope that Her Majesty will protect him and his family from further harm, expressing additional hope that an investigation into his two brothers’ separate but very much related deaths can bring justice for them. In all, four brothers from the same family were trapped in the UK care system when each of them were systematically victimized by the VIP pedophile ring.
Jay and Chris Johns maintain that their two younger brothers – 32-year old Adrian Johns and 36-year old Leander were both murdered for knowing too much about kingpin John Allen’s international pedo-porn empire and were determined to reveal all to authorities when they died. Jay Johns was physically assaulted while a youth in the UK care system. Chris Johns disclosed that he was both physically as well as sexually abused by a high court judge and a police officer. But Adrian and Leander were victims of John Allen and his powerful VIP perverts. Adrian was the first of the two brothers to die, in the tragic arson fire in Hove, East Sussex in Brighton where he lived in the once plush four story Regency House turned into apartment flats on 11 Palmeira Street, owned by notorious billionaire slumlord Nicholas van Hoogstraten who reputedly owned over a thousand Brighton properties with a long history of hiring thugs for murder.
In 1968 Hoogstraten was convicted and served four years in prison for paying killers to throw a grenade into a rabbi’s home in Brighton, then in 1999 he had two hitmen murder a rival businessman, prompting a judge to brand him “the emissary of the devil.”[175] After Adrian and four others died on his property in a horrendous arson fire, he reportedly warned lawyers calling to pressure him to give evidence were “liable to get a whack.”[176] The now 74-year old gangster lives in Zimbabwe after fleeing Britain in 2007 to avoid a 2005 civil suit filed by the deceased’ s family.[177] A sinister trail of violent deaths follows this man, especially when crossed paths involve another dangerous criminal, John Allen, who possessed both the means and motive to bump off his two greatest threats bent on bringing his empire down.
Leander Johns was the only survivor of the April 18, 1992 blaze that took the life of his brother and Leander’s fiancé, 45-year old nurse Mabel Roberts who he’d met in North Wales and three others attending a birthday party of a friend sharing Adrian’s flat. Adrian and Leander were set to expose their sexual abuser John Allen’s booming multinational criminal enterprise after learning more details about Allen’s trafficking operation of both children and child pornography serving elite clientele not only throughout Britain but Europe as well. The circumstances behind this tragic deadly fire as well as Leander’s sudden death little more than two and a half years later more than indicate suspicious foul play. Circumstances strongly suggest that John Allen, with or without MI5 collusion, arranged for the brothers to be executed because, once again, the British Establishment was threatened with exposure of what amounted to UK’s largest pedophilia operation in its history, with both a masonic and European connection involving continental trafficking of child abuse victims and porn, perhaps even snuff films.
Adrian had met with John Allen at his Brighton flat exactly one week prior to the date of the fire and Allen was supposed to have attended the party on that fateful deadly night.[178] Of course John Allen never intended to show up in person, but only in wicked misdeed. By April 1992 the predator was well aware that he was under investigation by North Wales Police and the Brighton fire was meant to prevent Adrian and Leander from spilling the beans that would send him to jail for life. Despite never being prosecuted for these most probable murders, Allen’s other sins were more than enough to put him away for the rest of his life.
A man that had also attended the party, Trevor Carrington, allegedly admitted to his brother that he’d started the fire as a “prank,” but then within three days after his “prank,” he too was dead, suddenly, conveniently run over by a truck in apparent “suicide.”[179] As Trevor was leaving the party with his friend while Leander, his fiancé and Adrian were arriving, Leander overheard one of them say “that’s the last of them in.”[180] After jumping from a third story ledge breaking his neck and multiple bones while suffering 60% burns on his back and legs, as the sole survivor of the fiery tragedy, somehow Leander miraculously managed to recover from all his life threatening injuries. The three others badly scorched who found their way through the thick black smoke on to a ledge to also jump from the burning building didn’t survive, Leander’s fiancé found impaled on the railing below.
The inquest acknowledged anomalies that the arson forensic specialists discovered the blaze had simultaneously been set in three different places on the first floor.[181] But with no outside fire escape and the front door left wide open to create a chimney draft effect that fanned shooting flames up the building’s only stairway, the party victims on the third floor never had a chance to escape. Three sources where the fire originated confirmed that it was far more sinister than just a mere party prank gone bad. Leander and other family members of the deceased appealed to a higher court, but in what was alleged to be part of a top level Masonic cover-up, obviously authorities chose to sweep all significant details of the darker reality under the rug, refusing to acknowledge any connection between the fire and the North Wales pedophilia scandal that police happen to be investigating at that very same time.
In January 1995 a recovered Leander along with his brother Chris Johns were able to give important testimony at John Allen’s trial. In his research to determine the lowdown on John Allen just before his death, it was reported that Leander had also accessed computer records, detailing financial transactions linking bigtime drug dealers in the South Coast area with John Allen’s thriving international child sex-porn trafficking operation.[182]
Chris Johns is convinced that his brothers were murdered because of their determination to expose the nationwide pedo-ring that they’d discovered went far beyond John Allen’s Bryn Alyn community in North Wales, extending to London, Brighton, Shropshire and Amsterdam, Copenhagen and France. When Leander died in 1995 soon after his court testimony during John Allen’s ongoing trial, the criminal was allowed on bail to mysteriously disappear for five days coinciding with the time of Leander’s so called “overdose.”[183] Within days of his abrupt demise, Leander was due to receive an £80,000 cash payout from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board for injuries sustained in the arson fire. Plus, the Johns family contends that no drugs were ever found in Leander’s body. The cause of death ruling of a drug overdose again was more cabal dirt being conveniently swept under its criminal carpet. During John Allen’s five-day disappearance from his trial, he secretly withdrew £16,500 from his bank account. You can bet whoever received that money had a lot to do with Leander’s death. And his body had bruises and a facial scratch that don’t accompany a drug overdose. Just like the unemployed arsonist Trevor who was alleged to have killed five people on a prank, mysteriously he wound up with a sudden unknown windfall that landed in his bank account of up to £30,000 just before the fire.[184]
It’s obvious that third party hitmen were paid off in both brothers’ deaths and the man with the most motive and means to pull off the murders is John Allen. Remember he bragged about it with his care home boys. Because of his high-end clientele in the London government, the most important and ugly part of his shady life within the wider Euro-porno-pedophilia web has been conveniently excised out of his criminal prosecutions in both 1995 as well as 2014. And you can bet the devil will go to his grave before the full depth of his despicable life finally if ever gets dredged up.
On February 1, 1995, Leander was gone, just days ahead of Allen’s first conviction and six-year jail sentence. Right after his death the police raided Leander’s home and confiscated a videocassette believed to have been a compilation of incriminating evidence of John Allen’s film pornography operation exploiting underage children,[185] distributed from his family owned Copenhagen company.[186] Both John Allen and the pedo-cabal he thrived in for so long have lots of skeletons still hidden in their evilly conjoined closet. Meanwhile, after Leander’s death, even with Allen behind bars, for years both remaining brothers Chris and Jay lived in fear for their own lives that they would be next. Jay was twice attacked, once by baseball bat-wielding men who broke his arm.[187] By November 2012, with Allen out of prison for over a decade, Chris’ life remained at risk, wanting the full truth to come out about the evil operators:
I want recognition of how deep into society this thing goes. These people are utterly ruthless and have their dirty work done by third parties.[188]
Fifteen years earlier with his brothers’ probable murders still fresh on his mind, Chris explained:
Our family has been destroyed by what happened to us in care. These people who abused children are evil people. They do not stop at killing and they enjoy inflicting pain. People do not know how evil they are and to what lengths they will go. If anything does happen to me it will be down to them. However it might look, it will be them.[189]
Without consent or choice, generations of victims like the Johns brothers have taken turns, forcibly abused as mere playthings for the rich, carnally degraded by demons’ lustful, twisted, pleasure, then thrown aside like used condoms. According to the November 2012 Daily Star investigation, the North Wales victims’ demons were:
… At least one Tory peer (Lord McAlpine), a major showbiz star (Jimmy Savile), political figures (like Tory fixer-pedo supplier Derek Laud) including a Conservative MP (Thatcher Private Parliamentary Secretary MP Peter Morrison) and an agent to a world famous singer could be implicated.[190]
Three months after the fire the Evening Standard was linking the arson deaths to John Allen, stating that based on feedback from former Bryn Alyn residents, Allen was fond of:
… boasting of his skills of subterfuge and hinting that he could kill without being detected.[191]
His prophetic boasts in retrospect were meant to scare boys into never challenging his authority and his illicit secrets. Grooming his targeted victims as young group home children, Allen offered gifts of inducement and extra privileges. When older favorites transitioned to rent boy status placed at one of his dozen halfway houses and flats, aside from his compulsion for sex, Allen was good for money or jobs. Chris described John Allen’s longevity in the lives of his former Bryn Alyn residents:
Allen never really lets you go. He just keeps you on a very long leash.[192]
At one point, John Allen dispatched Leander as a rent boy to Amsterdam and according to Chris, likely put both Adrian and Leander to work recruiting other young boys into Allen’s boy toy criminal empire. It’s been determined that in 1988 one of Allen’s used up rent boys was demanding hush money. So by 1992, at age 32, Adrian Johns had taken enough of Allen’s controlling abuse and, throwing all caution to the wind, Adrian allegedly delivered an ultimatum to the ruthless millionaire owner of the North Wales care homes that had already been closed and sold for over a half million pounds by 1991.[193] Essentially Adrian learned that the boss was cashing in much of his over 7 million pounds worth of assets and wanted a piece of the liquefied action in the form of blackmail, demanding that either Allen give him a large cash settlement for his years of suffering and immeasurable profits gained from his and others’ exploitation, or Adrian threatened to blow the lid off his entire criminal operation. Adrian also felt Allen had owed him money from previous unpaid work. Chris last saw his brother alive on one more trip to Brighton in early 1992 when Adrian brought him to an airfield and showed Chris two planes that Allen used for trafficking his young victims to VIP pedophile customers all over Britain and even to Amsterdam. Unfortunately, Adrian’s boldness sealed his fate and it was just a matter of days before he and four innocent others were burned to death in Brighton.
Leander was witness to the meeting Adrian had with John Allen the week before the fire, and the very day of the fire Allen was due back “to settle the matter.” But to John Allen, “settling the matter” a week later really meant “settling the score” with his would-be blackmailers, by literally eliminating them in the fire he’d no doubt arranged. Though John Allen didn’t count on Leander somehow surviving, when Leander finally recovered from his wounds and testified against Allen at his trial in January 1995, Leander knew he was a marked man. Years of knowing Allen’s true coldblooded nature and how he’d already murdered his brother, fiancé and three friends, how could Leander not know his life was in serious jeopardy. The fact that John Allen somehow was allowed to “disappear” for five days no less during his own criminal trial speaks volumes. He’s alleged to have secretly taken out money from his bank account and paid a third party hitman to finish the job in Brighton on the sitting duck who knew he’d be next. Right after testifying in court, a terrified Leander told his family that John Allen would try to murder him again. When Leander’s sister dropped him off at the train station to head back home to Brighton, knowing he was doomed, he said, “I am done for.” Of course she took it as her anxious brother just over-reacting. His final words:
When you find me dead in my flat, perhaps you will believe me.[194]
Several days later, found dead in his flat, she believed him. But none of his family and friends believed the coroner’s report claiming Leander died of a heroin overdose. Everyone knew he was the family’s second dead victim from another third party murder at the vengeful hands of killer John Allen. Because the arson investigation never took into account the blackmail angle nor John Allen’s police investigation in North Wales, the Evening Standard’s due diligence connecting the dots called for Sussex police to reopen the investigation.[195] Again, that never happened.
Also quite plausible, security services might have arranged Leander’s death, acting in defense of the realm. After all, it was to the cabal’s advantage also that the full truth behind John Allen’s deadly inhumane racket remain hidden, and with both Adrian and Leander bent on busting his pedo-porn empire, that would never be permitted. Silencing victims and witnesses through mafia-like executions made to appear as accidents and suicides is both slimeball Allen’s and MI5’s specialty, anything to prevent public exposure of the high-level masonic debauchery centered around the North Wales sex abuse scandal.[196] Also with so many abused boys from North Wales children’s homes suddenly turning up as dead young men,[197] definitely not all committed suicide and it’s likely that security services may have been executioners assigned to silence those daring to speak truth for justice.[198] Sad to say, this is simply how the British Establishment Mafia does business as usual, eliminating its top threat targets.
People typically think of organized crime as the Mafia but in reality organized crime as it operates in this world today is much, much more. It’s the Italian Mafia, the Russian Mafia, the Jewish Mafia, the Eastern European Mafia, the Mexican Cartel Mafia, the Japanese Mafia, you name it wherever-you-are-mafia, all work hand in hand with the intelligence arms and their NGO fronts, all sponsored by national governments around the globe, in today’s plutocratic world run by the criminal mafia oligarchy, that essentially is what organized crime has become.
Thankfully we have incredible video-podcasters like Amazing Polly and others busily unearthing this international underworld conglomerate, currently at work treasonously attempting to overthrow the sitting democratically elected US president.[199] It came together for them in Ukraine in 2014 and now it’s come full circle in DC through its Ukraine puppet satellite. It’s Rothschild-Soros Crime Inc. colluding with the CIA/MI6/Mossad and the various “mafias” covertly engaging at will in their regime change agenda around the world, and it’s nothing new operating under our noses inter-generationally now for at least a century or longer. Trust me, this global organized crime machine is at the heart driving and controlling today’s pedophilia crisis as well.
From the “for what it’s worth” file, a few doors down from the No. 11 Palmeira Avenue murder scene is a property at Nos. 47-49 Palmeira Avenue, owned since 1974 by a company that calls itself “Nos. 47-49 Palmeira Avenue (Management) Limited.”[200] It’s listed as a privately owned property management company with five current directors. Despite owning the property since 1974, no directors were ever listed until two short months after the fiery blaze a few doors down that claimed five lives connected to the North Wales child abuse scandal. Among six directors listed as of June 1992 is notable Hove Tory MP from 1973 to 1997, the Thatcher-Major Minister Sir Tim Sainsbury. Growing up with his family’s famous supermarket chain and the son of a lord, he was bred for politics and business as his natural calling.
Due to the Sainsbury fortune, Sir Tim’s son-in-law is the former richest MP (1997 to 2015) of them all – Shaun Woodward, who married the heiress, Tim’s oldest daughter Camilla. But in 2015 he left her after 28 years for another man, his longtime bf Luke Redgrave from the famous theatrical family.[201] Woodward turned into a Tory turncoat when he switched to the Labor party as Miranda Blair came to power, and generally has shown himself a self-serving opportunist, trusted by few in either party.[202] He is said to have more houses than friends.
For years Woodward was also a co-founder and co-presenter with pedophile lover Esther Rantzen (think Fairburn and Savile) on That’s Life and deputy chair and trustee on her Childline helpline (think pedo-protection). He has also co-authored books with Rantzen and her co-founder-cousin Sarah Caplan, wife of Nick Ross, former TV partner of murdered BBC presenter Jill Dando who was set to expose Establishment pedophilia. Not only has Woodward been long aligned with pedo-enabler Rantzen, his home phone number and address appear in international child trafficker-convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s black book on page 58.[203] And Shaun and Camilla made sure to attend fellow child abuser-co-trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell’s 2013 birthday party.[204] As NI Secretary of State from 2007 to 2010, Woodward joins an enormous list of British politicians assigned posts in Northern Ireland with gatekeeping pedophilic links (covered in last chapter).[205]
Let’s face it, Thatcher’s pedophile Parliamentary Private Secretary and longtime MP from Chester on the North Wales border – Peter Morrison (1944-1995), Thatcher’s longtime close friend and Tory Treasurer Lord Alistair McAlpine (1942-2014) and her political fixer Derek Laud (1964- ) – no doubt among a bunch of other MPs and ministers – all allegedly raped North Wales boys and got away with it. Of the three, only Laud’s still alive and probably has about as much chance of getting locked up for pedophilia as Bill, Hillary and Prince Andrew. Yet Laud’s known to have socialized and gone on exotic holidays to the notorious Moroccan boy paradise with other suspected VIP child abusers, former Tory MPs that included Laud’s onetime boyfriend Michael Brown, Peter Lilley (who retired after 34 years an MP in 2017) and Michael Portillo whose names seem to surface in virtually every scandal.[206]
Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Laud’s Ludgate Communications was a PR firm that frequently worked with lobbyist Ian Greer while they were Pimlico residents allegedly supplying young boys to Westminster friends in Dolphin Square. Several of John Allen’s North Wales lads who were trafficked to London have gone on record maintaining they were brought in to Pimlico for the high-end orgies,[207] organized by the likes of Laud and Greer.[208] Victims have made sworn affidavits and given their evidence to police, of course to no avail as the sodomizers in Parliament living with total impunity have never been brought to justice.
Another Tory MP often mentioned in this same scandal is Michael Colvin, who at 67 with his wife died in February 2000 in another mysterious fire at their 10-bedroom countryside manor in Hampshire.[209] Initially treated as “potentially suspicious,” the inquest ruled an open verdict with insufficient evidence to determine the cause.[210] Colvin was politically and socially aligned with Le Circle-affiliated MP Julian Lewis, as well as a close friend and business partner with both discredited, scandal-prone pedophiles Derek Laud (cash for boys) and Ian Greer (cash for questions). Shortly before dying in the 2000 fire, Michael Colvin was reportedly in frequent contact with Derek Laud. In 1991 Laud hired Colvin as a consultant with his lobbyist firm Strategic Network International after MP Neil Hamilton was out, singed by the Greer scandal. Laud and Colvin were co-founders of another lobbyist firm Laud Ludgate in 1992.[211] At various junctures both Greer and Laud lived in South Africa and enlisted Colvin’s support promoting apartheid South Africa for which Colvin failed to report income from a right wing propagandist firm in South Africa.[212] While Laud is in tight with David Cameron and his wife, attending their wedding and also close to royal Camilla Parker-Bowles, Duchess of Cambridge,[213] Michael Colvin was close buds with her hubby Prince Charles.[214]
While both Laud and Colvin had homes in Hampshire, numerous allegations were directed against officials from Hampshire County Council (which Colvin served on in the 1970s) for colluding with Derek Laud as a primary UK child-procuring networker, and receiving commissions for recruiting underage victims linked to Laud’s and Julian Lewis’ VIP nationwide pedophile ring.[215] South Coast collaborators funneling underage children into the larger network include council members, a social services director, an assistant director and a number of social workers.[216] It drew heightened exposure in 2001 when former Hampshire Council leader and Deputy Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Freddy Emory Wallis, was convicted of sexually assaulting two boys.[217] Laud listed his address on the Beaulieu estate of the late Lord Montagu, who back in 1953 was charged with sexually molesting a boy scout.[218] A pattern seems evident that MP Colvin chose to run with some pretty rotten company. Similar to security services active in North Wales as a honey trap for foreign dignitaries, the impetus of the of this wider pedophilia operation in London, England’s South Coast and North Wales was also primarily for sexual and political blackmail control over targeted VIPs, which again suggests collusion with British intelligence.[219] Additionally, MI6 runs many of their training operations in the region.
A final point, just as North Wales victims who accused both John Allen and Derek Laud of abusing and pimping them to VIP rapists, many have died suspicious, premature deaths. Like with Allen, those who opposed Derek Laud and Julian Lewis have also often wound up suddenly dead. For what it’s worth, both Angus James and Simon Regan met early deadly fates after exposing Laud and Lewis, the Johns brothers and their friends perished in a fire and later OD’d having implicated Laud in a larger ring, and the Laud-Lewis close associate Colvin and his wife also mysteriously died in a strange fire that marks an eerie, sinister pattern of doom and gloom befalling those connected, intimately or otherwise, to Derek Laud.[220]
Portsmouth and the South Coast have long been a bed of pedophilia and MI6 operations. The longtime Portsmouth South Tory MP, Ralph Bonner-Pink, was a pedophile of the worst kind, for years having sex with his young daughter.[221] Until his death at age 71 from bowel cancer in 1984, Ralph Bonner-Pink served the Portsmouth area in Parliament for 18 years, in the port’s council as well as mayor, alderman and magistrate. By outward appearance, Ralph Bonner-Pink was the quintessential pillar of society. But secretly he was also a likely member of a South Coast pedophile ring, long embedded in the region for decades.[222] Pink began abusing his adopted daughter before she was even 10-years old. His name was suspected on that missing dossier of pedophiles that MP Geoffrey Dickens submitted to the Home Office in 1983. His daughter Alizon was sent off to private boarding schools and then mental hospitals as a sinister way of ensuring that she never reveals the truth about her abusive father, who she believed knew other pedophiles in the area and very likely sexually assaulted other children.
Alizon is now a 67-year old transsexual named Steven George. When Steven was a 3 years old girl, she had to be taken to the hospital due to injured genitalia. Bonner’s wife Rita, a former chairwoman of the NSPCC, explained she fell on stiletto shoes as the made up excuse for needing medical attention.[223] In an act of desperation, at age 15 Alizon ran away and went so far as to commit arson just to get herself locked away so she wouldn’t have to endure any more abuse, or so she thought. Afraid she might expose his years of sex crimes, MP Pink secured her long-term placement at Broadmoor in the 1970s when Jimmy Savile ran the entertainments department, prior to the nutcase taking over the asylum in the 1980s. While a Top of the Pops episode was broadcast on the dayroom television, Savile is alleged to have sexually abused the teenager. Locked away for more than two decades suffering more sexual and psychological abuse, Steven finally was released in 1990 at age 38 and in 2014 released his harrowing autobiography called Heartless Too: 24 Wasted Years.[224]
Speaking of the knight in pedophilic armor, among the all-time movers and shakers within the wider nationwide pedo-network, the most infamous pedophile in British history, of course Sir Jimmy Savile had to also be linked to North Wales.[225] He was the undercover operative for security services that acted as the binding glue, linking the VIP sickos with his unlimited access to children through the local pedo-ring criminals, serving as the poster boy for the UK security state, the NHS and every child charity. According to former residents at Bryn Estyn Hall, Britain’s most prolific pedophile-VIP child procurer was a frequent houseguest back in the 1970s and 1980s. On more than one occasion, Sir Jimmy would roll up in his chauffeured limousine with his fellow pervert older brother Johnny. In November 2012, a 51-year old victim named Ben claimed that Savile would often arrive on site to be entertained and titillated while watching the facility deputy head Peter Howarth pull Ben and other boys’ pajamas down and repeatedly rape them in Howarth’s nearby flat.[226] According to Ben, a sexually provocative Savile would salaciously joke:
‘What do you want me to do? Can I fix it for you?’ He kept on looking at me and smiling and laughing. [After making Ben sit on his lap], then he [Savile] started rubbing my leg. After that I went to bed but he had other children brought up to him.[227]
Just as the Queen Victoria School housemaster-whistleblower Harrison in Dunblane, Scotland described children taken away in fancy cars for abuse at Queen Victoria School (See Chapter 25), exactly the same pick-up routine regularly took place at all hours in North Wales. Ben said that boys would frequently be driven away in “smart cars at night,” among them he noted Thatcher aide Peter Morrison. Channel 4 reported the eyewitness account of a former Bryn Estyn resident who maintained that he observed the longtime MP from nearby Chester visiting the home at least five times.[228] The same witness said he later saw Morrison’s fancy car dropping off his victimized peer who appeared “extremely upset” and displayed “unexplained injuries.”
After Steve Messham’s bombshell allegations on that infamous BBC Newsnight broadcast in early November 2012, the rapidly unfolding, grand-staged McAlpine coup aside, undue pressure was instantaneously weighing heavy on then Prime Minister David Cameron to do something in the post-Savile onslaught. Cameron admitted that the last North Wales public inquiry, the Sir Waterhouse one that Cameron’s then foreign minister Hague had implemented, was not all that his “Tory party had hoped,” openly questioning whether it was “properly constituted and properly did its job.”[229] Hmm, “properly constituted?” You mean because all the named high profile child sodomizers were off limits because sex trafficking and rampant abuse taking place outside their North Wales care homes by VIPs wasn’t quite kosher to look at with your boy Hague’s super narrow remit? Was the prime minister actually saying in code-words his own right hand man, his sitting deputy prime minister no less, Baron Willie Hague let all the Tory VIP criminals in the Welsh-English pedo-trafficking network go free? And refusing to expose them meant the public tribunal wasn’t “constituted properly?” Wow, David Cameron, such amazing insight and rare display of honesty, you were really on to something in November 2012, till you relabeled everything a homosexual witch hunt.
But veteran abuse survivor Steve Messham who’d weathered disappointment and betrayal countless times before just wasn’t buying your bullshit Mr. Cameron:
There’s no point in having an inquiry into the inquiry.[230]
And predictably, that’s all Steve and the rest of Britain got, just another rehash of a rehash. All that left out evidence of Tory VIP crimes that Steve wanted, was still left out since it was restricted to focusing only on the Waterhouse whitewash.
But at the height of all the post-Savile heat, PM Cameron was hyping up his major concessions, throwing a couple of much needed bones to the so-hungry-for-justice public, announcing both a review of the Waterhouse Inquiry by “a senior official,” eventually becoming the Macur Review,[231] as well as a new police investigation dubbed Operation Pallial to determine if criminal information emerging from and since the North Wales Tribunal had been properly followed up by law enforcement, inspiring the Prime Minister’s infamous last words:
Making sure that no stone is left unturned before we get to the bottom of these appalling matters…[232]
… the usual doublespeak that puppet politicians always dance to when their puppet strung scripts call for damage control. Referring to Steve Messham’s public airing of his Tory government’s dirty laundry:
These allegations are truly dreadful and mustn’t be left hanging in the air.[233]
David Cameron’s reassuring bullshit invariably raised the hope in victims that their voice may finally be heard and justice may possibly arrive after all. Decades after the abuse and their lifelong torment, it always ends up just adding fresh salt to their old wounds, bringing yet another cycle of traumatic memories accompanied by the cycle of more false hope, bitter disappointment and devastating pain, relived each and every time some asshole politician flippantly promises “to get to the bottom” of any crime of which they themselves are guilty of either doing or suppressing but never get arrested. Hague’s restricted remit protecting public figures is obstruction and perversion of justice, a felonious crime for which he’s never been held accountable nor ever will be. And with every new inquiry cover-up, another obstruction of justice crime is committed, layer upon layer.
A degree of cruel irony arose when the question of then Foreign Secretary Hague was mentioned as “among those likely to give evidence” at the new Macur inquiry. His spokesperson in response assured Willie “would cooperate fully,” but in his defense of the last inquiry was quick to point out that “no MPs had questioned the remit of the previous inquiry at the time.”[234] But at the time plenty of victims like Steve Messham sure were questioning its “narrow remit,” realizing all their reported abuse involving famous Tories committing their heinous crimes against them at Wrexham Hotel or London’s Dolphin Square had them more than just questioning Hague’s “remit at the time” that conspicuously excluded all reference to abuse outside their care homes. But then no one ever listens to victims who police and Waterhouse called liars.
And it turns out Cameron’s “senior official” heading the investigation investigating the investigation was appeals court Judge Lady Justice Macur. Her supposed review took even longer than the original 1996 inquiry. After over three years she did what every judge appointed to “get to the bottom” of government wrongdoing does, totally excuse her predecessor peer Sir Ronald of his overt failure to investigate the VIP politicians, police chiefs and judges abusing boys from North Wales. Lady Macur was simply marching to the beat of her puppet masters’ orders when she concluded in March 2016:
I have no reason to undermine the conclusions of the Tribunal in respect of the nature and scale of the abuse… Neither is there evidence of the involvement of nationally prominent individuals in the abuse of children in care in North Wales, between 1974 and 1996. Consequently, I do not recommend the establishment of a further public or private inquiry.[235]
More boldface lies after boldface lies. Moreover, Macur said she was satisfied that the Waterhouse Inquiry’s terms of reference imposed by Hague forbidding it to go after identified VIPs and abuse occurring outside care homes was:
Not framed to protect individuals.[236]
Yet another horrendous lie. Macur was okay with the Waterhouse panel arbitrarily deciding that a witness was never credible as a fantasist liar every time they spoke of a wider pedophile ring. One witness in prison is described in the Waterhouse Report as “fixated by Anglesea’s and his alleged involvement in a pedophile ring.”[237] The witness claimed that in 1991, he saw part of a video where Anglesea was sexually abusing a boy and a girl. The statement goes on to disclose:
The video had allegedly been stolen from a local Councillor subsequently prosecuted for possession of a large quantity of pornography. He said he developed photographs from the video and sent them anonymously to the Chief Constable of the NWP.[238]
These assertions, if followed up on and are true, would provide earthshaking criminal evidence of police and local government collusion within the much wider pedo-network that also would unmask the horrendous perversion of justice applied to cover it all up, all of which we know to be fact. This witness was not called in to give live testimony to the tribunal for these very reasons, hardly because the witness was not deemed credible. Ronald Waterhouse called victims liars whenever they spoke of powerful figures from the Tory government abusing them. Anything presented that didn’t fit into his prescribed narrow little box containing only allegations limited to care home staff and social services just wouldn’t fly. Everything else was automatically thrown out for the arbitrary, “not a credible witness” reason.
During a Channel 4 broadcast interviewing abuse survivor Keith Gregory when he repeated the claim that virtually all his abusers were Freemasons, former North Wales Deputy Chief Constable from 2000 to 2004, Bill Brereton, strongly recommended that an outside independent investigative body needs to determine if Freemasons protected other Freemason pedophiles, that it definitely needs to be ruled out.[239] Yet when Nick Booth, a barrister representing abuse victims at the 1996 North Wales Tribunal attempted to rule out “the masonic factor,” he was promptly rebuked for attacking the integrity of Sir Ronald’s tribunal staff. When Nick Booth simply requested that Judge Waterhouse establish whether any participants in the inquiry were Freemasons, it was summarily turned down. By virtue of the fact that when masons take their blood sworn oaths to protect fellow masons no matter what, in the courts it automatically places higher loyalty to other members over loyalty to serve justice. That fact was likely borne out already with the bogus 1994 libel suit of Freemason police chief Anglesea guided in his favor by Freemason Judge Maurice Drake.
But in response to Nick Booth’s fair-minded request, after meeting briefly with his two other panel members, Waterhouse ruled against such a request. Since high degree Freemasons invariably are involved in virtually all the pedophilia scandals infiltrated as prominent politicians, judges and police chiefs (like Anglesea and Drake), perhaps more in this North Wales scandal than any other, Sir Ronald Waterhouse was not about to open up that can of masonic worms, especially when his own leading tribunal counsel representing the state – Gerard Elias QC was/is a confirmed Freemason. In fact, by serving as the tribunal chief counsel, Elias was automatically guilty of a serious breach of conflict of interest. Reactive Ronald dismissed the legit request outright, choosing to interpret it as a personal insult attacking the honor and integrity of his tribunal personnel, then neurotically counterattacking Booth for what was simply an ethical, reasonable and sound request.
Booth wasn’t alone in raising the issue. Labor MP from Wales Rhodri Morgan wrote a letter in 1996 addressed to Secretary of State Hague pointing out the fact that the Welsh Office that appointed Elias to the leading counsel post has as its parliamentary undersecretary minister of state Tory Gwilym Jones, a fellow Freemason member belonging to the same exclusive Dinas Llandof Lodge in Cardiff.[240] An ethical violation, regardless of how unethical, means little to those bent on covering up another major child sex abuse scandal with yet more 10 Downing Street fingerprints left all over the crime scenes. In fact, much the opposite, for this flagrant conflict of interest, the Queen’s Counsel Elias was personally granted knighthood for his valuable service in defense of the realm. Like his tribunal boss Sir Ronald, Queen Elizabeth awarded Elias the honor of Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE).[241] Again, no wonder sex abuse inquiries are always such blatant cover-up shams when the deck is always so thoroughly stacked and rewarded for suppression of truth and justice.
A September 1996 article in Private Eye raised the same issue as well:
From Hague, so far, no reply. From the grand secretary of the United Grand Lodge of England, Commander M.B.S. Higham, a waspish note asking Morgan if membership of freemasonry ‘disqualified otherwise suitable qualified candidates for a public appointment.’ Answer – if that appointment involves the influence of freemasonry – yes.[242]
Sir Ronald Waterhouse knew his lead counsel was a Mason. But neither said a word about this highly critical issue even when the issue of possible masonic influence at the tribunal was respectfully raised. Some of the child abusers and their protectors on police forces and in the courts were Freemasons. Barrister Nick Booth had presented the importance of declaring membership at the tribunal as an effective means to eliminate potentially justifiable criticism that Freemasonry influenced and tainted inquiry results. Instead, by Waterhouse’s obstinate refusal to openly address this all-important issue, he only fueled subsequent speculation that he was covering up abuse by an organized pedo-crime network that largely consisted of Freemasons participating in both sex crimes and cover-up.
The Waterhouse Report concluded:
Freemasonry had no impact on any of the police investigations and was not relevant to any other issue arising from our terms of reference.[243]
Waterhouse also exonerated Freemason-retired Police Superintendent-pedophile Gordon Anglesea even though he was called in as a tribunal witness. Yet just like the 1994 libel case, Sir Ronald’s report got it all wrong yet again, maintaining:
Having considered all this evidence with very great care we are unable to find that the allegations of sexual abuse made against Gordon Anglesea have been proved to our satisfaction.[244]
Is that protecting Freemasonry and pedophilia despite the landslide of evidence or what? And then appeals court judge Lady Macur in her 2016 report has the audacity to totally exonerate both the Waterhouse whitewash as well as the child rapist right when he was finally being brought to trial to be convicted.[245] Just like Sir Ronald before her, Lady Macur also saw no problem with a Freemason investigating a Freemason as the head of the North Wales Tribunal Witness Interviewing Team was Freemason Detective Chief Inspector Reginald Briggs, looking into the affairs of fellow Freemason Gordon Anglesea. It’s no wonder that key witness statements went missing that implicated North Wales’ Grand Master Lord Kenyon’s masonic favors promoting Anglesea to superintendent in order to ensure that Kenyon’s son never got arrested for child sex abuse and his part in distributing child pornography within the pedophile ring. Yet Macur wrote in her report:
This Review has specifically considered whether there is anything within the material which suggests that the investigations made on behalf of the Tribunal into freemasonry was less thorough by reason of this fact. I have found nothing to suggest this was the case and illustrate the point below predominately in relation to two establishment figures identified during the course of the Tribunal as Freemasons, namely Gordon Anglesea and Lord Kenyon.[246]
The British Establishment pedophilia cover-up is wretchedly in our face at every turn and it won’t stop until we citizens make it stop. Clearly the puppet masters’ agenda for the North Wales Child Sex Abuse Inquiry needed to show absolutely no masonic influence and no organized wider VIP pedo-network involving powerful public figures. And puppets Hague, Waterhouse and Macur dutifully delivered in spades. But realistically, the Freemason angle in the North Wales sex abuse scandal amounts to the king-sized elephant in their cover-up room.
The Grand Master of the North Wales Province ruling over all its masonic lodges, and there are many,[247] was Lloyd Tyrell-Kenyon, otherwise known as Lord Kenyon, an Eton-Cambridge educated executive on the North Wales Police Authority, director of Lloyds Bank, president of University College of North Wales, and active patron among many fields of public life, the arts, health, education, museums, you name it.[248] His youngest of three sons Thomas was a first class fuckup, the pedophile black sheep of the family. When in July 1979 at the Crest Hotel in Wrexham, a notorious crime scene where much of the child abuse took place outside the care home in North Wales, an underage boy from Bryn Estyn that the Lord’s son was sexually abusing stole his clothes, money and obscene photos. Thomas went straight to the police and reported the theft, also admitting he’d spent the night having sex with the young thief.[249] That’s how cocksure arrogant he was, knowing daddy would protect him from breaking any law against pedophilia. The police apprehended the boy, confiscated the photos, charged him with petty theft and sent him to a detention center for three months.
While investigating the obscene photos, police were led to a flat belonging to one of Thomas’ friends, Gary Cooke, a fellow member of the same local pedo-ring. Police found more child pornographic images belonging to Cooke at his home and arrested him. This location is likely where victim Steve Messham broke into a flat and grabbed dozens of photos he dropped off at the North Wales police station, never to be seen again. Thomas Kenyon went to his friend after he was arrested and charged, apologized for the inconvenience, and made a deal if he kept his mouth shut about the wider Wrexham-Chester pedo-network, Thomas promised that his father would get his jail sentence reduced, which according to Cooke, did happen.[250] Judge for yourself, Cooke pleaded guilty to multiple counts of sodomy (buggery in Britain), indecent assault and taking an indecent photograph at the end of June 1980 and was released little more than a year later on parole, from his original prison sentence of five years.[251] Based on severity of crimes and time served, it seems extremely likely that Lord Kenyon secured his early release. Because recidivism rates among pedophiles are so high, Gary Cooke in 1987 was again found guilty for a bunch more crimes against boys and sentenced to seven years in jail, for which he served four. Meanwhile, due to Lord Daddy’s all powerful influence in North Wales, the police never even bothered to charge the son with child sexual abuse because Lord Kenyon reportedly promoted Anglesea in order to make certain that his son would never be arrested.
Years later, the spoiled, underachieving, highly promiscuous homosexual pedophile Thomas Tyrell-Kenyon ended up dying of AIDS at just 39 in 1993, followed a month later by the death of his 75-year old pedo-Grand Master daddy himself. With the authorities never notifying Thomas Kenyon’s abuse victims, until almost 20 years later after his death, it wasn’t until November 2012 that they learned of their abuser’s cause of death and briefly underwent the panic of not knowing whether they’d contracted the potentially fatal disease from their hated, long dead rapist.[252] Fortunately, their belated test results determined they did not have AIDS.
Northern Wales’ Masonic patriarch Lord Kenyon reputedly pulled strings to have fellow Freemason pedophile Gordon Anglesea bumped up to Superintendent. Harry Templeton, a former police officer serving on the North Wales Police Federation, witnessed Lord Kenyon boasting how he would see to it that Anglesea received his deserved promotion just prior to its occurrence.[253] After Officer Templeton compiled 19 years’ worth of mismanagement and personal misconduct on North Wales Police Chief Constable David Owen and his Deputy Chief Eric Evans, he sent his 19-page dossier to the Home Office which led to two concurrent investigations but resulted in little shake-up or change,[254] after all, Britain’s Home Office is the central cover-up hub. Two former detectives serving on the North Wales Tribunal Witness Interviewing Team reportedly met with Templeton about alleged improprieties such as Lord Kenyon’s masonic intervention on behalf of his favored fellow Mason pedo-cop related to ensuring his son’s and the ring’s sex crimes stay unpunished, yet apparently this critical information was never formally passed on to the Tribunal as the Waterhouse Report falsely denied any Freemasonry influence whatsoever. More likely in defense of the pedo-realm, denial is always the key operative word.
So used to wheeling and dealing to get his own way as provincial grand wizard poohbah, Lord Kenyon actually tried to illicitly exert his toxically formidable power of influence and persuasion pressuring Chief Constable David Owen to forego his rank and file campaign to be Mason-free, inviting Owen to join one of Kenyon’s lodges after the top cop issued a directive frowning upon Freemasonry membership while a member of his police force.[255] Commendable that he didn’t cave into King Tut of North Wales, still, it’s a sure bet that to this day Freemasonry is why so many predatory perpetrators have never been brought to justice in this North Wales scandal or for that matter any scandal because so many of the abusers and pedophile protectors were/are Freemasons.
Like the infamous large police lodge in London, the North Wales Police also have their own local masonic lodge Custodes Pacis, reserved exclusively for police officers as well.[256] Again, more evidence exists of Freemasons’ deplorable involvement in this disgraceful pedophilic chapter than any other scandal. Journalist Mark Brittain asked in 1995 then North Wales Chief Constable Michael Argent if the police had their own masonic lodge and Argent replied “no.” But then the journalist furnished a yearbook confirming that Custodes Pacis existed. Argent then said yes but only long-retired police officers are members. After Brittain responded that current serving officers are also members, finally top cop admits that four serving police officers were in fact members. With the head of the North Wales police demonstrating to be a liar until proven guilty, is it any wonder the corrupt police have so much to hide? Fact is, Freemason pedophiles serving on the police force is why the North Wales police looked the other way for so many decades, and likely is still casting a blind eye. Of course by design, none of this incriminating information made it to the Waterhouse Inquiry. After publishing the Waterhouse Report in 2000, when informed about the North Wales secret masonic police fraternity, Waterhouse speculated that Chief Constable Argent’s denial of its existence was to ensure that news of the police lodge was concealed from the tribunal… such sound de facto logic Sir Ronald. But the tribunal judge was also supposedly unaware that Lord Kenyon had his own lodge based out of his own sprawling mansion and that he had officiated at the opening of Custodes Pacis in 1984.
A half decade before his death, in 2006 Ronald Waterhouse made an open, off the record admission to Welsh Assembly member Mark Isherwood. According to Mark:
He told me quite clearly that he now accepted that documentation had been withheld from the Tribunal which he chaired.[257]
Ya think? Of course no doubt there was lots that Sir Ronald didn’t want to know, like all the names of the famous child rapists not compatible with his mission to cover-up based on Hague’s dictated narrow remit.
An illustrative example of how Freemasonry and pedophilia intersect is soberly depicted in the 2010 Rebecca Television documentary called “Brothers in the Shadows.”[258] Retired North Wales Detective Sergeant Raymond Ketland was at the beach one day in 2005 when he came upon a group of men, recognizing a fellow Mason who approached and asked if he wanted to join in the fun, pointing to a young girl in their company. Curious, Raymond joined the group at a nearby hidden beach area where they took turns raping the underage girl in a gang bang. The leader of the group Fred Lawler, who’d been grooming the teenager as his sex slave since she was 13, was busily filming the crime. According to the girl, Lawler arranged for as many as 50 different men to have sex with her in these group settings both indoor and out. His photographs and videos of the sex crimes would be used as evidence against him and other offenders.
An anonymous witness reported one of those horrid public scenes, prompting the North Wales police to set up a surveillance operation resulting in a house raid where literally thousands of Lawler’s videos were recovered.[259] From the video footage, 17 men were identified. Retired detective Ketland, who pleaded guilty to two counts of having sex with a child was imprisoned for two and a half years. He was one of 15 men arrested and convicted. In 2006 the brutal ringleader Lawler was convicted of multiple incidents of sexual assault and issued an indefinite sentence to be reviewed after 15 years. Turns out Lawler had a long history of violence against women dating back to the early 1980s, had served a seven-year sentence for attempted murder and as of 2007 received a life sentence after evidence emerged that he’d murdered an identified missing woman.
Along with two unidentified men in the sex video, the Freemason that according to court records Ketland claimed belonged to the same lodge are still all apparently at large. When Rebecca tracked down Ketland asking him about the missing Mason, Ketland stated that at his trial, the prosecution got it wrong, that the Mason was a member of one of his provincial lodges, that Ketland had only seen him once before at a masonic function but noticed cufflinks that indicate he was a ranking member. Ketland added that he would gladly testify against him at his trial, since if he’d never run into him on that fateful day at the beach in 2005, he likely would never have been drawn into the terrible mess that placed major stress and strain on his marriage not to mention the disgraced ex-cop doing 30 months behind bars.
Rebecca conducted further inquiries at headquarters of both the North Wales police as well as the Freemason lodges in an effort to identify the masonic rapist still at large but was unable to receive any information or leads.[260] The South Wales provincial headquarters that posts their annual yearbooks in libraries and makes copies readily available upon request for journalists, believes that an open and frank policy with the public media is appropriate today. But in stark, 180-degree contrast, the North Wales Freemasons are secretive, guarded and extremely closed off from public access, unwilling to share any information. The same can be said for the North Wales police, with both institutions so intertwined, they still have much to hide, particularly in their shared history of pedophilia involvement and cover-up.
Because Freemasons were so active in the North Wales child sex abuse epidemic, a closer look at what this secret society at the higher degreed levels may offer deeper insight. Listed as a former 33-degree Freemason,[261] ex-satanic priest and occultist turned Christian minister, Bill Schnoebelen stated in his documentary entitled Interview with an Ex-Vampire:
Deep within Masonry is taught that there is a kind of sexual vampirism that can go on. And this explains why you see the virtual epidemic of child sexual abuse among Masons, is …they believe, and this is also commonly held among Illuminists, that if you have sex with a child, that you steal some of their youth. And that that in turn makes you live longer. And so if you have lots of sex with lots of little children – the younger the better – you can live virtually forever. And this is the promise that is held out by Masons. I know it sounds appalling and disgusting, but both… and you’ve got to realize that at the highest levels, it’s kind of like a pyramid. Illuminism and Masonry just sort of blend together. But at that level, you are talking about a very high level of demonic possession.[262]
Another little known revelation that’s been covered up is that Freemasonry’s roots are Jewish. Illuminati Bloodlines author Fritz Springmeier wrote:
The Reformed Rabbi Gotthold Saloman wrote that Freemasonry was more a Jewish movement in origin than Christian.[263]
The first Grand Lodge in 1717 included a number of Jews and the masonic seals of the English lodges bear distinct Jewish symbolism. Both Jewish and masonic sources reveal that Jews have played an integral part in Freemasonry from its very start in Britain. Traces can also be found in the Knights of Templar, the secret society of the Crusades that dates back to Jewish cabalism (See Chapter 4). The Jewish Kabbalah originates in Babylon and Egypt and from its sorcery comes Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, the Illuminati Order and Church of Satan, according to the late author Texe Marrs.[264] Even the leading 19th century Mason, the Lucifer-worshipping Albert Pike wrote that he was “filled with admiration” for the Jewish Kabbalah. Additionally, Israel’s first president Chaim Weizmann (the longtime Zionist friend of last century overlord Victor Rothschild whose murdered son James was a Freemason; See Chapter 28) and vast majority of Israeli prime ministers from Zionist David Ben-Gurion to today’s Zionist Bibi Netanyahu have been high degree Freemasons.[265] As alluded to in the two Rothschild chapters, Zionism, the Illuminati Order, Freemasonry and Luciferianism are all interchangeable in their godless mission for one world dictatorship, diabolical control over an enslaved humanity and a shared common enemy in Christianity.
The historically subversive impact that prominent Freemasons have wielded for centuries in Britain (and the US as well), infiltrating royalty, politics, courts, religion, military, police and security services is enormous as well as disturbing to say the least.[266] And in both the justice system and law enforcement, the secrecy of masonic membership has been a divisively controversial issue for a very long time now. But with a toothless police policy today of voluntarily declared membership status, the undue influence that harbors conflict of interest remains as contentious as ever,[267] particularly when it comes to the widespread VIP pedophilia network, pertaining especially to the North Wales scandal where guarded secrecy among masonic pedo-criminals has been virtually impenetrable. Additionally, Freemasonry has been linked directly to the Jack the Ripper murders,[268] the sinking of the Titanic[269] and virtually every single major pedophilia scandal.[270]
When the masonic wall of secrecy and guarded perversion rules for centuries over Britain, the prospect of victims of child sexual abuse ever achieving any real justice in the UK legal system is next to zero. Aside from the masonic factor, just the nature of abuse and the power differential between abuser and abused inherently perpetuates this grossly lopsided impossibility of attaining justice. Ex-Scalawag editor Simon Regan in the final years of his life as a spectating witness during the North Wales Tribunal proceedings expressed his poignant, sobering observation:
The real trouble about exposing paedophiles is that former victims of child abuse make lousy witnesses. By the very nature of the abuse, when they are rudely shoved out into the wide world (one of the witnesses, Steven Messham, for example, was released on his 16th birthday on Christmas Day after two years of abuse, and had to sleep rough on the streets for four and a half months), they are often psychologically disturbed. Some of the extreme cases commit suicide, many more were sexually disorientated in the worst possible way. Some become gay prostitutes, others drug addicts, and in near every case, at some stage, they needed lengthy counseling. Marriages quickly disintegrated in psychological turmoil and a lot of former victims had real difficulties raising their own children. There are very few victims of child abuse who come out of it without deep scars. It was all very well for us to take statements from former victims in the cozy atmosphere of a pub lunch, but put them up against an agile and eminent QC whose sole task is to discredit them, and they quickly crumble, even break down in tears. Many former victims now have criminal records of some kind, owing almost exclusively to the abuse itself, and the barrister will brutally exploit this as evidence that the witness is unreliable and tainted. Faced with the choice of a clearly neurotic young man who quickly falls down in the witness box, and a smooth, experienced, erudite and often highly respected culprit, juries tend to give the accused the benefit of the doubt.[271]
And from the blog site The Needle that’s faithfully covered and uncovered UK child sexual abuse for years comes this insight paralleling Simon Regan’s:
After being abused from a young age some of these boys from care homes went on to become rent boys, took drugs, and have criminal records. This is hardly surprising considering they were buggered, abused, and passed around from pillar to post until they left the care home system and then dumped on the street, and yet the consequences of their abuse is then used to show that these are not ‘trusted’ witnesses.[272]
It’s such a tragic shame when the chance of achieving justice for the victims is always so rigged. The abuse has gone unabated for years upon years, and with very few exceptions, remaining totally shielded in North Wales by the corrupt Clwyd and Gwynedd County Councils (and their more recently restructured counterparts), their social services and the local police. After over two decades of this unchecked inhumane criminal abuse, conditions were overdue for change. Enter a most persistent whistleblower Allison Taylor, a care home manager in Gwynedd County during the 1980s who kept hearing such horrific stories from former Bryn Estyn and Bryn Alyn residents.[273] Trying to alert authorities – be they social services, county council or police – for years was only met with overt resistance and a vicious campaign of retribution. Testifying in 1997 at the North Wales Tribunal, Allison stated:
When I returned from training, children were being transferred to my home and I was receiving more and more complaints from children about the abuse and ill treatment they had suffered and which they had seen others suffer. By the autumn of 1985 Gwynedd County Council would not admit to the existence of a problem, the problem of mistreatment of children… The pattern seemed to be that if I made a complaint then something would happen to me – it was like having a sniper behind the wall.[274]
Every time she brought up abuse crimes, there was never any follow-up investigation. One case involved long term sexual abuse of a young girl. Allison reported:
She had been in care for a very long time and her behaviour was a cause for concern, but we didn’t know why. She became suicidal at times. Then she told me she was being sexually abused and I reported it. She was transferred but continued make allegations and the next I heard she had been transferred to a secure unit in a hospital. I think she was shifted to keep her quiet.[275]
Yet another old standby weapon the system readily uses against “troublemakers” is declaring them insane, pumping them up on Big Pharma drugs so they are in a constant vegetable-like state of over-sedation. Case in point is the abused Portsmouth MP’s daughter lost in Savile hell at Broadmoor for decades. That way if they’re still capable of making sense reporting their abuse, branded with the stigmatizing mentally ill label, no one ever believes them. Behind asylum walls they fade into the woodwork and too often die early deaths, another popular form of state-sponsored execution by eugenics within the cabal arsenal.
With Allison Taylor’s repeated demands for investigation all falling on deaf ears, she compiled a report of a half dozen worst abuse cases and took them to the police in 1986. By December that year, she was told not to come to work anymore and by January 1987, she was formally suspended. After a disciplinary hearing, she was terminated. Just as victims who try and make waves are severely punished, of course so are whistleblowers. But courageous Allison would not give up, recording in a dossier 75 more allegations of abuse submitted to North Wales police, most of the offenses occurring at Bryn Estyn. She also contacted local Welsh politicians like Clwyd council member Malcolm King in her campaign for justice, which finally forced a police investigation in August 1991 that took 2,600 witness statements resulting in 300 cases sent to the Crown Prosecution Service, of which only a paltry eight men were charged and seven convicted.[276] CPS in Britain remains a gargantuan part of the scandal cover-up problem.
The North Wales police investigation from 1991 to 1993 resulted in Jimmy Savile’s buddy, the deputy head of Bryn Estyn Peter Howarth, receiving a ten-year prison sentence in July 1994 for assaulting seven boys between 1974 and 1984 with Howarth dying after three years in jail.[277] Since just Howarth and a handful of other men serving prison time for the hundreds, more apt thousands of crimes committed in over 40 facilities over multiple decades, the care system, the Welsh Office, the Home Office, law enforcement, CPS and British Parliament are all guilty to the max looking the other way while perverting the course of justice.
Since the mid-1980s Clwyd councillor-whistleblower Malcolm King attempting to expose the crisis was in charge of his county social services. The insurers of Clwyd County Council urged that other council members fire Malcolm due to his insistence on transparency and public release of inquiry documentation rather than suppression of the Jillings Report.[278] In November 2012 Malcolm was asked to comment about the long lost 1996 Report:
Because it was suppressed, the lessons of the Jillings Report were not learned. It was the exchange of financial safety for the safety of real people. It was one of the most shameful parts of recent history.[279] We are looking at the biggest failure to protect children in the history of Britain.[280]
When the unfinished business of North Wales victims coming forth to report their abuse to the press in the 2012 Savile aftermath, an apparent attempt on Malcolm’s life resurfaced. While driving a regularly maintained Volvo S-60, suddenly he had no brakes and another car careened into him that a second earlier would have caused his death instead of just a broken leg.[281] Police vowed to examine the vehicle with a fine tuned comb to determine if foul play was involved. Ever since Malcolm King’s fight for justice began nearly three decades earlier, he has repeatedly been threatened with violence and intimidation tactics. It’s prepared him to respond to his latest near death experience by taking it in philosophical stride:
I spent a lot of time when the allegations first surfaced being incredibly paranoid. I didn’t know who to trust other than family. It was a terrible time. I’m someone who speaks his mind, if I know something is happening that I don’t like, I will always speak out and try to change things. I guess I’ve pissed a lot of people off over the years. My friends tell me I’m crazy not to be more suspicious about it, but I can’t live my life being paranoid. If a man could die from paranoia, I’d have been dead a long time ago.[282]
The Labor councillor and former chair of the North Wales Police Authority is one of only 12 people given copies of the elusive Jillings Report never made public that named the abusers. His close call in 2012 coincided with Malcolm’s renewed efforts for a fresh investigation into the long covered up scandal.
When Steve Messham and other abuse victims explained how prominent public figures they identified along with police and social workers would regularly sodomize them in rooms at the Crest Hotel in Wrexham on Sunday nights especially, the tribunal judge ordered no consideration of those allegations be granted under the inquiry’s narrow terms of reference, quickly discarding the accusations as “embarking on the realm of fantasy.”[283] What a callously cruel perversion of justice to inflict on wounded, unheard victims. But then that’s always been the typical response, the system’s M.O., never believing victims, always attacking their credibility in order to protect diseased VIP sickos. When Messham and others reported what happened to them to the police, of course they too also accused them of lying. Again, the very professions created to protect children in all these cover-ups always consistently protect the perps, rendering them just as vile and despicable of criminals as the actual rapists.
A disappointed Steve Messham called Macur’s statement “outrageous” that the Waterhouse terms of reference were neither too narrow nor protected certain VIP individuals directly named by Steve and many others as their abusers, yet summarily declared off limits by the Tribunal.[284] Messham also validly pointed out that restricting the inquiry to just abuse occurring inside the two North Wales counties’ care homes when he and other North Wales boys were trafficked and victimized in South Wales, Liverpool and London is hardly a fair inquiry that prohibits addressing his abusers’ crimes inflicted on him outside of North Wales. For Makur to actually claim the Waterhouse terms of reference were “not framed to protect” VIP pedophiles who violated North Wales children trafficked a distance to other locations outside their care homes reveals both her blatant dishonesty and willful intention to cover up the truth, just like Sir Ronald before her, always with the same old, same old outcome.
As good little errand boys and girls, The Establishment can always count on cherry-picked judges to serve The Establishment over and above the citizenry they take sworn oaths to serve, always dutifully compliant in delivering their criminal masters’ orders as deceitful agents invariably operating in blatantly clear, undisguised defense of the pedo-realm rather than abused children’s interests. Their constant twisting, ignoring and denial of the truth makes them just as guilty or perhaps even more so than the child fuckers they so loyally protect.
But the charade must go on. And so in March 2016 the man standing in Hague’s shoes as Welsh Secretary of State comes full circle twenty years later after Willie’s announcement commencing the North Wales Tribunal promising “no cover-up,” responding to the just released Macur report card’s superlative grade in lending support and full endorsement of the abysmal Waterhouse findings, Secretary of State Stephen Crabb piously reminds the parliamentary Establishment:
And let’s be clear we are talking about dark and shameful events that are a stain on our nation. These were children in the care of the state because they were vulnerable and the state let them down. That is why our first thought will always be with the victims, supporting them for bringing the perpetrators to justice.[285]
Perpetrators to justice? What fucken planet does this guy live on? Not one Member of Parliament in Britain’s long glorious history has ever been brought to justice for raping children and if politicians’ first thoughts were truly on the victims, half of them would be behind bars right now. Sorry, soothing, compassionate sounding words of condescension to quell victims’ anger and betrayal after another whitewash letdown of pure concentrated lies does nothing to remove their anger and betrayal, nor the stain on Stephen Crabb’s sodomizing government bent on continuing to lie its way out of justice. When their efforts to appease the pain of victims are never backed up by any real action of any substance at all, their phony words come off as an insult to our intelligence, just more empty, patronizing, disingenuous lies of betrayal and bullshit. The bottom line, in a system that only produces and rewards psychopaths,[286] pedophile criminals remain incapable of changing their stripes, especially when never held accountable.
The defunct Scalawag Magazine’s 1994 eye-opening, fully detailed, scathing account, blowing the North Wales pedo-scandal wide open, specifically called out two top Tory heavyweights for their criminal involvement – Lord McAlpine and Derek Laud.[287] Neither pedophile sued the magazine for defamation because the article’s allegations are no doubt true. The two magazine editors – the article’s author Angus James and his half-brother Simon Regan – both co-founders of Scalawag that ran from 1989 to 1994, boldly did more to expose the Westminster pedophile network than any other single publication ever – before and after. Unfortunately, Angus died in a mysterious car wreck in Cyprus in 1996 and Simon died just one day after his 58th birthday of a fast developing cancer in 2000. Because Angus and Simon’s publication was exposing the Luciferian Westminster pedophile ring like no other, the life of both their magazine and its two muckraking brothers was abruptly snuffed out way before their natural time.
The same year the North Wales article was published in 1994, the brave duo’s pioneering platform Scalawag was being unscrupulously forced out of business by aggressive litigation spearheaded by powerful Tory MP Dr. Julian Lewis, a close friend and closer ally of the usual pedo-crew suspects Tory fixer Derek Laud, his fellow pedo-lobbyist Ian Greer, Derek’s onetime boyfriend former MP Michel Brown, and the Bobbsey Twin MP-ministers Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo (See Chapter 24). Just when Scalawag was about to bust the entire Westminster pedo-network sky high as the biggest threat exposing the pedophilia cabal, that included James Angus in possession of a photograph depicting Britain’s then Defense Secretary Portillo in a compromising pose with a naked underage boy,[288] unleashing the same pushback clout behind the aforementioned successful litigation of “maligned” luminaries Alistair McAlpine and Cliff Richard quickly mobilized to neutralize Scalawag and its two courageous soon departed editors. Less than six months before Simon Regan died, he wrote:
Subsequently, over a rent dispute which is still a matter of litigation, Dr. Julian Lewis, now Conservative MP for New Forest (East) but then deputy head of research at Conservative Central Office in Smith Square, managed to purchase the contents of our [Scalawag] offices, which included all our files. It had been alleged that we owed rent, which we disputed, but under a court order the landlords were able to change the locks and seize our assets which included all our files, including those we had made on paedophiles. It was apparently quite legal, but it was most certainly a dirty trick. All of a sudden very private information, some of it even privileged between ourselves and our lawyer during the John Major libel action, was being published in selected, pro-Conservative sections of the media. Subsequently, during a court case initiated by Lewis, I was able in my defence to seek discovery of documents and asked to see the seized files. The paedophile papers were missing. This is a very great shame, because Sir Ronald Waterhouse certainly should have been aware of them.[289]
So to this day the cabal unlawfully destroyed or may still be holding incriminating evidence against pedophile politicians stolen a quarter century ago from the raided Scalawag offices. In addition to helping shut down the brothers’ Westminster pedo-probe, Dr. Julian Lewis is further linked to other pedophilic figures including Knight of Malta Tory MP Sir Edward Leigh,[290] and three other prominent Tory MP members of the British contingent of the shady right wing group Le Cercle, each becoming its chairmen, Julian Amery, Jonathan Aitken and Normand Lamont.[291] Le Circle is notoriously tied to Belgian pedophile rings. Again, secret societies[292] are the interconnecting thread of global pedophocracy.[293]
Another ballsy 1994 Scalawag article rips into MP Edward Leigh’s pedophilia outing at Dolphin Square:
On the evening of 14 November 1992, Sir Edward Leigh is said to have participated in a “paedophile party’ in Dolphin Square, during which it is recorded that vulnerable underage and trafficked children were sexually assaulted and raped by Leigh and other politicians. The ‘paedophile party’ of 14 November 1992, in which Leigh is said to have participated, was held in the Dolphin Square flat of MP (now former MP) of Robert Banks.[294]
One can easily see how such an unvarnished, in-your-face rubbing of brutal reality about these twisted vipers in power could not be tolerated by the Establishment Mafia. So pushback in the forms of dirty tricks sank the anti-pedo-Establishment magazine with MI5 and Tory PM John Major deceitfully leaking the name of the wrong woman that Major was having an affair with,[295] instead of the actual pedo-accused and pedo-enabling adulteress MP Edwina Currie (See Chapter 24). In 1993 John Major sued Scalawag and two other publications for allegations of him having an affair that he claimed damaged his reputation that he of course won. Yet nine years later once Edwina revealed the affair in her 2002 diary memoir, Major was forced to reluctantly admit that prior allegations were in fact accurate, and the truth was revealed that he’d selfishly misused a 10 Downing Street food caterer as a decoy in the leak just to go after Scalawag. She accurately accused Major of deceitfully misusing her good name, subsequently dragging her through the mud just so the politician could sue. Though the Scalawag attorneys considered litigation against Major, the damage had already been done.[296] The magazine had gone belly up in 1995 and the founders were both dead and gone by 2000. Chalk up another win for Lucifer.
The pedo-crime cabal always subdues or destroys any and all of its enemy threats deemed bent on seeking truth and justice with an array of WMDs at its disposal, a cabal favorite being coldblooded murder made to appear as accident, suicide or natural cause, bogusly launching false defamation suits that the rigged, pedo-enabling legal system rules in favor, character assassination through smear campaigns full of false accusations and outright media assault, and literally committing bloody violent assault as intimidation. In addition to physical attacks on victim/witnesses/whistleblowers, anti-abuse activists like Alex Saddington, Welsh head of the National Association of Young People in Care, had chemicals sprayed in his eyes while beaten up and a BBC journalist covering the abuse scandal for a year and a half became the targeted victim of burglary.[297] Others have been given death threats, or received harassment, intimidation and gang-stalking,[298] inflicting invisible torture through potentially lethal psychotronic directed energy warfare,[299] or through a systemic conspiracy of police, judges and media completely destroying, ignoring or suppressing evidence, victims, witnesses and truth tellers. In an evil system like this, the good guys rarely, if ever, win.
As long as the brutal criminal justice system wields such unlimited ungodly power to bury evidence, silence the truth and eliminate threats, obstruct and pervert justice at every turn, the outcome always remains the same, justice never served and status quo preserved. Powerful sickos continue living out their favored long lives with reputations, privilege, wealth, freedom and power all still intact right to their graves, while their much younger, highly expendable victims never see any justice, and are forever plagued by their abusers’ life killing effects that send them to earlier graves than their much older, untouchable killers. This same old tragic story’s been played out throughout the ages while not one powerful VIP sicko has ever been truly brought to justice in this entire Luciferian controlled world. Change has got to come sooner than later.
As touched on in previous chapters, a large part of the pedophilia problem, especially in Britain where the care system-pedo-network pipeline has been operationally cemented for decades, is aided by the fact that a longstanding policy persists to this day where local social services in UK’s care system continue to needlessly send thousands of children hundreds of miles from home.[300] Systematically and cruelly displacing group home kids by placing them so far away from the only familiar surroundings they’ve known automatically endangers them at far greater risk, susceptible by design to being sucked into the global child sex trafficking pipeline.[301] This deliberate, malevolent policy along with the thoroughly broken, nefarious nightmare of a family court system unjustly tearing families apart in so many nations around the globe, particularly in Britain and the US (per my own experience as a licensed child therapist working for many years within the nation’s largest county children and family services, LA County DCFS[302]), provide the critical child-procuring component of this globalized state-run organized crime system that by evil design deliberately sends massive numbers of children into harm’s way only to be devoured by pedophilic child killers.
As one single example of a child in care home placement exploited by the UK care system directly procuring defenseless youth for powerful sickos in the early 1980s comes the story of a 44-year old man in 2012 opening up during a television broadcast interview, recounting his own abuse experience when he was just 12-years old.[303] To begin with, he was sent hundreds of miles away from his home in northern England to North Wales’ notorious Clwyd County to Bersham Hall, a 12-bed boys’ home a mile and a half from the center of Wrexham, the scandal epicenter.
During the 1996-99 North Wales Inquiry, 19 former Bersham Hall residents provided compelling evidence of widespread physical and sexual abuse perpetrated by over a half dozen named suspects all working within the same facility.[304] But keep in mind, Wales State Secretary Hague ensured the inquiry’s limited remit could only focus on gathering victim testimony of crimes taking place inside the walls of their institutional home governed by the UK care system, not addressing any abuse resulting from victims trafficked to near or far hotels or private homes.[305] This conspicuous, flagrant omission from the North Wales Tribunal obviously permitted all the more powerful VIP child rapists a free ride while ensuring that the organized nationwide pedo-network run by the British government never gets exposed.
As was common in all the co-occurring scandals raging out of control throughout the British Isles at that time in many different places – Jersey, Islington, Lambeth, Richmond, Dunblane and Belfast, just to name a few though there were many more throughout the British Isles (See Chapters 23,24,25, 29 respectively), kids in UK’s care system, especially in North Wales from the 1970s into the 1990s, were being horribly abused on a rampant, off the chart scale by care home staff and social services personnel alike. But unfortunately, again thanks to gatekeeping puppets like William Hague and his pedophile-Establishment, Judge Waterhouse dutifully followed orders and explicitly refused to investigate child sex crimes committed by the elite, i.e., judges, police chiefs, prominent businessmen, senior civil servants and both local and national politicians, regardless of whether their crimes took place inside North Wales care homes or not, most typically perpetrated by the VIPs in hotels, private homes, public sector buildings or far away cities like London, Brighton and Amsterdam.[306]
During the summer of 1980 every Friday afternoon the 44-year old former Bersham Hall resident explains on camera how he and other boys would attend weekend recreational outings touted as a privilege reserved for those most compliant, trafficked in a van from North Wales to various mansions around London where VIP Establishment figures at high class pedophile parties would regularly ply them with alcohol often laced with drugs.[307] Rather than stay at home and be abused by the group home staff, attending weekend parties included the opportunity to drink, escape their abusive reality, unlimited access to sweets, and experience a sense of novelty and adventure in a world of privilege and wealth they’d never seen before. The abuse survivor stated that at parties he would be selected and escorted by well-dressed men on average in their 50s and 60s into mansion bedrooms to be sodomized. In his mind, it was a matter of accepting the bad with the good, the good being the other worldly adventure and temporary escape from institutional living that outweighs the bad since it offered the novel excitement in the big city of London and a reprieve of sorts from the bleak, dreary, cruel daily existence trapped inside the highly abusive “care system.”
After the late night sex abuse orgies, by dawn the group home van would take off for sightseeing tours at Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, 10 Downing Street. Then back to another posh location in greater London for yet more alcohol escapism and abusive adventure at another scheduled Saturday night pedo-party. One time the survivor recalled being trafficked to a military barracks. Recall Jimmy Savile’s nephew Guy Marsden’s very similar description of ultra-chic London parties he attended in his youth back in the late 1960s and early 70s (See Chapter 19). Other than the expanded scale of the global trafficking operation, times and methods haven’t changed all that much as children in UK care from towns and cities across Britain were/are regularly still trafficked, converging on exclusive big city soirees for brutal victimization by the worst perverted elements within the wealthy elite class.
Not that America is all that much better at protecting its vulnerable kids, especially since the UK has no statute of limitation on sexual crimes[308] whereas varying US state statute of limitation laws protect pedophiles in America bigtime from prosecution after a certain post-crime time length,[309] but mandatory reporting laws of suspected child abuse in the US is nationally required by teachers, social workers, therapists, police and medical professionals.[310] In contrast in Britain a Home Office preliminary proposal for mandatory reporting was overwhelmingly rejected in 2018 by nearly 70% of social workers, police officers, local government, children’s charities, educators, health professionals, victim support groups and members of the public, responding to a consultation paper proposal, claiming it would have an adverse impact on the current child protection system.[311] Only 12% supported mandatory reporting and only 25% supported a duty to act. As a longtime mental health professional in California, I find this appalling when child abuse in Britain is so out of control. It’s just more of the same, covering your own ass is a more important priority than the safety and well-being of children that they have a professional duty to protect, but they don’t.
Yet another tragic blunder being committed by the broken lack-of-care system in the UK involves placing children 16 years and older in unregistered, unregulated and virtually unsupervised homes across Britain.[312] The nation’s overburdened system responsible for the care of 75,000 children looking for shortcut expediency in recent years began placing older kids still in the system into unregulated, unsafe homes without a lifeline. This recent trend has been severely endangering young people who are still minors transitioning into adulthood into unpredictably perilous housing situations, left entirely on their own to fend for themselves. As a direct result of this malfeasant policy, 16-year old Lance Walker was murdered by 18-year old Idris Hassan who’d grown up mentally ill and violent in the “UK doesn’t-care system.” Recently released in August 2016 from an extended six-month mental hospitalization, the still unbalanced young man had stopped taking his medication, and despite a criminal record of repeated clashes with the law over the previous four years with physical assault and carrying a knife as his lethal weapon, while suffering increasing psychosis, at the last minute Ealing social services placed Idris in one of these unregulated, unsafe environments without notifying Islington social serves that had already placed Lance in the same home. After a couple unreported altercations, Idris Hassan fatally stabbed Lance Walker up to 11 times with his knife. After pleading guilty for manslaughter with diminished responsibility in April 2017, Hassan was sentenced to indefinite treatment at a state prison mental hospital.
This tragedy was totally preventable, but a grossly negligent system cutting corners proved guiltier than the knife-wielding, mentally ill killer, knowing that the young man was a clear danger to others prior to carelessly dumping him off in an unregulated environment with a nonviolent boy who paid for the system’s fatal error with his life. But here’s the kicker, a case review concluded that Idris Hassan’s “actions could not have been prevented” and that Ealing “acted with all appropriate diligence.”[313] Again, attempting to wash its own bloodstained hands clean, the UK care system in this case should have been the one charged with criminal negligence and manslaughter. But instead, for killing another innocent young person in its care, in the end it unconscionably chose to cover-its-own-ass with yet more boldface lies. It’s really no wonder kids in care are being so victimized all the time when the system is the killer.
This explains why every so called child sex abuse inquiry is a sham, designed to conceal and protect this criminal behemoth. A cursory check of recent inquiries illustrates this point. Retired (and deceased in 2011) high court Judge Ronald Waterhouse’s 2000 whitewash proved no different from (deceased in 2018) Judge Anthony Hart’s Northern Ireland’s 2016 whitewash just like retired Freemason Judge William Cullen’s 1996 Scottish Dunblane whitewash imposing the century-long blackout and of course UK’s ongoing national disaster since 2015 – the £100 million boondoggle of an Independent Inquiry on Child Sexual Abuse whitewash. Hundreds of millions of pounds costing British taxpayers have been completely wasted just so the British pedo-Establishment can deny the existence of an organized pedophilia network leading to Westminster and 10 Downing Street.[314] Intelligence controlled Establishment newspapers like The Telegraph in February 2019 angrily spout off in defense of the realm:
IICSA has continued with its Westminster strand despite the fact that there is no evidence that any VIP paedophile ring existed among senior politicians.[315]
Because of UK’s overt cover-up at all cost, it’s been suggested that an international tribunal may be in order to expose the worldwide network. Mat Hastings in the Financial Times in November 2012 wrote:
One might propose an international commission to investigate how the ‘powers-that-be’ have been involved in child abuse rings in the USA, Belgium, Canada and elsewhere.[316]
Pedophilia & Empire contains more than a dozen chapters proving that the statement that no pedophile ring ever existed among senior British politicians is a boldface lie, and a moral crime against so many victims. The British VIP pedophile network painfully, shamefully very much still exists today but continued protection from complicit mainstream media outlets like The Telegraph colluding with the political and judicial pedo-system is still feebly pretending in blind denial that it doesn’t exist. But increasingly people are on to their never-ending deception because the cumulative evidence that’s managed to escape the pervasive cover-up this last half century is glaringly overwhelming and obvious.
All the so called investigative inquiries are merely the Establishment playing charades, staging controlled show trials lacking in transparency designed to appease the masses, and kill time to allow VIPs to escape justice while counting on public complacency to eventually set in. It’s the proven cover-up success formula for the child raping puppet master murderers, permitting all the aging VIP sodomizers to escape this world, sidestepping justice at the expense of their beaten down, dying or already dead victims. It’s up to us lowly plebeians to demand accountability and justice for all, especially the powerful elite, for those millions of defenseless children who’ve suffered over so many years, and in fact are currently still suffering more than ever before.
Yet another disturbing trend comes from Britain’s National Crime Agency, the same police agency that uncovered enough evidence on kingpin John Allen to put him away for life, reported in March 2018 that 5,145 children in Britain, mostly adolescents, were referred to the UK care system in 2017, a 35% spike from just the prior year alone.[317] The NCA admitted more kids are being forced into modern slavery than ever before. From an article in the Independent:
The NCA said a rising number of British modern slaves are being reported because of police referring teenage victims exploited by criminal gangs.[318]
Out of the over 5,000 children referred to social services as slave trafficking victims, less than one in five are British citizens though Brits comprise the largest group. Other children are nationals from Albania, Vietnam, Romania, China, Nigeria, Sudan, Eritrea, India, Poland and Pakistan among a total of 116 countries. Most are sexually exploited by pimps, slave owners and traffickers although others are forced into labor at nail bars, flower picking, hand car washes or cannabis growing. Sadly, many are temporarily shuffled through a revolving door, from off the street fed into the care system-pedo pipeline right back on to the street. Sex grooming criminal gangs have taken over Britain’s streets in virtually all the larger cities.
Not only does the international child sex trafficking network include children predominantly exploited from the care home system abused by the uppermost echelons of society, for decades an increasing number are being abducted, sexually exploited and victimized by organized criminal gangs in British cities like Rochdale,[319] Telford,[320] Rotherham,[321] and Oxfordshire[322] as a growing component within the global pedophilia network.[323] Chapter 32 will focus exclusively on this mounting crisis that police and government authorities have ignored far too long. Grooming gangs are pimping underage boys and girls as well as using them as drug mules, just as the CIA uses MK Ultra victims to historically move drugs. The linkage between local, on the ground criminal gangs in both the UK and the US and organized crime syndicates, drug cartels and intelligence services operating within a coordinated global pedophilia trafficking network is largely a hidden thread in today’s lucrative international sex trafficking slave trade.[324]
A centralized pedophilia network exists consisting of an integrated, interlocking conglomerate of various interfacing intelligence agencies including military intelligence, the CIA, the Mossad and MI5/6, a number of multinational private contractors like the British-based outsourcing service kingpin Serco,[325] involved in every public and private sector – defense, national/private security, transportation, prison/detention, technology, health and education,[326] national child welfare systems including adoptions, international children’s charities, religious organizations, and organized crime elements ranging from street gangs to assorted ethnic mafias, all largely controlled at the top by members of secret societies such as the Jesuits and Freemasons, covertly operating within the political, judicial and law enforcement system of virtually every nation. This mammoth criminal operation is why the cover-up is maintained at all cost, to keep the public ignorant and oblivious to the enormity of the developing, out of control pandemic pedophilia crisis.
Today pedophilia and child sex slave trafficking worldwide have never been more profitable for the above guilty players, inflicting the most heinous, worst plague on humanity. Over time the Luciferian rape killing machine has only grown more sophisticated and stronger, utilizing technology and its ever-tightened gatekeeping buffer system of camouflaged protection, moving further underground to remain hidden from public view, while 24/7 increasingly imposing its evil agenda to normalize child rape through both subliminal and overt mass media saturation.
If you’re under the mistaken impression that all these high profile child sex abuse scandals from the past have little bearing on what’s happening in today’s world, you’re dead wrong. With the global childcare system admittedly broken and more than 60,000 children in the US childcare system alone gone missing each year,[327] they become easy pickings for predatory pimps, pedophiles and network traffickers to further exploit our most vulnerable population. Upwards of over 90% of trafficked children are/were in the care of this failing child welfare system that inflicts lifelong trauma and pain on youth it’s supposed to protect.[328] And most disturbing is that since the year 2000, of all sexual assaults being committed today, 2 out of 3 three are against victims under age 18.[329]
Whereas guns and drugs are generally sold once, perhaps twice, a child slave working in the sex industry can be resold many times over even in the course of a single day with virtually all profit collected by the pimp/slave owner/sex trafficker, thus proving both far more lucrative and safer than selling drugs and illegal weapons on the black market. Bottom line, the thoroughly broken child welfare system worldwide has been set up as the child abuse pipeline by Luciferian puppet masters for the purpose of sex trafficking children on an unprecedented global scale,[330] with human trafficking the fastest rising criminal enterprise generating over $150 billion annually[331] with the UN reporting there’s no other illegal industry on the planet more profitable.[332]
Recall Georgia state senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband murdered in 2010 because she courageously waged a campaign exposing the overreaching criminal child-family court system in the US,[333] and its links to the global child trafficking network.[334] Similarly by design, Britain (See Chapter 23), Australia[335] and many family court systems throughout the world appear to increasingly hold the nefarious agenda to mercilessly destroy families and endanger children as a viable go-to source as the Luciferian pedophilia pipeline.[336]
For a broader perspective on this growing global child abuse crisis, a closer look at the numbers sheds light on the dark matter. Up to a third of females and nearly a fifth of males have experienced sexual abuse as children in the US, according to two studies as long ago as 2002 and 2006.[337] A more recent study in 2014 found that 32% of Canadians have reported being either physically or sexually abused, or witnessed violence in their home.[338] Abuse rates are not only rising in the UK[339] and America,[340] but also overall worldwide, especially in India where from 2001 to 2011 it skyrocketed 333%. Japan[341] and African nations like Zimbabwe, South Africa and Nigeria aren’t far behind.[342]
A full decade ago from a 2009 meta-analysis that included 66 studies in 22 nations, a rate of sexual abuse was reported in 1 in 4 or near 1 in 3 respondents in many countries and continents’ self-reported sexual assault during childhood.[343] 37.8% (near 2 in 5) Australians reported suffering from child sexual abuse while 34.4% of Africans reported abuse followed by 30.7% amongst Israelis, 28.1% of the Swedes, 25.3% of the Americans, 24.2% of the Swiss and 23.9% of the Asians. These findings closely correlate with three of the four top nations in the world having the most cases of child sexual abuse – with Australia (50,000 cases in 2012 with population then of 22.74 million; 2,232 abuse cases per million people) topping the list and the US second (20,000 cases with pop. 314 million at only 64 cases per million), with Britain at #4 (16,000 with 63.7 million at 251 cases per million) just behind war-ravaged (due to the other three) Afghanistan ranking third (18,000 cases with 30.7 million at 586 cases per million).[344] Though this list tally concedes that each nation has its own legal system and internal methods of compiling the child abuse data, thus internally weakening the validity, that said, the results from the 2009 meta-analysis do appear to significantly corroborate and parallel this list.
Despite multiple references in this book designating the United Kingdom as the world’s pedophilia epicenter based on most number of scandals, pervasive, over-the-top government cover-up and zero VIP pedo-convictions, based on sheer number of child abuse cases per capita population, hands down it’s Australia with an astounding 2,232 abuse cases per million Australians, nearly four times the rate of the distant second – Afghanistan with 586 cases per million Afghans, followed by Britain’s 251 and America’s 64 per capita numbers. By virtue of the vast majority of child sex abuse incidents never reported to authorities, we know the frequency of abuse is enormously greater than these tabulations. While abuse scandals in Australia will be taken up in future chapters, recall from Chapter 11 the widespread traditional practice of “bacha bazi” in Afghanistan. Dancing young boys from poor families are sex slaves for older males used as a reprehensible status symbol of wealth and power.[345] Despite the practice being illegal, with it unenforced by police, it still remains widely accepted, tolerated and prevalent.
Also soaring rates of child abuse on the dark web are confirmed with the October 2019 bust of the world’s largest child sex abuse website operating out of South Korea, resulting in over 300 arrests in 38 countries.[346] Taking all these alarming developments into account, along with the fact that 90% of all child sex abuse incidents go unreported[347] and 30-40% of those sexually abused one day become the abusers,[348] this global abuse pandemic appears to be growing exponentially. Ignoring, minimizing and denying the problem is only causing this disgraceful blight on humanity to grow worse. Meanwhile, the predatory elite through monopolized sinister control over global mass media and five giant corporate news outlets is working overtime to normalize pedophilia, lower the age of consent along with mass mind control, social engineering and LGBT genderbending agenda (See Chapter 2).[349] We’re living in a Luciferian world bent on one world totalitarian governance control and an “anything goes” Luciferian one world religion. Again, no matter where you are in this world geographically, our family, our religion, our nation and our planet are under a 24/7 siege of violent assault from the planetary controllers and our time to resist and oppose all their evil is fast running out.
With all these disturbing trends and statistics applied to random samples of national populations at large, in stark contrast stands an even more alarming fact, children from group home settings face a gargantuan risk of being sexually exploited and abused a full 28 times higher than the general population.[350] If that’s not bad enough, kids in the care system are 7 times more likely to abuse drugs/alcohol, 50 times more likely to end up in prison, 60 times more apt to end up homeless, and 66 times more likely to have kids of their own end up needing public care.[351] If these brutal facts aren’t a sobering wake-up call for realizing the child care system has criminally failed our children with an estimated 8 million missing children each year globally,[352] the number of abused children victimized by the government-sponsored organized crime network is off the charts. If citizens of the world only realized how widespread child sexual abuse has become, be it on a local level ranging from familial incest[353] to familiar trusted social and professional sources within our neighborhood and community – family friends, neighbors, baby sitters, childcare workers, teachers, coaches, scout leaders, doctors, nurses and social workers,[354] to the macro-level of covert operative criminal agents acting within our own governmental institutions and its army of private contractors representing the sophisticated organized crime machine that’s behind the massive global child sex trafficking,[355] largely coordinated and concealed by intelligence services and controlled by Luciferian overlords from Illuminati bloodline dynasties responsible for this human plague,[356] perhaps this shamefully shocking human condition would drastically be reduced. Ignorance is no excuse. SPREAD THE WORD!
Australian 50-year old anti-child abuse crusader and longtime mind-controlled sex slave turned courageous survivor-campaigner Fiona Barnett was trafficked around the world and sexually victimized by the likes of Richard Nixon at Australia’s main military airport, Rev. Billy Graham at the notorious satanic elite resort Bohemian Grove and globalist Ted Turner at Disneyland as well as raped by Australia’s prime ministers and actress Nicole Kidman’s father Antony.[357] Currently writing a book on the global pedophilia network, Fiona has disclosed:
I thought coming from the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission that I had a pretty good handle on serious and organised crime side. I didn’t appreciate the depth and breadth of involvement with private entities and banks. I didn’t appreciate how many industries it does actually touch. There’s a misperception that money laundering is a victimless white-collar crime that’s probably just looking at tax avoidance – and it’s not. It’s criminal entities using financial institutions here and nationally to move criminal funds around our country and our financial system overseas and it has a massive impact on everyday life; whether that’s child exploitation, serious and organised crime, drug importation – it all involves money laundering.[358]
British intelligence whistleblower Andrea Davison who also has exposed pedophilia, had to go in hiding in South America for telling the truth to the public. Her biography Shoot the Woman First delves into her life as a secret agent.[359] She has this to say about her former employer and how this world is run by Satanists:
Citizens of these advanced Western nations are victims of politicians and state agencies themselves in the control of satanic bankers and mobsters, who cling to power using surveillance, mind control and manipulation techniques. When I worked in Intelligence, targets were other agents and people involved in extremely serious criminal activities, but other group’s targeted whistle-blowers, campaigners and activists. Targeted individuals often died in mysterious circumstances… Satanists require an endless supply of pre-pubescent children to torture, rape and sacrifice. They need to create nations without compassion or empathy so that negative currents are drawn onto the earth. Running behind these satanic robber barons are secret organizations we know of today as the various national intelligence services, the secret intelligence service running behind NATO and various semisecret groups like the Privy Council in the United Kingdom, Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove in the USA, the Freemasons and the judicial systems. Exclusive clubs and intelligence services officiate for and maintain the power of the robber barons and their governments… If you tell populations you are going to destroy their planet home, take away their freedoms, steal their children so you can rape and sacrifice them, and have a plan to exterminate them slowly and painfully via illness and poverty they would revolt. After all the head robber barons can be counted on the fingers of your hands whilst the populations they enslave run into billions.[360]
This demonic blight must be rooted out if our arrested human development, progress and evolution are ever to be fully restored to move our species forward again. The very advancement of humanity has been hijacked by these satanic earth controllers and it’s high time we take our planet back from this miniscule number of godless destroyers that have wielded planetary control for millenniums.
As Andrea Davison calls them, the satanic robber barons possess a seemingly endless supply of child sex abuse victims, multiplied a thousand fold by the same elite perpetrators manufacturing multiple war zones and the mass migration crises,[361] abducting missing, trafficked children,[362] harvesting both human organs[363] and young children’s blood for the “elixir drug” adrenochrome,[364] as well as international trafficking of illegal arms and drugs, generating trillions in illicitly laundered black budget profit,[365] punctuated by the ever-widening poverty gap between rich and poor,[366] currently leading to increasing political unrest boiling over across the planet.[367] The totality of these highly correlated factors constitutes a growing danger and threat to both every child as well as every human inhabiting this planet right now. Again, these facts speak for themselves and are neither click bait nor fear porn exaggeration. Guilty criminal authorities committing these egregious organized crimes on a massive democide scale against both children and humanity have left it exclusively for us mindfully aware citizens of the world to band together to fight and clean up their despicably brutal toxic filth in order to finally begin safeguarding our children. We have no option but to unite if as a human species we are to both survive their genocidal assault as well as protect our most precious resource from the planetary controllers-destroyers that are humanity’s true enemy.
The bottom line is each and every pedophilia scandal in the United Kingdom has been perpetrated and covered up by the British Establishment, consisting of prominent members of every public sector, from Parliament, police, intelligence services, the judiciary, the royal household, social services, entertainment and clergy. A worldwide web of deceit, blackmail and corruption has been deployed to cover their criminal tracks so that the public stays uninformed, ignorant and oblivious. And with the recent Establishment pushback attempting to erase all the overwhelming evidence and as the real fantasists pretend it never happened, it’s up to the public now to know better than to swallow their nonstop lies of denial. It may have worked before, but with the Epstein tentacles still reaching into Deep State politics today, unraveling the Anglo-American-Zionist house of cards cabal, including the Houses of Windsor, Rothschild, Rockefeller and Soros with their destabilization-one world governance agenda, citizens of the world know too much now to passively sit by and allow their criminal horror to continue. The enemy is losing its war against truth and the will of the people demanding change and justice cannot be stopped, regardless of all their doublespeak and sleight of hand deception. You know who you are, and we do too. And now we’re coming after you!
[1] “Masonic Child Abuse by Design,” Peoples Council for the Protection of Children, June 2014, http://pcfpc.org/2014/06/masonic-child-abuse-by-design/.
[2] Nick Davies, “Behind the Screen of Anonymity: Tales of Powerful Men Abusing children,” The Guardian, October 1, 1997, https://www.nickdavies.net/1997/10/01/behind-the-screen-of-anonymity-tales-of-powerful-men-abusing-children/?catid=131.
[3] Roger Dobson, “The Jillings Report: How the Truth about North Wales Child Abuse Scandal was Suppressed,” Independent, November 11, 2012, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/the-jillings-report-how-the-truth-about-north-wales-child-abuse-scandal-was-suppressed-8303903.html.
[4] Eileen Fairweather, “The Truth behind the Child Abuse Cover-ups,” The Telegraph, July 13, 2013, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10177681/The-truth-behind-the-child-abuse-cover-ups.html.
[5] Roger Dobson, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/the-jillings-report-how-the-truth-about-north-wales-child-abuse-scandal-was-suppressed-8303903.html.
.[6] Ben Gelblum, “Home Office, Councils & Insurance Firms Colluded in Child Abuse Cover-up, Inquiry Reveals,” The London Economic, November 28, 2018, https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/home-office-councils-insurance-firms-colluded-in-child-abuse-cover-up-inquiry-reveals/28/11/.
[7] “Britain’s Conservative Party Set to Elect First Jewish Leader,” jta.org, November 7, 2003, https://www.jta.org/2003/11/07/archive/britains-conservative-party-set-to-elect-first-jewish-leader.
[8] Eileen Fairweather, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10177681/The-truth-behind-the-child-abuse-cover-ups.html.
[9] “Exposed: The Pulped Files that Name VIP Paedophile Ring of Celebs and Politicians, Daily Star, November 14, 2012, https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/exposed-pulped-files-name-vip-18570821,
[10] “Jillings Report: The Main Points,” https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-23225368.
[11] “Jillings Report: The Main Points,” https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-23225368.
[12] “Jillings Report: The Main Points,” https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-23225368.
[13] “Jillings Report: The Main Points,” https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-23225368.
[14] “Jillings Report: The Main Points,” https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-23225368.
[15] Martin Shipton, “North Wales Child Abuse Scandal: The Long Road to Justice,” Wales Online, November 11, 2012, https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/local-news/north-wales-child-abuse-scandal-2016869.
[16] Eileen Fairweather, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10177681/The-truth-behind-the-child-abuse-cover-ups.html.
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