Preface by Author for 5 Volume Print Edition



As a licensed Marriage Family Therapist in Los Angeles, California for many years, I worked with many victims of pedophilia. I saw the horrific damage done.

The self-blame, the guilt, anger, self-loathing, distrust toward adults, and low self-esteem that caused clients to struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression, drug abuse, suicidal impulses, self-cutting to relieve the psychic pain.

The effects and trauma of child sexual abuse often last a lifetime. The decades working in mental health provided me the sensitivity and experience necessary to take on this monster of a topic, chronicling the extent of organized pedophilia around the world.

Pedophilia has become humanity’s scourge, with global child sex trafficking the world’s fastest growing organized crime, largely unchecked by the political, legal and child welfare systems that to a great extent are an enormous part of the problem.

As a journalist beginning in 2014, I began focusing on this egregious epidemic that was avoided or denied by mainstream press. When WikiLeaks released the Hillary Clinton and John Podesta emails in October 2016, and citizen journalists picked up on the Pizzagate scandal, drawing wide internet attention to the coded language that the FBI has documented as terms commonly used by pedophiles, I was among the few independent journalists that wrote about the Washington DC pedophile ring centered around the Comet Ping Pong pizza parlor.

Immediately dismissed as fake news, even alternative news sites where I regularly contributed articles would not even touch the topic.

I began researching, investigating and writing extensively on this topic. Within several months I was independently approached by two individuals I respect. After reading the more than half dozen articles I’d written about Pizza-turned Pedogate, James Fetzer asked me to write the book on this much needed, overlooked and under-reported issue.

With my professional background as a West Point graduate, former Army officer, mental health clinician and journalist, I came to realize I was in a unique position to expose the elite’s pedophilia network. Since I possess the passion, compassion and sensibility suited to taking on this horrendous enterprise, once James suggested it, I knew it had to be done. In April 2017 I began work on what I initially believed would be a yearlong writing project.

Two months later, Robert David Steele also contacted me, encouraging me to write the book. Robert has been extremely supportive throughout this marathon endeavor, and I’m very grateful for his providing venues allowing me to get the word out beyond my own blog site. I appreciate both James Fetzer for getting me started and Robert’s continued encouragement throughout.

Robert devised the book title, secured its cover art, created with tags, and was instrumental in facilitating this print edition in five volumes.

As I’ve progressed completing dozens of chapters, several friends have also been instrumental in providing links related to my work. I’m additionally grateful that this disturbing topic, just since I’ve been writing, has gradually become embraced by more and more people, recognizing that this scourge must be stopped. Public awareness and commitment to eradicate the global pedophilia network has never been greater, and together we can make a difference.

It is not possible to understand the Deep State – and how the Deep State maintains control over key figures across all domains from government at all levels to the world of banking, across law enforcement, the media, and the military – without understanding pedophilia and all that surrounds it including the torture and murder of innocent children in the millions.

Joachim Hagopian
