The enemy of humanity has successfully deployed the divide and conquer approach for shielding its pervasive criminal accountability and increasing its power and control. The enemy’s strategic use of the dialectic inventing an exaggerated problem that barely exists, just to cause a horrific reaction that the enemy then pushes a readymade solution in an endless cycle to grab more centralized power and control is another go-to standard our enemy masterfully deploys through yet more camouflaged deception as humanity’s enemy are Luciferian masters of deception.
Chapter 45: Italy’s Pedophilia: The Deep State and Today’s War Between Good Versus Evil
ChapterItaly’s Pedophilia: The Deep State and Today’s War Between Good Versus Evil
Joachim Hagopian
Chapter 42: The NXIVM Scandal: The Sex Cult, Megalomania and Pedophilia Protected by the Pedo-Cabal
ChapterChapter 41: Pizzagate Turned Pedogate: Internet Sleuths Link Clintons and Podestas to Washington Satanic Pedo-Ring that Mainstream Media Labels ‘Fake News’
ChapterChapter 40 Spain and Portugal: Iberian Peninsula’s Dark Pedophilia History of Unprotected Kids
ChapterChapter 38: The Pedophilia Crisis in Today’s Scandinavia – Rape and Bestiality Capital of Europe
ChapterChapter 37 – Germany’s Exploding 2020 Pedophilia Crisis
ChapterChapter 37 Germany’s Exploding 2020 Pedophilia Crisis
Joachim Hagopian
Full Text Free Online Below the Fold
Continue reading “Chapter 37 – Germany’s Exploding 2020 Pedophilia Crisis”
Chapter 34: Deception of the Ages: How Humanity Was Hijacked over a Quarter Million Millennia Ago and Ruled by Extraterrestrial Slave Masters Ever Since
ChapterChapter 33: The British Royal Family, Pedophilia and the End of a 1200-Year Parasitic Monarchy
ChapterChapter 31: The Hampstead 2 Whistleblowing Kids Expose Satanic Cult’s MK Ritual Abuse-Child Porn Operation
ChapterChapter 29: Northern Ireland’s Kincora Scandal: British Intelligence Sexual Blackmail Operation and Cover-up
ChapterChapter 28: The 3rd Lord Victor Rothschild: Planet’s 20th Century Overlord to Zionist World Dictatorship
ChapterChapter 27: The Rothschild Banking Dynasty: How Zionist Luciferian Overlords Came to Rule the Earth
ChapterChapter 23: Tony Blair, his Pedo-Infested Ministers and how Zionism and Pedophilia Reign Supreme
ChapterChapter 19: Sir Jimmy Savile: British History’s Biggest Pedophile, Sexual Blackmail Kingpin, VIP Pimp, BBC Pedophile Ringleader and the Massive Cover-up
ChapterChapter 17: The Olympic Umbrella is a Cover for Worldwide Pedophilia Operations Child Athletes, Pedophile Coaches and the Exploited Power Differential
ChapterChapter 16: The Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky Saga – Anatomy of a Grooming Pedophile Predator Enabled by a Legendary Head Coach, a Powerhouse Football Team and Respected University that Shamefully Values Winning over Children’s Safety
Chapter 16: The Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky Saga – Anatomy of a Grooming Pedophile Predator Enabled by a Legendary Head Coach, a Powerhouse Football Team and Respected University that Shamefully Values Winning over Children’s Safety
Joachim Hagopian
Full Text Free Online Below the Fold
Chapter 15: Satan and Pedophilia Rule Hollywood
Chapter 15: Satan and Pedophilia Rule Hollywood
Joachim Hagopian
Full Text Free Online Below the Fold
Continue reading “Chapter 15: Satan and Pedophilia Rule Hollywood”
Chapter 14: The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal – Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System
ChapterChapter 13: The Franklin Scandal and Cover-Up
Chapter 13: The Franklin Disgrace: US History’s Biggest Pedophilia Scandal and Cover-up inside the Bush Senior White House
Joachim Hagopian
Full Text Free Online Below the Fold
Continue reading “Chapter 13: The Franklin Scandal and Cover-Up”
Chapter 11: More US Military, CIA, Private Contractor and UN Perversions Driving the Sex Trafficking Network
ChapterChapter 10: Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile Operations
ChapterChapter 9: Military-CIA Mind Control, Torture, Pedophilia and Satanic Sacrifice
Chapter 9: Military-CIA Mind Control, Torture, Pedophilia and Satanic Sacrifice
Joachim Hagopian
Full Text Free Online Below the Fold
Continue reading “Chapter 9: Military-CIA Mind Control, Torture, Pedophilia and Satanic Sacrifice”
Chapter 5: Sins of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Chapter 5: Sins of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Joachim Hagopian
Full Text Free Online Below the Fold
Continue reading “Chapter 5: Sins of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta”
Chapter 3: Tracing the Ruling Elite’s Pedophile Bloodlust for Children from Antiquity to Today
ChapterChapter 2: Elite’s Sinister Agenda to Normalize and Decriminalize Pedophilia
Chapter 2: Elite’s Sinister Agenda to Normalize and Decriminalize Pedophilia
Joachim Hagopian
Full Text Free Online Before the Fold
Continue reading “Chapter 2: Elite’s Sinister Agenda to Normalize and Decriminalize Pedophilia”