Chapter 16: The Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky Saga – Anatomy of a Grooming Pedophile Predator Enabled by a Legendary Head Coach, a Powerhouse Football Team and Respected University that Shamefully Values Winning over Children’s Safety
Joachim Hagopian
Full Text Free Online Below the Fold
Section 4: Pedophilia Saturates the World of Sports
Where big money and power rule, so does pedophilia. No human arena on this earth is immune, the multibillion dollar industry of Big Sports of course no exception. From complicit owners, financiers and governing bodies of both professional sports worldwide as well as amateur sports at all levels, from Olympics to college football to national team sports like soccer (football outside US), and girls/women’s gymnastics and swimming, one by one all have been rocked by unprecedented major pedophilia scandals in recent years. And by far the biggest single sports event in the United States, the NFL Super Bowl, also offers child sex traffickers their busiest moneymaking day of the year. What does all this say about America’s favorite pastime, from their living rooms across the nation fixated on the boob tube, passively spectating the bread and circus gladiators, while Luciferian elitists raking in billions are ravenously raping hundreds of children for their after-game dessert? It’s a sick world that literally feeds off children to provide such demonically controlled decadence when our most defenseless population is being savagely served on the elite’s hedonistic pleasure menu. Just as in Hollywood, politics, religion, and the military, Lucifer’s diabolical machine knows no limits extending its unthinkable perversions to every avenue of human commerce, endeavor and amusement.
This section of the book will detail how pedophilia has corruptively invaded the world of sports, in a plethora of venues, beginning with the pedophilia scandal that painfully shook and shattered Happy Valley, still dividing Pennsylvania State University and the State College community today.[1] How the school’s beloved head football Coach Joe Paterno and top administrative officers covered up the pedophilia crimes of his assistant coach for decades with absolutely no regard for countless child victims is fully laid bare and exposed in this chapter. Also uncovered is how the Coach Sandusky scandal maintained ties connecting the New York-Philadelphia-DC pipeline that extends to the most prominent political elite operating the Eastern Seaboard child sex trafficking network.
Previous chapters have explored the inner workings and dynamics of the global child sex trafficking network, chiefly orchestrated by CIA pimps operating covertly through CIA front organizations like the US State Department, USAID and hundreds of charitable organizations, aided and abetted at every turn by top government officials like pedo-presidents and pedo-prime ministers along with secret societies from Freemasonry and Illuminati to those belonging to the Catholic Church led by the pope and his fellow Vatican Luciferians. We’ve caught glimpses of how this mammoth worldwide pedophilia operation is used as a blackmailing machine vis-a-vis the Zionist-Mossad Epstein Orgy Island operation selecting, grooming and ultimately owning and controlling the Luciferian system’s most powerful leaders… and how these most powerful leaders like the demonic worshipping pedophilic families the Bushes and Clintons and their criminal cabal directly oversee the global sex trafficking operations.
And now through the crimes of longtime Penn State University football Coach Jerry Sandusky, we will delve deeper down the rabbit hole to glimpse the anatomy of how individual pedophiles carefully select and groom their child victims and how they are subsequently able for decades to continue getting away with heinously preying on defenseless children. But lastly, in each of this section’s two chapters, our focus on pedophilia within the sports world will explicitly illuminate how each institutionalized scandal is neither randomly isolated nor operates in a vacuum independent of each other. Each and every one of them are part of the larger interconnected, systemic Luciferian whole that interlocks top levels of international and national governing bodies, organized crime, corporate media, religion, central banking and private industry.
Chapter 16: The Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky Saga – Anatomy of a Grooming Pedophile Predator Enabled by a Legendary Head Coach, a Powerhouse Football Team and Respected University that Shamefully Values Winning over Children’s Safety
74-year old Jerry Sandusky is now the life imprisoned grandson of Polish immigrants and a Polish American father who was the director of a children’s sports center for over 30 years in the family’s hometown of Washington, located in southwestern Pennsylvania not far from America’s steel capital Pittsburgh. Unless he lives to be 98, Sandusky is destined to die in prison for his diabolical sins against children. For his father’s contribution to providing recreational sports activities to local youth for multiple generations in Washington, Pennsylvania, likely enhanced by his son’s coaching stature as longtime defensive coordinator for the prestigious Penn State Nittany Lions football team, Arthur Sandusky was voted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame in 1989,[2] seven years before his death. With Jerry Sandusky’s mother an Irish Catholic homemaker from a small coal mining town, by all appearance sake, Jerry enjoyed a wholesome, clean-cut upbringing within the quintessential all-American small town suburban setting, though in Sandusky’s 1999 autobiography Touched,[3] the convicted serial pedophile described himself growing up “an awkward, shy” kid. Residing upstairs on the second floor of the Brownson House, the youth center run by his father constantly supplying a wide array of sports for local children, in high school Jerry Sandusky exceled at football, basketball and baseball before attending nearby Penn State University where he emerged as the starting defensive end from 1963-65, nurtured by then assistant coach Joe Paterno.[4]
Other than a brief stint in the Army at the tail end of WWII, Jerry’s longtime boss Coach Joe Paterno never held a job outside of football. The ex-Brown University quarterback straight out of the Ivy League took to coaching America’s most popular game. In 1950 at the behest of his former Brown turned Penn State Coach Rip Engle, Paterno arrived in Happy Valley as a 24-year old assistant coach.[5] While Sandusky played under him in the mid-60s, in 1966 new head coach Paterno made Sandusky his graduate assistant. With the exception of yearlong stints as assistant coach at Juniata College and Boston University in 1967-68, the famed Penn State head coach hired the young Sandusky in 1969 as his assistant linebacker coach, officially commencing Sandusky’s 32-year tenure as Paterno’s longest running assistant coach.
Joe Paterno’s legendary record at Penn State piling up 409 wins from 1966-2011 distinguished “JoePa” as major college football’s all-time winningest coach in US history.[6] With a total of 61 consecutive years as a Penn State coach, and the longest running coach of a single team with the most wins ever as a head coach that included 5 undefeated seasons, two national championships, 24 bowl wins and roughly two of his every three years rankings in the top 10, Sandusky’s boss for over three decades, is indisputably recognized as America’s greatest college football coach in a rich history of the sport dating back to near a century and a half.
And as the right hand assistant to America’s greatest coach ever, Sandusky enjoyed Emeritus status after his official 1999 retirement seemingly right up to his November 2011 pedophilia indictment, able to freely utilize all Penn State athletic facilities in post-retirement.[7] Ostensibly this privilege was granted to Jerry Sandusky as recognition for playing such a crucial role in Penn State’s gridiron prowess for all but two seasons of Paterno’s near half century mark as the Penn State head coach, perennially ranked among the nation’s top five teams in defense, in large part due to Sandusky’s defensive specialty and expertise. Known as “Linebacker U,” with Penn State’s dominant success came multiple head coach job offers to earn millions elsewhere – at Marshall, Temple, Maryland[8] and a final offer at Virginia in 2000.[9] But Sandusky’s loyalty to both his Penn State home and his legendary boss compelled the defensive specialist to turn them all down.
Though loyalty to his home State and a football legend sound admirable, the bottom line, real reason Sandusky remained at Penn State is far more sinister. As a serial pedophile and chronic sexual predator, the years that Coach Sandusky meticulously invested to establish his familiar hometown roots and glory offered him a much needed, protective safety net and convenient steady stream of victims with his founding the charitable nonprofit organization the Second Mile in 1977 to help at-risk youth.[10] But instead of providing a safe nurturing home environment for troubled kids as a vital social service outsource, the constant flow of foster care placements at Second Mile were systematically targeted, only placing kids at further risk of abusive harm as the renowned Penn State coach’s easy prey. At its height with an annual budget into the millions servicing tens of thousands of disadvantaged children,[11] Sandusky carnivorously used his Second Mile group home residents and its numerous programs and camps to help himself to seconds, thirds and fourths, plucking child after child from his very own pedo-pipeline feeding his diabolically insatiable appetite for younger boys.
Sandusky also strategically ensured that Penn State as his heavily endowed employer merge its mutual interests with his own Second Mile charity in a convenient marriage that facilitated Sandusky’s full access to funding resources, university athletic facilities and ongoing co-sponsorship services leading ultimately to compromised corruption and soon enough a built-in mutually self-serving interest to conceal child sex crimes. Countless honorary board members, top officials and wealthy donors were indelibly affiliated with both.[12] [13] Sandusky and his “invisible” crime boss partners still-at-large engineered their pedophilic enterprises whereby should the pedo-coach ever become exposed and go down in flames, so would Penn State, paralleling the typical sexual blackmail dynamics of compromised public politicians, thereby guaranteeing Sandusky’s protection and assured cover-up.[14] And as the pedophilia operation played out for decades, Penn State’s top brass headed by compromised, coaching god Joe Paterno would have to follow suit, pretending Jerry wasn’t sodomizing little boys while looking the other way for nearly a half century, protecting the pedophile in order to preserve both the school’s venerable reputation and football program’s continued success and national dominance.
Over the ensuing years at Penn State, child rapist Jerry Sandusky and his wife Dotty raised six adopted children (all boys but one) and countless foster kids at State College.[15] Misusing his own children as yet another easiest available source for victims, for years the Penn State coach incestually abused at least one of his own sons Matt[16] and likely another Jeffrey arrested in 2017 on 14 counts of child sex abuse and, like father, like son, is currently serving a 3.5-7 year prison sentence (only his son’s sexual proclivity is underage girls instead of little boys).[17]
Matt Sandusky was born in 1978 to an alcoholic abusive biological father and a mother that divorced when he was six, living then moving with his mom Debra and younger brother and sister into his maternal grandparents’ home with a physically abusive grandfather.[18] As disadvantaged youth 7-year old Matt and his year younger brother Ron Heichel were referred to Sandusky’s charity Second Mile. But it wasn’t long before Matt was quickly snatched up from the predator coach’s pedo-pipeline. Sandusky singled out Matt and began stalking and grooming him, at first wining and dining him with gifts and invitations to attend both home and away Penn State football games and practices, given so much positive attention from the famous big man on campus.[19] Those were the grooming months leading up to the sexual abuse that began at age 8.[20] Without his mother’s permission the celebrity coach would often show up at will and take Matt out of school.[21] Matt suffered in silence through seven more years of rape and molestation at the hands of Jerry Sandusky.
The severely abused, troubled 16-year old teenager ditched school one day with a friend and headed for their usual hangout, an old barn where inside they encountered a parked truck. They got in and while smoking cigarettes, for childish kicks, impulsively foolishly placed a lit piece of paper inside the glove compartment that caused a fire to spread and burn down the barn.[22] After the unintended arson incident, while Coach Sandusky was in California preparing to play Oregon in the 1995 Rose Bowl, he personally phoned the juvenile court judge requesting Matt’s placement in his foster home, separating Matt from his biological family. Sandusky also sent a former Penn State player Matt knew to personally present the juvenile court and sexual predator’s ultimatum, forcing Matt to choose between juvenile lockup and adult prison at 18 or the Sandusky foster home. Trapped between a rock and a hard place, Matt chose the hard place – his abuser’s home.
What’s extraordinary is that while her son was yanked (“stolen” from his mother’s point of view) from her home, Centre County Children’s Services authorized Matt’s mother to become a foster parent for her nephew placed inside her home.[23] So Debra Long was deemed a fit enough parent to take care of a child not hers, yet unfit to take care of her own biological child she’d raised since birth, all because a famous, stalking control freak-pedo-predator pulled a few strings to gain closer, easier access to his child prey. According to Matt’s brother Ron, up till the barn burning incident, the two Heichel brothers were extremely close and inseparable, though Ron always knew the renowned coach favored Matt while totally ignoring him. But once Matt was sent to live in the Sandusky foster home, everything changed. In 1995, just four months after living with his abuser, Matt attempted suicide. Jerry Sandusky’s first words out of his mouth to Matt at the hospital taunted:
You couldn’t even kill yourself right.[24]
Matt’s school based probation officer Terry Trude grew so concerned about Matt’s safety while briefly living under the Sandusky roof that she was prompted to write a letter to the judge recommending that Matt be transferred to a different foster home:
The probation department has some serious concerns about the juvenile’s safety and his current progress in placement with the Sandusky family.[25]
After raising her son the first 16 years of his life only to lose him to a pedophile who’d been abusing him from age 8 to 15, while living with the predator coach, Matt’s biological mother Debra Long was permitted only a half day visit per month with her son. She vociferously fought and clashed with Children Services that never bothered to listen to her concerns. As the lone voice and first to express worry over Sandusky’s predatory nature as far back as 1994, even prior to Matt’s failed suicide attempt, Debra accused Jerry Sandusky of stalking and controlling her son.[26] One day she point blank asked Matt if Sandusky ever touched him inappropriately and Matt told her he “didn’t want to talk about it.” When his brother Ron would call the Sandusky house to try and speak to Matt, Dottie Sandusky would answer telling him he was no longer Matt’s brother.[27] In response to the opposition from both the boy’s biological mother and probation officer, the predator next seized opportunity to cement his relationship with Matt, effectively cutting him off from his own biological family by permanently adopting him upon reaching his 18th birthday to become the youngest of Jerry and Dottie’s six adopted kids.
Years later even when his adopted father was being investigated and Matt was questioned by police as well as the 2009 grand jury, he kept his chronic victimization secret, denying he was ever abused in order to protect his abuser. While still a young boy, Matt had long resigned himself to being the chronic rape victim as a necessary tradeoff to being accepted into an otherwise esteemed, stable, affluent family household where plentiful food was always on the table.[28] During the 2012 trial, Jerry Sandusky was still preying on Matt’s conflicted sense of family loyalty, pressuring and rehearsing with the then 34-year old married father of three, this time being “groomed” as a key defense witness to deny any and all abuse charges against his adoptive father.[29] It wasn’t until Matt was sitting in the courtroom right there with his unified Sandusky family all in loyal support of their perverted patriarch observing the emotional testimony of Victim #4 (whom Matt knew) bravely reporting his horrendous abuse identical to Matt’s own, that he finally decided he could no longer live the lie.[30]
Matt’s reticence to disclose his long term abuse is extremely common amongst young victimized boys and adolescents. Sexually abused male victims frequently are so traumatized with shame, guilt and confusion, for years they often avoid telling others, even their mothers. Gender roles for young males in American culture does not equate to being a victim.[31] Manhood and victimhood simply do not intermesh. Males also are far less apt to seek help out of fear of being stigmatized as weakness. When boys are perpetrated by an adult male, it often brings up feelings that threaten their sexual identity, i.e., fear of being gay. Homophobia is still rampant despite the LGBT movement, and being judged gay by peers often keeps young male victims locked into going it alone, suffering the abuse in silence.
But at 33 with a family of his own, for his own survival Matt Sandusky had come to realize that he must come clean and begin finally telling the truth. So he defected, approaching the prosecution team halfway through the trial to admit he’d lied in he past but was now willing to disclose his painful, tortuous history in court, in effect checkmating his infamous, abusive dad from taking the witness stand in his own self-defense. News by way of a recent police recording of Matt’s sexual abuse was released to the public the same day the jury began its twenty hour two day deliberation. And once the defense attorneys learned Sandusky’s own son was willing to testify against his father, the serial pedophile’s fate was sealed with a guilty verdict on June 22, 2012.[32]
Switching sides to dare speak the truth instantaneously estranged Matt from his adoptive mother Dottie and his five siblings, all still feebly claiming Jerry’s innocence.[33] And ever since, Matt Sandusky’s credibility and honor have been challenged and attacked to the point that he and his immediate family have been harassed and threatened numerous times, incurring the venomous wrath of legions of diehard Paterno Penn State supporters. During an hour long Oprah Winfrey interview in 2014, Matt expressed regret about disclosing his seven years of abuse, because it put his wife and kids in danger:
I can handle people attacking me; I handled the abuse… I can take it. My wife is an innocent. My children… they’re innocent. [34]
Matt said that one of his adopted brothers even admitted to him that he too was molested, and encouraged Matt if he were a victim to go to the police. But that brother later turned on Matt, accusing him of lying and betraying the Sandusky family. Betrayed first by his predator father, Matt felt betrayed a second time by the Sandusky family, yet on Oprah still acknowledged his loyalty and indebtedness to them:
They cared about me, they loved me. I owed that family everything. Everything I was and am I owed to them.[35]
This is the kind of torn ambivalence he has lived with for most of his life. As both therapy as well as delivering to the world his inside story as an abuse survivor, Matt authored the book Undaunted.[36] He has become a courageous public advocate using his own harrowing experience to speak out against the rampant child sexual abuse epidemic gripping both this nation and world and with his second wife Kim today heads the child advocacy foundation called Peaceful Hearts.[37]
In retrospect, in December 2011 a vindicated Debra Long lamented:
If they’d have listened, these boys [Sandusky Victims 1-10] didn’t have to be abused. They would have found the problem back then, and a whole lot of kids wouldn’t be victims now. We couldn’t get anything done. It was Jerry Sandusky. He started The Second Mile home. He could’ve done nothing wrong.[38]
The pedophile coach’s total number of rape victims may never be known, but with virtually an unlimited supply of kids spanning four decades at his disposal, and the final toll of pedo-casualties perhaps into the hundreds, no wonder Coach Sandusky chose to stay put in his insulated PA comfort zone, safely shielded by a famous boss and administration that valued winning football games over vulnerable children’s lives. Between taking refuge within the enabling Penn State University system and his readymade Second Mile charity programs delivering a constant fresh supply of young meat to ravage, behind his cultivated, saintly, altruistic image, the devilish Sandusky created a pedo-farm paradise for himself, that is until his despicable crime spree bubble finally popped in November 2011. Meanwhile, firmly ensconced and adoringly embraced by his State College community, the pedo-monster also made sure he was a “faithful” church-goer every Sunday at his local St. Paul’s Methodist Church,[39] describing his family as “old-fashioned” led by his always “stand by her man,” supportive wife.[40] The worst perverts so often hide behind religion and their “wholesome” Americana roots.
Jerry Sandusky calculatingly used his “big goofball” persona as the coach who never quite grew up to strategically grant him a license to regularly engage in roughhouse, “boys will be boys” horseplay in order to lay the initial grooming groundwork to establish increasing level of physical contact with his too many to count susceptible victims.[41] Sandusky and fellow pedos of his ilk, be it in Hollywood, State College, DC or anywhere, purposely hone in to carefully select kids without involved parents, either divorced or in process of divorce, or troubled youth already institutionalized within the child welfare system, having been abused and neglected as the most vulnerable child population to parasitically feed on. The next formulaic step as a sexual predator is to methodically shower targeted youth with positive attention, affection and gifts, in Jerry’s case taking them to Penn State or Steeler or Eagles football games, meeting the teams’ players, offering them a once in a lifetime childhood dream. Befriending and mentoring disadvantaged youngsters became this predator’s public face and persona, attending their sporting events and gaining both their trust and confidence in order to set the stage to transgress beyond the legal threshold of physical contact, into the dark taboo world of criminal child sexual exploitation.
If the intermediary steps to increase level of contact cunningly prove effective without a glitch, the coach’s standby M.O. after working out with his young victims at his always available Penn State athletic facilities was to introduce taking showers together where he would move in for his kill, either on campus regularly committing sexual assault and sodomy or once abused within the comfort and confines of his basement home, “hiding in plain sight” in what’s come to be a most familiar theme in virtually every predator’s dirty lowdown playbook. It became common knowledge within the athletic department and around campus that Coach Sandusky was mighty cozy and intimate with his underage male youth from Second Mile as a number of Penn State “staff members and football coaches regularly observed Sandusky showering with young boys.”[42] Getting naked and showering with young boys from his charity apparently was perceived as no big deal due to his “goofball knucklehead” image and prominent longstanding position as Paterno’s right hand man. For years at a time it safely shielded him from all accountability. And incredibly, apparently no one ever saw any urgency to notify superiors about Sandusky’s highly disturbing, inappropriate behavior, though sealed records of victims’ depositions indicate some staff and coaches over the years did take notice and reported it to Coach Paterno.[43] But he never failed to just sit on it. That all-important issue will soon be addressed.
In similar vein as suspected sexual predator Charlie Sheen coaxing 13-year old actor Corey Haim on their movie set to being sodomized as a perverse rite of passage with older guys “breaking” in the younger Hollywood boys, the “big kid” coach who never grew up opportunistically most often made his sexual advances within the safe, familiar confines of the university locker rooms. Should any of the boys he abused mention to parents or concerned adults about improprieties taken in the showers, the coach and his complicit cover-uppers (i.e., Paterno and Penn State’s top administrative officers) would invariably resort to the “boys being boys” cover story, evoking “innocent horseplay” as Sandusky’s apologetic fallback line and then thereafter cool any further efforts to sexually abuse those particular kids. Sandusky was highly skilled at not only preying on children but also preying on adults responsible for those children.[44] He became just as adept at confusing, deceiving and charming his way out of potential criminal entanglements that arose when kids did talk about their bizarre shower episodes with the “touchy, feely” predator coach.
In Sandusky’s own autobiographical words from his 2000 book Touched,[45] the big prankster readily admitted:
I live a good part of my life in a make-believe world. I enjoyed pretending as a kid, and I love doing the same as an adult with these kids. Pretending has always been part of me.[46]
Playing make believe as an adult came in extremely handy for Sandusky being able to live with himself, pretending for decades at a time that he wasn’t really a predatory monster shattering countless young lives with his molestations and brutal anal rapes… quite the make believer he was and still is. In fact, true to his form, he proudly declared:
I’ll never regret being called a ‘great’ pretender.[47]
And to this very day the “great pretender” is still pretending that he’s innocent… talk about living in a make believe world! The court of appeals judge didn’t buy it as the convicted pedophile’s request for a new trial was soundly rejected in October 2017.[48]
If little Jerry himself was traumatically abused by his own father or another adult male inducing dissociative disorder, his “pretend world” hypothesis might make a little more sense. But no concrete evidence has ever come forth indicating that Sandusky was a sexual abuse victim as a child. Exploiting to full advantage his elevated celebrity status within the State College community as well as his playful, accepted “big kid” persona to all who knew him, on multiple occasions the serial pedophile found himself routinely talking his way out of potential legal trouble.
Journalist Malcolm Gladwell in the New Yorker along with others has asserted the irony that Joe Paterno actually disliked his longest running coach Jerry Sandusky, barely tolerating the “impulsive knucklehead” and constantly perturbed by his right hand man always surrounding himself with a parade of young kids.[49] As the no-nonsense disciplinarian who 24/7 walked, talked and thought football, workaholic Coach Paterno wanted to fire Sandusky on numerous occasions. But according to Paterno’s biographer Joe Posnanski, JoePa eventually learned to accept Sandusky’s softer, more emotional, bear-hugging, goofball approach as providing a much needed counterbalance to his own stoic, crusty, hardball taskmaster exterior.
Again, writer Malcom Gladwell points out:
What could be better, for his [Sandusky’s] purposes, than a boss with eyes only for the football field, who dismissed him as an exasperating, impulsive knucklehead? Pedophiles cluster in professions that give them access to vulnerable children – teaching, the clergy, medicine. But Sandusky’s insight, if you want to call it that, was that the culture of football could be the greatest hiding place of all, a place where excessive physicality is the norm, where horseplay is what often passes for wit, where young men shower together after every game and practice, and where those in charge spend their days and nights dreaming only of new defensive schemes.[50]
Respected and admired by sports fans and journalists across the nation, Jerry Sandusky was mistaken for a saint instead of the monster he is. Fellow pedophile monster President George HW Bush paid homage in 1990, awarding Sandusky’s Second Mile charity as the 294th of Bush’s bogus 1000 Points of Light.[51] Afterwards the always opportunistic clownster coach grabbed the microphone yelling, “It’s about time George!”[52] Explaining the incident in his autobiography, Sandusky wrote:
I had reverted back to the days of my mischievous youth. I had always professed that someday I would reap the benefits of maturity, but my lifestyle just wouldn’t let me. There were so many things I had done in my life—so many of them crazy and outlandish. . . . My time on this earth has always been unique. At the times when I found myself searching for maturity, I usually came up with insanity.[53]
Now we know where his book tile originated, the “touched” child predator knew his criminally destructive actions were that of an out of control, insane madman masquerading behind his cultivated “good natured knucklehead,” deceitful saintly image.
Presidential wannabe, 1980 PSU grad and Catholic secret society Opus Dei linked Senator Rick Santorum[54] also kissed pedo-monster’s ass, rewarding Sandusky in 2002 with the “Congressional Angels Adoptions” award for all his tireless charity work.[55]
A book extract from the sexual predator’s own son Matt Sandusky reveals the classic grooming methodology of this serial pedophile:
Jerry [Sandusky] groomed children in a textbook way. He grew close to them, gaining their trust and even gaining their parents’ trust, by being nice, helpful, and giving. The touching started in seemingly innocent ways: a little horsing around (as Jerry was to call it), a little wrestling, an arm slung over the shoulders, hugs, a hair wash or soap fight in the showers, swatting the rear end, giving the stomach raspberries that make children laugh so hard, and tickling (Jerry always claimed he was The Tickle Monster). At first it would be a hand on the knee while seated next to him in the car, and then it would be a hand on the thigh…. Child sex offenders are masters at grooming children for sexual purposes, leading them like the Pied Piper down the slippery slope that starts out with seemingly normal human affection and nurturing.[56]
To gain even a closer glimpse into this dark pathological world of the master groomer himself, exposing how Sandusky’s pedo-assembly line operation worked, a cursory examination of public records is all that’s needed. We need look no further than the investigative findings of a 162-page report compiled by former FBI director Louis Freeh’s law firm, hired by the Penn State Board of Trustees just after the coach’s arrest in November 2011.[57] On the afternoon of May 3rd, 1998, Jerry Sandusky placed a phone call to the home of one of his Second Mile clients. As of late the stalking predator coach had taken an acute interest and been courting this underage lad as yet another potential victim, known years later at the coach’s trial as Victim #6 among 10 that finally put the rapist away for the next 30 to 60 years.
On that May day in 1998, Sandusky invited the 11-year old boy to the Penn State athletic facilities to work out on the exercise machines. After picking the boy up that night, during their workout in his characteristic roughhouse manner, Sandusky wrestled with the boy as a male bonding gesture, then kissed the boy on the top of his head, uttering the words “I love you.” At this critical juncture in Sandusky’s grooming operation with this targeted victim, the pedophile was boldly probing and literally testing the waters, asking the youth if he wanted to take a shower. The boy agreed, initially turning on the showerhead several feet away from Sandusky who then instructed him to use the same warmed up shower. Again the boy complied. With each incremental step, the predator was emboldened to take it to the next level, just to see how his targeted victim would react. The Freeh report details what happened next:
While in the shower, Sandusky wrapped his hands around the boy’s chest and said, ‘I’m gonna squeeze your guts out.’ The boy then washed his body and hair. Sandusky lifted the boy to ‘get the soap out of’ the boy’s hair, bringing the boy’s feet ‘up pretty high’ near Sandusky’s waist. The boy’s back was touching Sandusky’s chest and his feet touched Sandusky’s thigh. The boy felt ‘weird’ and ‘uncomfortable’ during his time in the shower.[58]
Sensing the boy’s awkward reaction to the shower encounter, Sandusky laid low over the next several days, leaving a phone message three days later asking the boy if he wanted to work out again. After not receiving a call back, persistent Sandusky the predatory stalker came around showing up at the boy’s home nine days later to sniff out and further assess the situation.
But on the night of the May 3rd incident, noticing her son’s hair was still wet upon arrival home, the 11-year old’s mother inquired and after learning of the suspiciously bizarre shower sequence, she promptly contacted the boy’s therapist who recommended she report the incident to the University Police Department. So when Sandusky arrived at the boy’s home on May 12th, as part of an impromptu sting operation set up by the Centre County district attorney, listening in from a nearby location just 15 feet away was university police detective Ronald Schreffler as well as a State College police detective. Again from the Freeh inquiry:
Schreffler overheard Sandusky say he had gone to the boy’s baseball game the night before but found the game had been cancelled. The boy’s mother told Sandusky that her son had been acting ‘different’ since they had been together on May 3, 1998 and asked Sandusky if anything had happened that day. Sandusky replied, ‘we worked out. Did [the boy] say something happened?’ Sandusky added that the boy had taken a shower, and said ‘maybe I worked him too hard.’ Sandusky also asked the boy’s mother if he should leave him alone, and she said that would be best. Sandusky then apologized.[59]
A few days later, the mother asked Sandusky to come by the house again; the police were once more in the next room. She questioned him more closely about what had happened in the shower. Sandusky asked to speak with the son and the mother replied that she did not feel that was a good idea as her son was confused and she did not want Sandusky to attend any of the boy’s baseball games. Sandusky responded, ‘I understand. I was wrong. I wish I could get forgiveness. I know I won’t get it from you. I wish I were dead.’[60]
When the boy’s mother asked Sandusky directly if he had touched her son’s “private parts” in the shower, the perv’s answer was “I don’t think so… maybe.”[61] Yet listening intently a few feet away, apparently all the two detectives heard was what appeared to be a genuine apology from a “remorseful” coach due to an apparent misunderstanding. And the “wish I was dead” statement was simply taken as deeply felt regret over unintentionally alienating the boy and his concerned parent. Despite Sandusky’s admission that he “maybe” touched the boy’s private parts, it wasn’t deemed strong enough evidence to indicate sexual abuse had occurred. So we’re supposed to believe that the two detectives’ agreed upon conclusion was that no abuse took place despite the pedophile’s confession that he may have touched the 11-year old’s penis? To actually buy that their interpretation of said conversation is “reasonable and understandable” based on the perceived heartfelt charm of a cunning, deceitful predator successfully extricating himself from further criminal suspicion is absolutely ridiculous.
Yet in hindsight [and possibly CYA regret] 13 years later, detective Schreffler stated on record that he believed he did have enough evidence at the time to charge Sandusky minimally with corruption of a minor.[62] But after presenting his findings to then Centre County District Attorney Ray Gricar, the DA concluded that the case against Sandusky lacked sufficient evidence to prosecute and that was that. Incidentally, seven years after the DA said “no case,” Ray Gricar went missing in 2005. And now with his body never found, his case still remains an unsolved mystery.[63] But the 2011 arrest and 2012 prosecution of Sandusky has triggered a wild resurgence speculating over the DA’s fate, compounded when his laptop and ruined hard drive found separately in and near the Susquehanna River along with a book on how to remove hard drive data recovered from his home. Otherwise all leads in the case have gone cold. And one month after the 30-60 year prison sentence was issued for the notorious pedophile that the missing DA for some unknown reason let off the hook 14 years earlier, Ray Gricar was declared legally dead.[64]
In actuality in early May 1998, Coach Sandusky was caught red-handed in the early stage of victim selection, concluding that his target was not vulnerable enough to pursue any further. But had that 11-year old youth not opened up to his alarmed mother but chose to keep the incident to himself, within weeks Sandusky would have crossed the line upping the ante to molest the child in the shower that would ultimately lead to sodomy. Oral sex and sodomy were always the predatory coach’s common endpoint objective and unfortunate fate befalling the vast majority of his victims who remain unnamed and unknown because they never reported their abuse to adult authorities and were left to suffer through their trauma in silence. Typically these are the victims who end up most severely damaged, often self-medicating in a failed attempt to bury their past, in the process turning into drug addicts only to live out their conflicted, unhappy, self-destructive adult lives that all too frequently send them to early graves. Experiencing sexual abuse as a child too often becomes a lifetime curse that shortens lives by at least two decades.[65] Child victims are so guilt-ridden with shame and confusion, they invariably blame themselves, believing they aren’t worthy of positive outcomes in life. As a licensed therapist who worked closely with a number of pedophile victims for many years in Los Angeles, I can attest to child sexual abuse victims’ hardship and suffering.
But fortunately due to a caring, inquiring mother in May 1998, this particular 11-year old was saved, both getting the police involved as well as first calling the boy’s therapist, psychologist Alycia Chambers, for a session the very next day after the shower incident. Alycia reassured the nervous parent that she was not overreacting at all. The Freeh investigation noted:
Later that day, Chambers met with the boy who told her about the prior day’s events and that he felt ‘like the luckiest kid in the world’ to get to sit on the sidelines at Penn State football games. The boy said that he did not want to get Sandusky in ‘trouble’ and that Sandusky must not have meant anything by his actions. The boy did not want anyone to talk to Sandusky because he might not invite him to any more games.[66]
Chambers wrote a report on the case and gave it to the University Police Department and Child and Youth Services. She thought that Sandusky’s behavior met the definition of a ‘likely pedophile’s pattern of building trust and gradual introduction of physical touch, within a context of a ‘loving,’ ‘special’ relationship.’ But Jerry Lauro, the caseworker assigned to the incident by the Department of Public Welfare in Harrisburg, disagreed. He thought that the incident fell into a ‘gray’ area concerning ‘boundary issues.’ The boy was then evaluated by a counsellor named John Seasock, who concluded, ‘There seems to be no incident which could be termed as sexual abuse, nor did there appear to be any sequential pattern of logic and behavior which is usually consistent with adults who have difficulty with sexual abuse of children.’ Seasock didn’t think Sandusky was grooming. Someone, he concluded, should talk to Sandusky about how to ‘stay out of such gray area situations in the future.’[67]
Later Lauro would claim he never had access to the Chambers report and had he read it, he stated he would not have stopped the investigation.[68] In May 1998 detective Schreffer and caseworker Lauro met with Coach Sandusky who admitted to showering with other boys in the past. Another boy was subsequently interviewed who relayed the exact same come-on sequence in the shower, demonstrating a clear predatory pattern of more than suggestive sexual deviance.
For the founder of a multimillion dollar children’s charity organization in his 50s to regularly get naked and shower with his organization’s clients and it not raise a red flag for police detectives and child abuse professionals alike seems highly implausible, especially when a well-qualified psychologist accurately suspected he was indeed a pedophile. Once again the charming sodomizer appears to have worked his deceitful black magic, assuring Schreffer and Lauro “Honest to God, nothing happened,” that “there was nothing sexual” about his hugging or showering with the boy.[69]
Or on a whole different level, perhaps the bigger picture and real reason no one was willing to make waves in 1998 was the daunting challenge to dare upset the Penn State “football is king” religion proving too formidable and intimidating an obstacle for both the local police and the DA to tackle. Additionally, there’s plenty of evidence that bigger forces were at play, like ties to an Eastern child sex trafficking ring headed by an organized crime-political machine nexus serving the New York-Philadelphia-Washington DC pipeline.[70] When this larger context of how the global child sex abuse network operates is taken into account, and that Sandusky and company were also being aided and abetted by both current and former Pennsylvania state governors directly linked to East Coast child sex trafficking,[71] which will be further explored later in this chapter, seems a far more plausible explanation as to why the Sandusky pedo-operation was given the go-ahead to continue flourishing for another 13 years. But more on this all-important angle later.
In any event, by Sandusky’s own admission that he “maybe” touched young victims’ genitals while bear-hugging little boys from behind and picking them up so that the aroused pedophile’s likely erection was merely centimeters from each boy’s butthole, and repeating this lewd act as a regular shower ritual with other little defenseless boys in his charity, how could all this possibly not be ruled sufficient evidence of corrupting a minor, minimally mandating further investigation leading to a most probable prosecution outcome? To accept this unbelievable hypothesis that this red herring could be so misconstrued by a team of supposedly well-trained and experienced child sex abuse investigators as just inappropriate boundary issues by a big, well-meaning goofball jock who simply doesn’t know any better is totally ludicrous and preposterous. To believe that these so called professionals were fooled by the lovable, charming serial pedophile in birthday suit disguise seems an incredible stretch. Daresay there was a cover-up from the outset because much bigger pedo-fish were pulling the strings at every turn behind the scenes.
So in all, two male police detectives and two male professional mental health counselors, all assessing the exact same case facts unanimously concluded the incident fell safely into the “gray area” without sufficient cause to warrant further concern or investigation, despite the opposing, astutely accurate conclusion drawn by the most qualified PhD level female psychologist Alycia Chambers. She presented the lone dissenting but correct clinical conclusion way back in 1998 identifying Sandusky as a “likely pedophile” over a dozen long years ahead of dozens more victims being harmed prior to the child rapist’s eventual arrest.
Throughout this entire investigative process, all the Penn State higher ups were closely kept abreast of each phase of the inquiry.[72] And after Sandusky met and passed his final interview “probe” with Schreffer and Lauro, the 130-page PSU-State College joint police report was apparently deemed lacking sufficient evidence to move the case forward. News of Centre County District Attorney Ray Gricar’s decision not to indict was instantly relayed to the Penn State University police chief who supervised the investigation. Never mind the obvious conflict of interest that the lead investigator happened to be Sandusky’s friend and neighbor. [73] Needless to say, when the campus police chief notified Penn State President Graham Spanier, his senior vice president for business and finance Gary Schultz, the university athletic director Tim Curley and Coach Joe Paterno that the investigation was officially closed, the PSU head honchos collectively breathed their sigh of relief.
Amazingly, it turns out that neither Sandusky’s boss nor the admin trio ever spoke to Sandusky about the 1998 incident, nor about his “poor boundaries,” nor prohibit him from bringing Second Mile kids on campus to shower with him at the school’s athletic facilities.[74] Nor was even Penn State’s Board of Trustees ever informed of the 1998 incident.[75] Instead their “do-nothing” culture of silence no doubt sent the direct message to their pedophile coach whose office was right next to Paterno’s that JoePa and his boys had the perp’s back, blatantly granting the derelict full license to continue showering with and abusing underage boys on the Penn State campus. But the admin foursome weren’t done looking the other way just yet, in the years ahead they had much more enabling, lying and criminal protecting to do.
All four of Penn State’s top leaders including Joe Paterno would later perjure themselves under oath years later while giving grand jury testimony, unanimously to a man pretending they were unaware of the 1998 incident.[76] The grand jury investigator explicitly asked Coach Paterno in 2011:
Other than the [later 2001] incident that Mike McQueary reported to you, do you know in any way, through rumor or direct knowledge or any other fashion, of any other inappropriate conduct by Jerry Sandusky with young boys? [Paterno replied] I do not know of anything else that Jerry would be involved in of that nature, no. I do not know of it.[77]
And right to the bitter end, preoccupied over his legacy, merely a week prior to his January 2012 death, Joe Paterno’s last public statement he took to his grave was yet another boldface lie, uttering:
I had ‘no inkling’ that Sandusky might be a sexual deviant.[78]
Even before the May 1998 shower incident, Paterno informed Sandusky that he was no longer in the running to become Penn State’s next head football coach, and according to the Freeh report, the 1998 shower incident and Sandusky’s retirement a year later had nothing to do with each other.[79] Skeptical sportswriters point out the extreme unlikelihood that the longtime defensive coordinator responsible for coaching two national championship teams to suddenly retire at only age 54 after a 32-year career paved with such glory seems most unlikely. The speculative word has it that Sandusky’s reputation as a serial pedophile was wide enough known in the inner circle of the college football world that when Penn State imposed a forced retirement on him, other than a University of Virginia offer in 2000, no other job offers came through because the pedophile had already been labeled too great a liability.[80] Meanwhile, the Freeh report cites Paterno’s handwritten notes reasoning that Sandusky’s continued commitment to his Second Mile activities (which Joe obviously knew included pedophilia showers) precluded him from serious consideration.[81] After all, the pressing demands of a Penn State head coach as successor of the winningest coach in college football history entrusted to uphold the “win-at-all-cost” Penn State tradition would be a 24-hour a day, 7 days a week job that Paterno realized Sandusky the knucklehead could never adequately fulfill, not to mention knucklehead’s not-so-hidden pastime liability as a serial pedophile.
Instead, Paterno and Penn State leaned over backwards making a series of more than generous concessions in negotiating Sandusky’s retirement package that included an exceptional, unheard of severance of $168,000, plus Emeritus rights to continual lifetime use of all athletic facilities including his own office and uninterrupted access to all showers, as well as continued Penn State partnership with his Second Mile.[82] In short, pedophile Jerry was granted carte blanche privileges that the higher-ups all knew would inevitably result in Penn State’s continued misuse as a safe haven for raping more of his Second Mile throwaway boys. As recently as 2009, right up to when a grand jury was finally convening to investigate Sandusky, the former coach was still allowed kids as young as 9-years old to attend his overnight football camps on the Penn State campus.[83] Months after the four Penn State bigwigs’ lying testimony before that same grand jury, as late as October 2011, a mere month before his arrest, Sandusky was still permitted to work out at Penn State facilities. He was also still listed on the university website as “assistant professor emeritus of physical education” right up to his November 2011 indictment.[84] And then even a month after his arrest, he was still in possession of all his campus keys. So much for safeguarding the at-risk children in the serial pedophile’s crosshairs.
For Paterno, Spanier, Schultz and Curley not to realize that their one-sided arrangement with the pedophile’s overly generous retirement package as much as guaranteed heaps more trouble ahead for both Penn State University as well as each of them, carrying 100% certainty it would lead to all four mighty men’s downfall, they must’ve felt overly confident and absolutely secure that unholy powers greater than them would most assuredly shield and protect their cover-up crimes from all future accountability. After all, every major pedophilia operation in this world never, not once, has failed to protect the guiltiest at the top. We’ve observed this exact same nonstop pattern as the constantly repeated theme throughout this book. This entrenched, built-in pecking order impunity goes far to explain why Sandusky and his PSU foursome grew so recklessly careless and arrogant, believing their pedophilia cover-up was a done deal, misjudging that their cover-up, protected by their elitist friends at the top of the power pyramid, was impenetrable. All five were likely counting on the pedophile-saturated Bush-Clinton-Obama crime family dynasty to protect them right to the end as well.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Despite appearing totally oblivious to the 1998 incident that the Penn State leaders should have heeded as a grave, foreboding warning sign that something diabolically afoul was criminally lurking right under their noses [as if they didn’t already know], two years later in 2000 a shocked janitor named Jim Calhoun told a co-worker and his supervisor that he walked in on Sandusky giving a blow job to a little boy in the same Lasch building showers, but neither university officials nor law enforcement were ever notified.[85] Penn State’s culture of silence permeated up and down the chain of command as the janitors were afraid to tell their bosses for fear of being fired. Then less than a year after that, still another shower room incident in that same Lasch building surfaced yet again, except this time it proved both far more incriminating and problematic for Penn State. On February 9th, 2001, former Nittany Lion quarterback turned graduate assistant Mike McQueary on a Friday evening at about 9:30PM walked into the Lasch building athletic facility and claimed that he witnessed in the showers Sandusky sexually abusing a young boy about 10-12 in age.[86]
McQueary’s June 2012 courtroom trial testimony as star witness for the prosecution was vehemently challenged not only by Sandusky’s defense attorneys but forevermore by the corps of hardcore Paterno-Penn State disciples still grieving their beloved JoePa’s death several months earlier in January.[87] McQueary’s account of the 2001 incident maintained he heard slapping sounds as in skin-to-skin contact but also contended that he observed in a mirror Sandusky standing directly behind a young boy whose hands were braced against the shower wall. The rabid army of McQueary attackers have had a field day, first seizing upon the initial erroneous date of said incident being more than a year off on March 1st, 2002.[88] Next they cite the testimony of defense witness Dr. Jonathan Dranov, a State College medical doctor and close McQueary family friend who insisted that Mike told him just hours after the incident that no sex had occurred, only that Sandusky and a boy were seen in the shower together, that it sounded suggestively sexual and made Mike feel very uncomfortable.[89] A couple days later in a meeting with a dozen of his players, McQueary allegedly disclosed that as a child sexual abuse victim himself, Mike knew what he heard and saw in that locker room constituted criminal child sex abuse.[90]
For more than a half dozen years the legendary coach’s loyal legions from Penn State Nation have been on the warpath fanatically defending their hero JoePa to the ends of the earth. They’re quick to point out that McQueary’s description of the 2001 event radically shifted over the years, from nonsexual in 2001 to – at both grand jury and trial – witnessing both visually and auditorily full blown sodomy, convincing skeptics that McQueary was heavily coached and encouraged to embellish his original story from a decade earlier.[91] Known around campus as “Big Red” for his bright red hair, Mike McQueary received multiple death threats, his personal life and character scrutinized and harshly judged, and his assistant coaching job at Penn State abruptly terminated, which under the whistleblower act, he later sued for damages, receiving a $12 million dollar settlement.[92] Critics of the 6’5” athlete question why in 2001 he didn’t just try and stop the then 57-year old Sandusky from abusing the youth. At the trial McQueary insists that he did stop the crime by loudly slamming his locker shut, prompting Sandusky to cease his assault, reportedly causing both criminal and victim to separate and establish direct eye-to-eye contact with him.[93] Diehard Paterno loyalists also throw in the question if McQueary was so certain he’d witnessed a pedophile in action, why a few months later would he attend a charity golfing event sponsored by Sandusky. Others crucify McQueary for not reporting what he witnessed immediately to the police. Yet in the same breath, those same Paterno fanatics conveniently excuse their hero-god of never, not once, ever contacting the police, and over the decades he repeatedly heard and knew that his right hand man was a boy lover.
After a sleepless night, the following morning on Saturday February 10th, McQueary called to arrange an emergency meeting with his boss. According to Mike McQueary, he told the head coach that what he saw firsthand was “way over the lines and extremely sexual in nature.”[94] Upon learning the shocking news, a dismayed and dejected Paterno slumped back in his chair, hands partially covering his face while “his eyes appeared to well up with tears.” A 2011 state police report citing McQueary’s recollection of that conversation in Paterno’s kitchen that early morning specifies that Joe told Mike that “this was the second complaint of this nature he had received about Sandusky.”[95] This telling remark no doubt refers to the 1998 incident and confirms that Paterno knew about Sandusky’s shower habit with young boys long before his denying it under oath at the 2010 grand jury, reconfirming once again that Paterno was a liar trying to save his own skin and legacy. The police report also stated per McQueary that Joe told him that his wife Sue Paterno shared with Joe that Sandusky’s wife Dotty once confessed to her that “Jerry doesn’t like girls,” again proving Paterno knew about Sandusky’s deviant sexual appetite for little boys.
Testifying before the grand jury in 2011, and contradicting McQueary’s far more explicit testimony, under oath Head Coach Paterno expressed ambiguous language stating that McQueary had reported that he had seen Sandusky fondling or “doing something of a sexual nature” to a boy.[96] Paterno insisted that he had followed proper protocol by reporting the incident to his immediate supervisor, athletic director Tim Curley, who with VP Shultz then met with McQueary and Paterno. Mike McQueary answers his critics maintaining that his meeting with Shultz, who oversaw campus police operations, automatically took him off the hook from notifying local police, presuming that Schultz would contact them, which of course he never did. Curley and Schultz then notified Penn State President Graham Spanier. The excerpt below from the Freeh report explains how the top Penn State leaders formulated their own bogus story to save their own lying asses:
Spanier said that the men gave him a ‘heads up’ that a member of the Athletic Department staff had reported to Paterno that Sandusky was in an athletic locker room facility showering with one of his Second Mile youth after a workout. Sandusky and the youth, according to Spanier, were ‘horsing around’ or ‘engaged in horseplay.’ Spanier said that the staff member ‘was not sure what he saw because it was around a corner and indirect.’… Spanier said he asked two questions: (i) ‘Are you sure that it was described to you as horsing around?’ and (ii) ‘Are you sure that that is all that was reported?’ According to Spanier, both Schultz and Curley said ‘yes’ to both questions. Spanier said that the men agreed that they were ‘uncomfortable’ with such a situation, that it was inappropriate, and that they did not want it to happen again.[97]
Funny how these men less than three years earlier learned the pedophile was caught showering with two other Second Mile kids, yet they never said anything about “not wanting it to happen again.” Only after this far more serious, incriminating shower accusation by an assistant coach is made do they finally get around to taking a slightly firmer stance to “not want it to happen again.” To protect themselves, Paterno, Spanier, Schultz and Curley, the four stooges and great enabling pretenders for the greatest pedo-pretender of them all, repeatedly lied through their teeth using their same old worn-out “horseplay” excuse. Bottom line, their total inaction and nonstop silence the first time around in 1998 led directly to the 2001 incident along with many more never exposed. Ultimately the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s legal system was compelled to convict the three Penn State leaders of their longtime habit of looking the other way, criminally sacrificing innocent kids by allowing a known pedophile to continue showering and sodomizing them at their facilities.[98]
Moreover, and this is the biggest incriminator of all outing Paterno’s heartless criminality, the Freeh investigation uncovered emails that demonstrated that the Penn State administration was ready to report this 2001 incident to the police. But after athletic director Curley met with Joe Paterno on February 26th, 2001, the following day they changed their minds. Freeh stated at his 2012 press conference:
As Mr. Curley consulted with Mr. Paterno, however, they changed the plan and decided not to make a report to the authorities. Their failure to protect the February 9, 2001 child victim, or make attempts to identify him, created a dangerous situation for other unknown, unsuspecting young boys who were lured to the Penn State campus and football games by Sandusky and victimized repeatedly by him. Further, they exposed this child to additional harm by alerting Sandusky, who was the only one who knew the child’s identity, about what McQueary saw in the shower on the night of February 9, 2001.[99]
It was Curley’s 23 word email below after meeting with Paterno on February 26th that prompted the Penn State honchos to uphold their vow of silence and not go to the police:
After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps.[100]
“Next steps” being not reporting the incident to law enforcement nor the Board of Trustees but like always keeping it their dirty little secret. Just over two months prior to Paterno’s death from lung cancer, after Sandusky’s November 2011 arrest and Paterno being fired as head coach in a phone call from Board of Trustees vice chairman, knowing Paterno was forever in deep shit, a lamented Joe finally admitted on November 9th, 2011:
With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.[101]
Instead, Joe Paterno’s interventions were always minimal to none, merely once reporting allegations to school administration, and never to law enforcement. But taking into account the fact that he willfully talked others out of reporting the McQueary accusations to the police, in retrospect, was Paterno’s wish to have “done more” to save innocent kids from further abuse or simply to save himself and his own legacy? His consistent actions clearly speak far louder than any regretful, apologetic words. The cold hard facts remain that neither JoePa nor his three stooges who followed his lead ever did bother to contact any police department despite multiple complaints strongly implicating Sandusky’ guilt as a serial pedophile from way back. And for all their proven complicity and willful, premeditated, conspiratorial cover-up, all three admin officers were only charged and convicted with mere misdemeanors – endangering the welfare of children,[102] each serving a token of roughly two months jail time. Had Joe not been dying, he too would’ve likely been charged and found guilty as well, especially since he was caught convincing others not to notify law enforcement.
All four of these less than honorable men knowingly permitted dozens more child victims to be abused and further sacrificed over the ensuing years in order to protect the reputation of both its legendary coach and prestigious public university. After all, it was far more important to preserve the wealthy university’s $4.6 billion surplus,[103] or the godlike status and pristine honor of America’s winningest coach, or his uncompromising academic standards (in both 2009 and 2011 ranked #1 academically out of top 25 football teams)[104] or the school’s outstanding academic standing (with a 90% student-athlete graduation rate always among nation’s best),[105] or last but certainly not least, protecting Penn State’s staggering $73 million annual revenue generated by its storied, gloriously all-important football dynasty[106] that JoePa singlehandedly built (albeit with a little help from his longtime pedo-friend Jerry).
On another level entirely, there’s sufficient evidence indicating that this scandal’s tentacles reach far bigger and wider than the pathological acting out of one sick assistant coach. In the same vein as the Mossad engineered Epstein honey trap, this case could well be yet another sexual blackmail operation designed to compromise and gain absolute underhanded control over prominent public figures’ every action. But more on this scandal’s dark-sided underbelly later.
If the preceding facts haven’t convinced you yet that Joe Paterno was calling the shots with his CYA top buddies in his back pocket, and that they’re not all guilty of a longtime criminal cover-up, more recent evidence has emerged to indicate that “PapaJoe” was shielding and suppressing his assistant coach’s child rape crimes as early as 1971. Independent of each other, revelations of two more alleged victims have surfaced to reveal that when they were minors back in the 1970s, Sandusky was sexually assaulting them too, one in 1971 and another in 1976.
A 2013 civil lawsuit was filed by Penn State against its former insurance company – Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association (PMA)[107] for only reimbursing the school $29.9 million out of the $93 million that Penn State has already been forced to pay out to rape victims thus far.[108] PMA has withheld funds from Penn State since evidence has emerged showing that Paterno and his administration were already well aware of Sandusky’s liability as early as the early 1970s but never reported it to PMA. However, the presiding Judge Gary Glazer has ruled in favor of Penn State, insisting that the earliest cases were never reported to Penn State’s top management,[109] though there is growing evidence that Coach Joe knew about them. Other contested issues in this complicated case between the university and its past insurer will likely go to trial.
With the current litigation initiated by Penn State to determine who will end up footing the costly bill (approaching $100 million in damages), PSU or its insurer, millions are still being paid out for the multitude of lawsuits filed thus far by at least 33 (and counting) alleged Sandusky victims.[110] In response to PSU filing its suit against PMA, the insurance company used sealed depositions by alleged victims to mount its defense evidence against Penn State. The judge in his filing used footnotes citing these depositions as evidence of abuse allegations.
Judge Glazer wrote in the order:
PMA claims… in 1976, a child allegedly reported to PSU’s Head Football Coach Joseph Paterno, that he (the child) was sexually molested by Sandusky.[111]
“Exhibit I” is a 13-page Q&A transcript of an October 2014 deposition regarding an incident that occurred in 1976 when Coach Sandusky sexually assaulted an alleged victim named “John Doe 150” while the 14-year old attended a football camp at Penn State.[112] John Doe 150 asserts that Sandusky stuck his finger up his rectum in the showers with several other boys present. After informing adults and drawing little to no response, the underage kid bravely approached Coach Paterno and explained what had happened to him the day before. Paterno’s coldhearted response to this sexually traumatized child was:
I don’t want to hear about any of that kind of stuff. I have a football season to worry about.[113]
And Paterno just walked away without uttering another word, not caring a rat’s ass about the poor kid who kept this shameful secret to himself without telling another soul for the next 20 years. This document shows that the Penn State head coach knew back in 1976 that he had an assistant coach who was sexually abusing children and did absolutely nothing about it. This document pertaining to the civil lawsuit was released in July 2016 as evidence that clearly supports PMA’s decision not to reimburse Penn State for damages in settlement suits since the head coach was fully aware of abuse but didn’t even lift a finger to stop his rapist’s finger fucking little kids. The two child victims from the 1970s both claim that after Sandusky molested them, they informed Coach Paterno who without hesitation viciously rebuffed them.
Further, as implicit admission of guilt, to date Penn State has doled out $93 million to the near three dozen victims as of 2017,[114] among them an alleged 1971 victim who received an undisclosed amount of hush money in his out of court compensation settlement. This most revealing transaction is a matter of public record. The accuser now in his early 60s as the oldest known Sandusky victim also has a witness he told shortly after he was raped who in support of his friend went public on CNN backing up the victim’s claims. The child abuse survivor from 1971 states that when he was a 15-year old foster kid, the 27-year old Jerry Sandusky anally raped him in a Penn State bathroom.[115] Prior to the assault, Sandusky had picked the State College teenager up hitchhiking, bought him beer and gave him marijuana to smoke. The victim-survivor stated that the sexual attack was initiated while he was pissing in a urinal:
I felt his presence behind me. I felt his left knee on the back of my knee, and his arms went around me, grabbing my … He said, ‘Let me help you with this.’[116]
As a reflex, the victim’s head snapped backwards hitting Sandusky in the jaw, causing both of them to fall to the floor where the larger predator grappled to overpower the adolescent and forcibly sodomize him. When the boy’s foster mother saw his bloodied head, he reluctantly told her about his sexual trauma. His parents owned a local bowling alley and knew some high level Penn State officials with whom his foster dad insisted that the boy disclose the details of his sexual assault. After the victim explained what had happened, he says all hell broke loose when the two Penn State men who introduced themselves on the phone as Jim and Joe abruptly launched a blistering attack, accusing the hapless teenager of making the whole story up.
They were asking me my motive, why I would say this about someone who has done so many good things. Stop this right now! We’ll call the authorities.[117]
Though he had no idea who Jim was, right away he recognized the other voice belonged to the legendary head coach, having heard him a million times with his distinctive, embedded Brooklyn accent. As a direct or indirect result of his sexual abuse at the hands of Jerry Sandusky, over the years the victim has struggled with anger issues, alcoholism, survived a heart attack and other serious health threats, but decided to bravely step forward to anonymously talk to CNN about his plight for justice. He states that he has lost friends in the Sandusky aftermath still embroiling his community, and becomes visibly upset with JoePa fanatics vehemently defending his unjustified honor, and bitterly resents how his hometown has mistreated child victims like himself. After going public with his rape disclosure and Paterno’s cold, dishonorable, aggressive response, he anticipated major blowback:
State College is a disgusting place, the way they treat crimes against kids. We are living in a very sick atmosphere… I am looking for a wave of s*** to come down on me like I’ve never seen before. I know that’s going to happen. It’s going to be a very bad outcome for me. That’s just the way Penn State fans are.[118]
So it appears that within the first two years of Jerry Sandusky’s 32 year run as a Penn State coach, i.e., from the virtual get-go, Joe Paterno and company were well aware that they were dealing with a bona fide pedophile on their staff. Over the next 40 years, nearly Paterno’s entire reign of power as head coach, he and Penn State premeditatedly permitted this monster to continue destroying hundreds of innocent boys’ lives in perhaps yet another example of selling your soul to the devil for fame and glory.
In addition to these two cases from the 1970s, the contesting insurance carrier PMA also alleges that records show that in the 1980s Sandusky continued abusing children, citing cases in both 1987 and 1988 when two different assistant coaches witnessed the pedo-coach engaging in sexual contact with children.[119] Penn State graduate assistant Matt Paknis on that same ’87-’88 coaching staff went public claiming it was common knowledge that Sandusky was sexually abusing children as well as inappropriately touching even the players and that Head Coach Joe Paterno was most definitely aware of it.[120] In November 2011 Paknis stated on a radio sports talk show:
Joe knows everything, Joe knows everything — everything that goes on at that campus, everything that goes on clearly in the football program… Not only did he cover it up, but there’s no way that this wasn’t apparent.[121]
Paknis went on to explain that potentially scandalous news stories involving the Nittany Lion football program were routinely covered up by Paterno. In answer to the big question over whether JoePa knew of Sandusky’s longtime criminal behavior, without hesitancy Matt Paknis responded:
Absolutely! I mean, fights, behavior problems, anything like that never reached the local paper. It was a controlled environment. There’s no question.[122]
Further corroboration supporting the veracity of Paknis’ accusations is illustrated in a separate 1988 Sandusky sexual assault incident that was detailed in a child abuse report submitted to the Penn State athletic director.[123] Clearly this court documented evidence from 1987-88 when Paknis was on staff demonstrates that both Coach Paterno and at least one member from the school’s top level management did in fact know that “goofball Jerry” was a raving, out-of-control child rapist, which means the university’s insurer at that time should not be held responsible for reimbursing the school. Yet strangely, Judge Glazer asserted in his order that these earlier allegations from the 1970s and 80s never “went further up the chain of command at PSU.” Considering Paterno ruled the roost at Penn State for 46 years and the athletic director as clearly a higher-up was also privy to the ongoing Sandusky sexual abuse, that in and of itself seems high enough up the chain of command flagpole to make Penn State liable.
After dodging two notorious shower scene bullets from 1998 and 2001 that would’ve ultimately exposed the pedophile and his powerful enablers years earlier, finally in late 2008 another Victim (#1 at the trial) named Aaron Fisher emerged that eventually led to Sandusky’s downfall triggering his 2009 grand jury investigation.[124] Aaron met Sandusky at one of his Second Mile summer camps when he was 11-years old, the prime age of boys Sandusky typically targeted for abuse. The pervert coach often became obsessed with his victims, initially showering attention, gifts and invitations on them prior to literally showering with them to claim his next predatory kill. Soon Aaron was spending weekends at the Sandusky home. But gradually Sandusky’s pursuit for more young flesh turned obsessively aggressive.
When Aaron was a high school freshman, the predatory Paterno assistant decided to volunteer as a part-time football coach at Aaron’s Central Mountain High School in Lock Haven, 30 miles from Penn State University, just to gain access to routinely pull Aaron out of class. Because of his revered celebrity status, the pedophile could show up at any time and leave campus with his targeted victim without so much as letting his mother know. Identical to the aggressive antics used to groom Matt Sandusky, Aaron was also brutally victimized in the Sandusky basement that abused boys have claimed to be soundproof. It was in the basement where all of Jerry Sandusky’s fun and games were. But eventually Aaron Fisher would claim:
Fun and games turned to horror.[125]
Aaron found himself hiding in school bathrooms in desperation to avoid the stalking pedophile. One time the sicko was trailing the boy’s school bus on the way home, when Aaron was dropped off, Sandusky told him to get in his car but the boy took off running. The madman drove his vehicle on the opposite side of the street into oncoming traffic in hot pursuit of his young victim who ducked down a nearby alleyway to escape.[126] The stalker then parked his car in front of his house waiting. Though his mother Dawn Daniels Hennessy knew her son was being tormented by this perverted nutcase, as is typical of sexually abused boys, the teen resisted disclosing his trauma. When he began acting out and she grounded him as much to keep Sandusky away, the coach showed up demanding that he’d “take care of it.” Dawn’s immediate response was, “No way, he’s my son.”[127] Aaron’s mom grew more frantic, convinced that the high-powered, beloved coach in her community was sexually abusing her son. Finally when the anguished boy asked her about looking Sandusky up on the internet website that lists sex offenders or “sexual weirdos” as Aaron described his abuser, she then contacted his high school on November 18, 2008, reporting that she’d become more than suspicious of Sandusky’s abusive relationship with her 15-year old son. In her words:
I called the school principal and the guidance counselor and said, if nothing else, he’s taking my son out of classes. He’s leaving the school with him… So I asked them to call him into the office and ask [my son] how he felt. They did call him to the office that day and I remember the principal was in tears and she said, ‘You need to come here right away.’[128]
Actually it was two full days later when they finally got around to speaking with Aaron who at last broke down, informing them that Sandusky had been sexually abusing him for the last two or three years.[129] But the teenager’s worst fears materialized when, according to Aaron, the guidance counselor and principal’s response was:
They said we needed to think about [reporting the allegation], that he has a heart of gold and wouldn’t do something like that. So… they didn’t believe me.[130]
When his mom got there, the tormented kid kept screaming:
See, they don’t believe me!
Aaron Fisher and Dawn Daniels Hennessy were extremely devastated that his school was so reluctant to report the abuse, violating the mandated child protection laws.[131] Yet three years later state Attorney General Linda Kelly would go out of her way repeatedly commending the school for complying with the reporting law.
Like virtually all pedophilia scandals, initial allegations of abuse by child victims are rarely if ever believed or taken seriously, particularly if the accused is a well-respected man of position and clout. Again, the pedophile was protected by his benevolent, do-no-wrong image within the greater community. Pedophiles, especially if they’re celebrities, never fail to take full advantage of exploiting the given that their victims are never initially believed.
As another example of not seeing reality for what it is, one evening during the 2006-07 wrestling season the high school wrestling coach walked in on Sandusky and Aaron laying suspiciously close together on the floor facing each other in the weight room.[132] A startled, surprised but quick thinking Sandusky passed it off like he was showing Aaron a wrestling move. The high school coach thought it quite odd since the large wrestling room was right next door but thinking to himself on the way home:
Well, it’s Jerry Sandusky. He’s a saint, and what he’s doing with these kids is fantastic.[133]
And another clue in plain sight was conveniently brushed aside and missed that could have revealed the darker unholy truth.
In November 2008 right after Aaron told his school principal that he was sexually abused by the famous Penn State coach, the Central Mountain High football team held a meeting and banned Jerry Sandusky from the campus.[134] It was leaked that Aaron was the cause, and suddenly students and parents were cruelly accusing him of lying about Sandusky in order to cash in at Penn State’s expense. He was harassed and overnight became the town pariah. But by the time news came out that the pedo-coach was under grand jury investigation in March 2011[135] and then later that year in November indicted, followed by Coach Paterno losing his job, Aaron was the scapegoat being viciously blamed, his life threatened by the Lock Haven lynch mob mentality. Central Pennsylvania is Penn State country and to this day Aaron Fisher is still not believed and vilified in his own hometown.
Unhappy with his school’s response in 2008, fortunately that same day Aaron’s mother took her son to Clinton County Children and Youth Services and in 2009 a determination was affirmatively made that sexual abuse was “indicated,”[136] prompting the Center County District Attorney Michael Madeira to call for a grand jury investigation into the allegations. But because the DA’s wife is a biological sister of one of Sandusky’s adopted sons, and still maintained cordial relations with the Sandusky family, Madeira recused himself.[137] This move positioned the then state Attorney General Tom Corbett busily running for governor at the time to take over, transferring the grand jury proceedings to the state level. In November 2010 Republican candidate Corbett was elected the new Pennsylvania state governor. Of the eight victims that provided testimony at the 2012 Sandusky trial, Aaron Fisher was the youngest witness as an 18-year old brand new high school graduate and among those testifying, the most recently abused victim.
Aaron Fisher was also the first tip of the iceberg abuse, prompting the DA office to finally call for a grand jury investigation. Recall the 1998 incident was closed by then DA Gricar. However, as apparently the sole witness to come forth while subjected to increasing harassment over the next 42 long months, with the upcoming November 2010 gubernatorial election, state politics shamelessly hung the boy out to dry. Aaron was told more victims had to emerge as the Attorney General’s office kept promising Aaron’s therapist psychologist Michael Gillum from Clinton County Children & Youth Services that any minute the axe would be falling on Sandusky but year after year it didn’t. For political reasons, Aaron had to wait another 18 tortuous months as his Lock Haven turned into locked in Hell.
Only after Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett (1995-97; 2005-2011) morphed into Gov. Corbett in January 2011 were seven other victims along with Coach McQueary’s long lost allegations finally, “suddenly discovered,” ultimately moving the case closer to indictment.[138] Another anomaly that sticks out like a sore thumb, from the time Corbett professed first learning about the Sandusky investigation in March 2009 all the way to his sworn-in ceremony as state governor in January 2011, his AG office boasted in 42 different press releases how his commissioned Child Sex Predator Unit resulted in hundreds of pedophile arrests, yet in all that time not one mention is made of Jerry Sandusky.[139] Also worth noting is virtually every one of Sandusky’s 10 victims were being sexually molested while Corbett was attorney general yet during his entire decade as the state’s top prosecutor, only Aaron Fisher surfaced as Victim #1. These two very revealing facts are the basis for Wayne Madsen justifiably tagging Corbett as a “pedophile enabler.” More on the high-powered PA politicians that allowed Sandusky to continue abusing boys later.
Finally on November 4th, 2011, the 23-page grand jury presentment was “leaked” to the media, leading to Sandusky’s arrest and prosecution.[140]
Without referring per se to Aaron Fisher’s near four years of post-disclosure mistreatment, his therapist of four years Michael Gillum stated:
The victimization of this young man, with the way he was groomed and set up for the betrayal, is the worst I’ve seen in 20 years of practice.[141]
The abuse heaped on Aaron while waiting so long for the case to finally get prosecuted amounted to double punishment for committing no other crime than being an innocent kid victimized and betrayed by a monster disguised in saint’s clothing, and then re-victimized and betrayed all over again by a hostile community growing more hostile and threatening every passing year. Aaron said the years after reporting the crimes were much harder and far worse on him than the years he endured Sandusky’s abuse.[142] Growing more anxious and desperate, the boy began cutting on himself and contemplated suicide:
I thought maybe it would be easier to take myself out of the equation. Let somebody else deal with it.[143]
Just as in the Omaha, Nebraska scandal where the victims were singled out and severely punished, the same pattern of re-victimization is always a constant in every single pedophilia scandal. Victims’ initial allegations are never believed by authorities, especially when powerful figures are accused.
But just four months after the June 2012 Sandusky conviction, Aaron Fisher revealed his personal identity beyond central Pennsylvania to the rest of the world with the release of a book he co-authored with his mother and therapist called Silent No More published by a division of Random House.[144] Both the Sandusky legal defense team and the statewide pro-Penn State-Paterno crowd viciously attacked Aaron in the press as a complete fraud, claiming his repressed memories of abuse were falsely procured by his opportunistic therapist,[145] and that their civil suit against Penn State and sensationally timed book were solely motivated by “out to make a quick buck” greed.
After receiving financial compensation in the millions, then posting on his Facebook page two separate ill-advised photos of his girlfriend and him laying on a bed covered with cash bills, Aaron in his pic was defiantly flipping the bird, only adding fuel to his critics’ venomous fire, undermining his reputation and cause for justice.[146] That said, a portion of his book’s proceeds allegedly went to child sex abuse charities and like Matt Sandusky, Aaron has become a public speaker on the infamous Pennsylvania pedo-scandal drawing much needed attention and awareness to the worldwide child sexual abuse problem.[147]
Throughout this long, drawn out legal process, the GOP AG Corbett turned Gov. Tom Corbett was justifiably accused of intentionally stalling the case for political purposes until January 2011 after he was safely sworn into office in the governor’s mansion. Meanwhile throughout this lengthy process, he had assigned just one state police investigator to the biggest scandal in college football history while deploying a platoon of 15-20 investigators to take down opponents in his state legislature.[148] Moreover, after AG Corbett was grandstanding during a 3-year delayed grand jury investigation, Gov. Corbett sat on the PSU Board of Trustees creating a serious conflict of interest breach. After allowing the serial pedophile coach to remain free for years hurting more youngsters, the shameless pedo-enabling governor had the gall to tell to the PSU trustees just before voting to fire Coach Paterno:
Remember that little boy in the shower…[149]
The gov’s hypocrisy and duplicity is boundless. His flagrant mishandling of the Sandusky scandal cost him a second term in office. Speaking of boundless conflict of interest involving Tom Corbett and yet more board members, over the years The Second Mile board members padded Corbett’s election campaign coffers to the hefty tune of $640,000 in exchange for granting a $3 million state grant to Second Mile just four months before Sandusky was arrested,[150] clearly bribe money aimed to go lax on the charity while self-servingly delaying its founder’s prosecution.[151] Corbett’s voted in replacement – State Attorney General Kathleen Kane agreed, claiming politics played a role in how the outgoing AG used the Sandusky case as a political football to his full advantage while more kids were being raped over the Luciferian Pennsylvania coals.
Also evidence of more GOP conflict of interest – the Republican magistrate judge, a Second Mile donor and volunteer, granted an arraigned fellow Republican Sandusky charged on 40 child sex abuse counts to walk without coughing up a penny on a $100,000 unsecured bail, living freely back home next to an elementary school without so much as an ankle bracelet. This ultra-lenient judge also benefited from a fundraiser for her 2007 election sponsored by the Second Mile chairman.[152] This deeply pervasive pattern of conflict of interest corruption and rampant cronyism committed by both donors and recipients alike at Second Mile and Penn State as well as by state politicians served to tactically circumvent both truth and justice.
Once the headlines of the grand jury indictment, arrest and subsequent prosecution of Joe Paterno’s onetime heir-apparent successor circulated around the globe, every organization remotely connected to Penn State attempted to distance itself, slamming both the pedophile coach as well as his powerful enablers, starting with the school’s own Board of Trustees that had allegedly been kept in the dark over both the 1998 and 2001 shower room incidents. After the Board of Trustees held an emergency meeting immediately followed by a press conference on November 9, 2011, four days after the grand jury report was made public, the board’s vice-chairman and CEO of US Steel Corp. read his dramatic script declaring Coach Joe Paterno retroactively fired and wouldn’t finish the season, negating JoePa’s previously announced retirement at season’s end,[153] 2,000 students spontaneously poured out into the streets – not to grieve the many long suffering child victims – but in supportive protest, solidarity and grief for their beloved, now unemployed but very complicit coach. The demonstration turned violent when two television vans were overturned and police in riot gear moved in to unleash tear gas into the angry mob.[154] While Joe led his adoring crowd gathered in front of his home that night in a Penn State football cheer, he and his family’s hearts were sickened, betrayed by the backstabbing trustees that they had considered their lifelong friends.[155]
But then less than four months earlier, knowing his shit was about to hit the fan, the “honorable” Joe Paterno transferred full ownership of his home to his wife for only $1 just to keep it away from being devoured by future lawsuits over his criminal part in the pedophile cover-up.[156] If the legendary coach was truly honorable and honestly never knew his assistant was a raping beast, why would he resort to such extreme measures in such close time proximity to his beast’s conviction? Knowing he had so much to hide and fearing his coaching legacy couldn’t be saved, six months before the cancer then spreading through his lungs would kill him, pragmatic Joe figured he at least would save for his family heirs his home purchased in 1966 for a mere $9,000[157] that had skyrocketed in value to near $600,000.
University students were reacting in shock and horror over Paterno’s abrupt termination after 61 years of dedicated service to winning Penn State football, only made more vitriolic when realizing how they lost their precious JoePa coldly let go over a phone call.[158] When such a short time later Joe Paterno was diagnosed with lung cancer and died within weeks, his sudden passing so soon after he was rudely canned turned him into a martyr. And ever since his loyal legions have desperately clung to his dying words of vowed innocence, claiming his blue blood ignorance never quite grasped the fact that his assistant was a sexual deviant. But blind faith loyalty to a false god rarely produces happy endings… though the PapaJoe loyalists were out in full force worshipping their hero at 107,000 Happy Valley strong on September 17, 2016, a half century to the day after the legend coached his very first Penn State game.[159] Meanwhile, all the critics were appalled by PSU’s gall.[160]
In a transparently desperate plea for leniency to avoid the death penalty, in anticipation that the nation’s governing collegiate athletic body, the NCAA, would any minute be coming down hard on the university, Penn State removed the Joe Paterno statue at the Beaver Stadium entrance in July 2012, a month after Sandusky’s conviction.[161] The interim Penn State President Rodney Erickson justified the Paterno statue unceremoniously placed in mothballs, believing it would be an impediment to the healing process of sex abuse victims everywhere.
And two days later the NCAA issued its unprecedented sanctions. While PSU avoided the “death penalty” of the football team disbandment, it was hit with a $60 million fine with an additional $13 million more going to the Big Ten Conference, both to be allocated for child abuse charities. But by far viewed as the lowest blow came complete erasure of Paterno’s last 111 Penn State victories after the 1998 season. This penalty also automatically removed the coaching legend’s title as America’s winningest coach, although after a settlement was reached in January 2015 following two Pennsylvania politicians challenging the severe NCAA sanctions, JoePa’s wins were restored.[162] But not before NCAA President Mark Emmert took his swipes charging the school with placing “hero worship and winning at all costs” over and above “integrity, honesty and responsibility,” as if these virtues actually exist in the NCAA. Capped as a passing footnote, with George HW’s youngest son Marvin P. Bush sitting on the board of directors of both the NCAA[163] and the twin towers security firm on 911,[164] and the Bush crime family’s confirmed history as overlords of the global child sex slave trafficking trade,[165] the NCAA can hardly be viewed a bastion of “integrity, honesty and responsibility.” But Emmert’s holier-than-thou performance under the circumstance called for his pious indignation:
The fundamental message here, the gut-check message is, do we have the right balance in our culture? Do we have, first and foremost, the academic values of integrity and honesty and responsibility as the drivers of our university? Or are we in a position where hero worship and winning at all costs has subordinated those core values?[166]
Additionally, the university was initially banned from postseason bowl games for the next four years, placed on probation for the next half decade and forced to reduce its annual scholarship awards from 25 to 15, leaving it till the end of the decade to regain its full 85 man scholarship roster. But per the later negotiations, these measures were also softened. The NCAA encouraged Nittany Lion football players without punishment to jump ship and go elsewhere, which 15 of them did.[167] On a significant related note, while Paterno’s assistant coach was convicted of 45 counts of child abuse, 163 of Paterno’s players from 2002-2008 were also convicted or pleaded guilty to 45 criminal counts.[168] So one might fairly conclude that under the Paterno and Penn State leadership, a culture of moral laxity permeated the football program that was rightfully crippled with harsh consequences.
But in recent years under new leadership, the Penn State football team has exceeded all rebounding expectation with 22 victories over the last two seasons alone, making it a national championship playoff contender and a ranked top 10 team again.[169] The gridiron powerhouse is obviously back. But the battle over the Paterno legacy still rages on with unanswered moral questions still lingering. Has the 99,000 student university population really learned its lessons when its alumni consistently vote in only new board of trustee members as unanimous Joe-bot reconcilers fervently rejecting the Freeh investigation findings?[170]
Upon release of his investigative report on the Sandusky scandal, Louis Freeh held a press conference in July 2012, a month after Jerry Sandusky was found guilty on 45 of 48 counts of victimizing children over a 15-year span from 1994-2009. Aside from supporting the mountains of criminal evidence gathered against Sandusky by both law enforcement and the state attorney general’s office grand jury presentment, the most significant other Freeh report finding was the fact that the top leadership at Penn State University, including JoePa himself, operated with complete criminal disregard, lack of support and lack of protection for Sandusky’ countless victims. In Freeh’s words:
Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley never demonstrated, through actions or words, any concern for the safety and well-being of Sandusky’s victims until after Sandusky’s arrest.[171]
As of June 2017, Penn State announced that 45 alleged Sandusky victims have laid claims, again matching the convict’s numerical criminal count, with at least 33 of the abused already having been financially compensated. To date, Sandusky crimes have fiscally cost Penn State a whopping $220.2 million.[172] In November 2016 federal officials fined Penn State another $2.4 million for failure to report campus crimes and warn children eminently in danger.[173] Conducting its own investigation, a US Department of Education report concluded that the university ignored numerous legal obligations under the 1990 Clery Act, summing up the stipulated violation:
In short, a man who was about to be charged with violent crimes against defenseless minors was free to roam the Penn State campus, as he pleased.[174]
Another troubling facet of the Penn State scandal was the legally protected secrecy and complete lack of transparency resulting from the institution’s exemption to release public records. A free press cannot gain access to public records of a public state university that maintains zero public oversight. This fact totally contradicts both first amendment free speech rights as well as the Right-to-Know Law. Journalists requesting reports, emails, and documents pertinent to the Sandusky investigation were met with a wall of resistance, claiming that neither the school nor its police department are subject to the Right-to-Know Law.[175] Out of 50 states, only one other besides Pennsylvania allows universities receiving public funding to be exempted from open records laws and that legalized concealment must cease if Penn State’s inbred culture of secrecy and silence is ever to be eradicated. On top of that, as is notoriously common in scandalous criminal cover-ups, suddenly key documents, files and records went missing at Sandusky’s Second Mile Foundation.[176] Apparently documentation from entire years mysteriously disappeared from 2000-03, which coincides with the critical 2001 shower room incident when no police contact was ever made.
Despite the standard wall-of-resistance cover-up protecting the guilty in every single known pedophilia scandal throughout history, per radar.com even after the Sandusky conviction corrupt federal agencies that normally cover up the elite’s sex crimes, like the FBI, in addition to the US Postal Service, were still conducting ongoing investigations into the scandal, having interviewed at least one eyewitness maintaining that he observed both the pedophile coach and a prominent Penn State donor on a plane having sex with an underage boy.[177] Even MSM giant CBS News reported that investigators were interviewing 6-7 more potential victims that may have received the coach’s seductive letters crossing state lines with promises of trips and gifts.[178] Additionally, since at least one of Sandusky’s computers was found containing child pornography, a determination of whether the pedophile shared kiddie porn with others was also in process. As of August 2012 these two federal agencies were continuing to follow leads, interviewing other potential witnesses to dig deeper into more incriminating evidence pointing to a larger child sex ring. Yet CBS, Radar, nor any other news agency has followed up with any of these investigative results, which strongly suggests it has been suppressed by the powers-that-shouldn’t-be… or that no further evidence was found. Yet based on so many solid source connections, all confirming the existence of a larger sex ring operation, that latter outcome is highly implausible.
These developments only add further credence to the testimony supporting the bold allegations of one former child sex slave named Greg Bucceroni that not only were child victims trafficked across state lines, they were being shared and sexually assaulted by other adults besides Jerry Sandusky, specifically by other powerful pedophile boosters in exchange for sizeable donations to Second Mile and Penn State endowments.[179] Bucceroni specifically refers to a tristate child sex ring that trafficked underage youth like himself across state lines, in this case pimped out at Sandusky fundraisers to the coach’s wealthy charity donors. It’s also worth noting that during Sandusky’s trial, Victim #4’s testimony disclosed that Sandusky trafficked him across state lines to Florida’s Outback Bowl in 1998 and again the following year to the Texas Alamo Bowl for the coach’s final game[180] before his alleged forced retirement.[181]
Moreover, Greg Bucceroni asserts that the trafficking network involved known pedophiles, child pornographers and traffickers working conjointly with known mafia figures and well known political elites.[182] Greg’s 2012 revelations have since been substantiated by a number of credible sources that include WikiLeaks’ emails, other media accounts, FBI documents and a 1982 New York State Select Committee on Crime hearing.[183]
Many Penn State supporters have faulted excessive blame targeting their university that by conspicuous omission permitted Sandusky’s Second Mile nonprofit to remain largely off the hook, absolved from its own criminal misconduct and reckless endangerment with its gross failure to protect its child clients from its founder’s sexual perversions.[184] By legal and ethical mandate, Second Mile was responsible for the care and well-being of the disadvantaged youth it was entrusted to protect and serve, yet it failed miserably. Outside of its psychologist CEO Jack Raykovitz’s forced resignation after 28 years on the job less than a week after Paterno was fired, unlike Penn State, Second Mile was largely spared from any further scrutiny, inquiry or investigation.[185] The charity’s board of directors learned that Sandusky was under investigation in 2009 but chose to publicly remain silent while Sandusky was forced to retire from the charity he founded 32 years earlier.[186] AP reporters Matt Moore and Michael Rubinkam on May 25, 2012 wrote:
Longtime CEO Jack Raykovitz came under fire for failing to inform the charity’s board about 2001 [McQueary’s] and 2008 [Aaron Fisher’s] abuse allegations against the retired coach. Infuriated board members told AP in December that had they been kept in the loop, they could have taken steps to better protect children a decade ago.[187]
Like the top Penn State personnel, reason and motivation that the Second Mile CEO would knowingly allow more children from his organization to be further victimized is if he’s a mere cog in the larger pedo-operation wheel. Prosecutor Joe McGettigan’s opening statement at the trial makes the point:
The Second Mile, no matter what its reported purpose, was a victim factory for the defendant, an assembly line for adolescent children to be abused, sodomized, and anally raped.[188]
Pittsburgh radio talk show host and sports journalist Mark Madden wrote an article in April 2011 more than a half year ahead of the coach’s arrest accurately predicting the November 2011 grand jury revelations. But during that first week in November 2011 as a radio guest on a Boston station, Madden had even more astounding information to relay:
I hear there’s a rumor that there will be a more shocking development from the Second Mile Foundation — and hold on to your stomachs, boys, this is gross, I will use the only language I can — that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That was being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak.[189]
Similar to the Franklin scandal’s victimized Boys Town residents, when piecing together all available evidence from so many corroborating sources, it seems indisputable that the Second Mile child sex “factory assembly line” wasn’t just to service the charity’s founder, but to traffic and pimp Second Mile victims to wealthy donors, VIPs and high class friends at Second Mile, Penn State, the Pennsylvania state house and beyond.
On November 28, 2011 veteran journalist William Keisling wrote:
When the pedophile sex scandal becomes public, the case is quickly referred to Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett. Corbett and his close allies would time and again obstruct and cover up the sex ring—for more than fifteen years… A prominent figure [Sandusky] would be sacrificed, but the VIP sex and prostitution ring would be concealed and protected for years. This was done not only to protect Corbett’s political allies, but also to protect Corbett’s own political fortunes and ambitions.[190]
By elitist design, Joe Paterno became the next public victim to be sacrificed in order to divert media attention away from the Second Mile sex ring and its pedophile club members. Keisling boldly exposes the operation:
Over the coming years, at every turn, [York County Police Commissioner Grofcsik] and others would say the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office, and Tom Corbett, stood in the way of stopping VIPs from having sex with children. Later, court officers would openly boast of enjoying sex with children, and praise Corbett for protecting their illicit activities.[191]
In a June 2012 interview right in the middle of the Sandusky trial, William Keisling had this to say:
Corbett was the obstacle. These are the worst sorts of people doing the worst sorts of things. These are not good people. Tom Corbett got money from TSM, plus he gave money to them. What does it say that Corbett’s attorney general’s office had the case for three years and did nothing about it? It’s systemic corruption. These people are morally bankrupt.[192]
As a natural consequence to being so closely associated with the infamous pedophile coach playing the elite’s fall guy role, and despite the charity’s free pass from any further inquiry, the Second Mile eventually folded in July 2016,[193] but all sordid criminal activity perpetrated by its employees, board members, donors and officials virtually went both unexamined and unpunished.
Again, the caveat bears mention here that most of the foundation’s workers through its four decades are decent people and many youth have been helped by the organization. But the multimillion dollar charity that onetime boasted the likes of pedophile Monarch mind control slave owner Bob Hope[194] and fellow pedophile President Jerry Ford[195] as its honorary board of directors possesses a long history of criminality extending far beyond either both professional neglect, careless disregard for children or obstruction of justice by withholding “lost” records. Evidence has also been uncovered that Sandusky and his Second Mile were both deeply involved in a child sex trafficking ring, with the derelict coach pimping out his Second Mile youth to his charity’s wealthiest donor friends in high places, with direct links to the Harrisburg state government all the way to DC and beyond.[196]
Because this scandal is no different from the rest covered in this book, you can safely believe that every effort’s been made by the powerful diabolical forces responsible for the global child sex trafficking network to keep the Sandusky scandal localized and contained, exclusively limited to the Penn State University-State College area as if this was merely a one man freak show operation, a mere isolated anomaly and fluke. But like every other major pedophilia scandal on record, it’s always just the tip of an exposed, mostly covered-up iceberg. But when mainstream media sources like CBS and the Huffington Post link Sandusky’s Second Mile to a larger child trafficking ring, even if cloaked behind “rumor mill” speculation, this all important lead is worth examining further.[197] But when corroborated by multiple other reliable sources, along with an elementary understanding of the elite’s pedophilia cabal based on documentable proven past history, a crystalized bigger picture emerges exposing how our most vulnerable kids in the child welfare system (and around the globe) are systemically thrashed and trashed as expendable pipeline throwaways for Luciferian sickos at the top of the planet’s demonic food chain to both literally and lustfully feast on and destroy.
Though with his 30-60 year prison sentence, for all intents and purposes, Jerry Sandusky the serial pedophile is finally out of commission for the rest of his life, there’s no doubt that some of his most powerful Second Mile donors that bought, sold and sodomized young children were and still are part of the larger child trafficking ring operating in the tristate Pennsylvania-New York-New Jersey to Washington DC area as part of the global trafficking pipeline.
It was by calculated design that Sandusky’s Second Mile Foundation virtually avoided any negative publicity while so much was dished on Penn State and its complicit enablers, by both the grand jury and Freeh investigations for obvious reason – to protect exposure of the larger globalized pedo-network. Just as the over-lenient judge at Sandusky’s arraignment cut the dangerous serial pedophile loose to remain a free man because she was connected financially and was a volunteer at his charity, and thus compromised due to her conflict of interest, a number of dual serving high level Penn State operatives were also closely affiliated with the Sandusky foundation. And like Jerry, his rich donors from the elitist pedophile class also share a vested interest in their philanthropic foundations and endowments as a viable means of gaining both shielded and easy access to vulnerable children.
It appears that this covertly intertwined nexus between Sandusky’s university and his charity sheltered an insulated private pedo-club of fellow child rapists and assorted pedo-enablers serving on the board of directors as both foundation and university higher-ups as well as major charity donors. Other club members linked to Second Mile and Sandusky’s trafficking ring are powerful judges, prosecuting attorneys, state and federal legislators that includes virtually every Pennsylvania governor, as well as organized crime bosses, all directly tied to their child trafficking network. Yet by careful meticulous design, their active participation in the pedophilia operation that Sandusky played a minor but pivotal role in as a cog within the larger demonic global machine was never adequately investigated. Penn State ensured that its records were legally shielded from public access while years of Second Mile records were conveniently removed and eliminated to protect the most guilty, powerful pedo-players. This systematic cover-up of the larger pedophilia network servicing VIP sickos on the Eastern Seaboard has yet to be made fully explicit to the public. But for many years evidentiary pieces to this crime cabal puzzle have remained in place, and over time, fewer missing pieces are removing any speculative guesswork to form a far more completed, clear, confirmed picture.
A mini-Penn State pedophilia scandal at a famous elite prep school a couple hundred miles away from Happy Valley in Brooklyn known as Poly Prep was running its sinister course in lockstep with the Sandusky scandal.[198] This incredible parallel horror story started unfolding when another serial pedophile football coach named Phil Foglietta began coaching at Poly Prep the same year Paterno took over as head coach at Penn State – 1966. And just like at Penn State, for decades (a quarter century), school administrators knowingly tolerated and routinely covered up the coach’s beastly crimes abusing hundreds of underage boys in order to protect the elitist prep school’s reputation and funding sources where Meryl Streep and Jon Bon Jovi send their kids.[199] The same year Sandusky’s grand jury investigation was launched in 2009, a federal lawsuit was filed against the complicit prep school for sweeping the sins of its deceased Coach Foglietta under the rug. And the same year Sandusky was finally convicted in 2012, a court settlement was ultimately reached at Poly Prep. But 2012 was also the same year that child abuse survivor Greg Bucceroni made allegations connecting the dots between Sandusky’s Penn State trafficking ring and Foglietta’s at Poly Prep, laid out in detail in an explosively revealing September article in the New York Daily News. At the height of the Sandusky debacle in 2012, Greg Bucceroni wrote in an email to the Poly Prep administration:
(Between) 1977-1980 I was a child prostitute associated with a tristate (NYC-NJ-PA) pedophile ring. (During the) summer of 1979 I was brought to the State College area by Ed Savitz for the purpose of child prostitution with Jerry Sandusky at a Second Mile fundraiser. Due to time constraints, Sandusky became unavailable and I was introduced to Phil Foglietta by Ed Savitz and Jerry Sandusky. Foglietta was introduced to us as Coach Phil who coached youth football in NYC. Foglietta agreed to pay $200 for child sex and followed us back to a Philadelphia hotel, myself (sic) and another child prostitute then engaged Coach Phil in child sex.[200]
Greg Bucceroni also said that a friend of his who was raped by Sandusky, later committed suicide, which especially motivated him to divulge his own story outing the longtime predator and his part in the child trafficking network once the 2011 news broke of the coach’s arrest.[201] Bucceroni maintains that he was a trafficked child victim in a sex ring involving the late Philadelphia businessman Ed Savitz, who died of AIDS in 1993. Greg also outed several other influential participants – University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business Professor Lawrence Scott Ward, still serving a lengthy prison sentence for trafficking child pornography, Philly philanthropist and slumlord Samuel Rappaport who died in 1994,[202] currently incarcerated Coach Sandusky and never charged Coach Foglietta who died in 1998.[203]
With far more evidence gathered on international pedophilia trafficking operations emanating from Washington DC’s Pizzagate turned PedoGate scandal in late 2016,[204] last December Disobedient Media journalists Elizabeth Vos and William Craddock interviewed the now 52-year old Greg Bucceroni, posting a stunning in-depth piece tying the Sandusky trafficking ring to the national Franklin scandal,[205] and further illustrating one of this book’s key points – all of these interconnected pedo-operations are financed, supported and overseen by the same invisible Luciferian forces, from the local ground level up to the massive movement and victimization of millions of sexually abused children ongoing every year throughout this world. Tragically, more slaves on this planet exist now than ever before in human history,[206] and the vast majority are sexually preyed upon young women and children.[207]
Greg Bucceroni reported first meeting Ed Savitz, “a youth advocate,” at his old stomping grounds, a community event sponsored by the South Philadelphia Boys Club.[208] Savitz was a well-connected businessman from an upper crust family, an Ivy League U. of Penn grad and a regular Democratic Party donor bigwig frequenting political campaign rallies in 1976 for the future Democratic Philadelphia Mayor turned Governor Ed Rendell, then running for the “lowly” steppingstone office of Philadelphia District Attorney.[209] As a City of Brotherly Love native, Greg Bucceroni said that Savitz and his cohort, the filthy rich city slumlord-fellow pervert Samuel Rappaport, were regular pedo-partners-in-crime, recruiting their underage prey mainly through their favorite charity – the South Philadelphia Boys Club.[210]
Invariably influential pedophiles select troubled youth that are the most vulnerable, accessible, and least in a position to provide potential blowback or credibility to any future claims. At-risk youth from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are always fair game to prominent derelicts who predatorily entice their victims through money and drug offers most often under the auspices of charity organizations. Bucceroni has consistently stated that Philly DA and later Mayor Rendell was well-aware of Savitz’s perversely sick habits, like paying Greg and other underage boys to defecate and urinate in his mouth just for his deviant kicks.[211] During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Savitz had the means to pimp young boys out to the perverted likes of Sandusky, the coach’s high-end patrons and powerful political luminaries like soon-to-be congressional House Speaker Dennis Hastert.[212]
Pimp Savitz’s pedo-cohort Samuel Rappaport was also a business partner of notorious Richard Basciano, the Times Square pornography titan specializing in child pornography and snuff films catering to heinously sick habits of the pedo-elite. Basciano was also a known crime partner to mobster Robert DiBernardo, a 1986 murder victim for crossing infamous New York City crime boss John Gotti.[213] Porno king Basciano ran DiBernardo’s Star Distributors out of the Big Apple that supplied child pornography nationwide. The Washington Metropolitan Police Department investigated Star Distributors and determined that child pornography and child sex trafficking were two closely linked, moneymaking mob enterprises.[214] Savitz, Rappaport and Basciano were simply the middle men between organized crime and corrupt politicians peddling child pornography and trafficked child sex slaves. Additionally, a number of press releases established an enduring friendship between high powered politician Ed Rendell and child porn/snuff film distributor Richard Basciano who of course was also a frequent contributor to Rendell’s various political campaigns.
Greg Bucceroni also told Disobedient Media that high-powered, suspected pedophile lobbyist Tony Podesta of Pizzagate infamy was friends with Savitz and Basciano, seen together at various philanthropic events.[215] And to come full circle, per a four part fluff piece in the Washington Post’s Arts & Living section, as Rendell’s chief election strategist for his 2006 gubernatorial campaign, Tony and his wife Heather Podesta are very close friends with Ed Rendell.[216] Bet their common interest in child sex slave trafficking won’t be featured any time soon in the CIA owned and controlled WaPo.[217] And to complete the bigger crime circle linking Rendell to the pedophile Clintons, Ed’s ex-wife Midge was appointed by Bill as a federal district judge in 1994.[218]
The Clintons assisted convicted child kidnapper and would-be trafficker Laura Silsby caught attempting to smuggle 33 Haitian children at the Dominican Republic border right after the devastating 2010 earthquake.[219] At the same time Ed Rendell was implicated in a similar incident illegally trafficking 12 more children from the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.[220] Even Secretary of State Hillary’s fixer and scandal-suppressor Patrick F. Kennedy had to intervene to reel in “Fast Eddie” who was getting too much public notice in his zest for personally escorting kids from Haiti. Recall that at the same time Hillary had her hands full sending Kennedy to call off an FBI investigation of her US Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman for his pedophile crimes with young boys in Brussels[221] while she was busy giving away one fifth of our nation’s supply of uranium to Russia.[222]
With his dirty little fingers in too many pedo-pies, amidst yet another scandal, Governor Rendell had to resign as a board director of the Hong Kong based company Imperial Pacific operating in the Pacific island of Saipan, known for money laundering and trafficking underage girls.[223] The bottomless rabbit hole pit that is the oozing deep state swamp surrounding the Clinton-Bush crime family,[224] the Podesta brothers, Wasserman (and her Awan brothers),[225] Rendell and his Democratic National Committee,[226] which incidentally Rendell was chairman of from 2008 to 2009, is so steeped in global pedophilia operations, an entire book can be written on it. Come to think of it, one already has.
Further clues incriminating former DNC chairman (1999-2001), Democratic governor (2003-2011) and diehard Clinton supporter Ed Rendell link to pedophilia comes from Greg Bucceroni. Recall that convicted pedophile and Greg’s pimp Ed Savitz was a major donor and friend of the governor whose tough guy appearance and language resembles more a Mafioso figure than a polished public servant puppet. But then perhaps that rough edge came from his longtime close association with organized crime. He made no bones about his close friendship with mobster Louis De Naples, Jr.[227] Also lending credence to Greg’s claim that pedophile “Fast Eddie” Savitz ran with high profile politician “Fast Eddie” Rendell, Savitz’s brother Sam and Rendell are or have both served on the same Philadelphia board at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts[228] and in 2006 the governor honored Sam Savitz’s wife Selma for her “Volunteer of the Year” award.[229] Bucceroni has stated consistently that as Philadelphia District Attorney (1978-1986), Rendell was well aware of Savitz’s disgusting criminal habits. In fact, during Rendell’s first year as Philadelphia DA, he cut “Fast Eddie” Savitz a sweetheart deal after his first of three pedophilia arrests in exchange for a visit to a rehab center, expunging the derelict’s criminal record that freed Savitz to go out and do more damage.[230]
What clearly emerges from police investigations, the Franklin scandal as well as Bucceroni’s firsthand accounts is that a well-organized national network of child trafficking operations existed 40 years ago. Also consistent with other verifiable records, the CIA, Mossad, KGB, MI6 and the entire global intelligence community has long been actively deployed in sexual blackmail operations using minors as kiddie bait to gain control over public figures and government assets (for the textbook anatomy of blackmail operations, see Chapter 14 the Jeffrey Epstein scandal).[231] The veracity of Greg Bucceroni’s far reaching claims as a child abuse victim, part of a tristate sex ring operating in the late 70s and early 80s, is overwhelmingly backed by subsequent confirmed police and state government crime force documentation, more recent pedophilia scandals as well as a plethora of other solid media sources.
In 1979 the trafficked 13-year old Bucceroni was being regularly abused by his well-connected pimp Ed Savitz who knew Jerry Sandusky through his Second Mile fundraisers and sporting events.[232] Greg stated that his stepfather a year later in 1980 filled out a Second Mile application for services that Greg and Savitz hand delivered to Sandusky, but the instant that Greg later beat up Savitz after an attempted rape, his chance of program enrollment vanished. After three sex crime arrests, serial pedophile Savitz would eventually get busted in a sting operation on multiple counts of child sexual abuse, precipitated by soliciting oral sex from two 15-year olds, and subsequent confiscation from his homes in 1992 of 5,000 photos of his child victims (including nude pics of Greg) and a fetish collection of 312 trash bags of soiled boys’ underwear and carefully stashed away pizza boxes literally full of boys’ shit.[233] But just 9 days before his scheduled trial, a year later in 1993 the perverted wacko died of AIDS, and as a public health menace nearly caused an AIDS panic in his City of Brotherly Love.[234]
A month after Sandusky’s conviction while the Penn State scandal was still blazing across international headlines, Greg Bucceroni was also interviewed by the courageous late journalist-author Victor Thorn of American Free Press who also further exposed the larger pedo-network connection.[235] Rare to nil was any news coverage showing the direct linkage of Sandusky’s Second Mile Foundation to the greater tristate and national pedophile trafficking network. Even the Louis Freeh report published that same month in July focused its exclusive blame on Sandusky and his Penn State enablers, staying overtly clear of implicating powerful politicians, judges, CEOs, bankers, law enforcement officials, doctors, and lawyers who are and were card-carrying pedo-club insiders affiliated with Second Mile, Penn State and the internationalized pedophile network. Invariably in scandal after scandal, child rapists from this insulated upper crust, elitist strata on the predator food chain remain anonymously immune from any and all accountability. Case in point – aside from the chronic buzz of alt-right wishful thinkers,[236] have any members of the most notorious pedophile crime family dynasty – the Bushes and Clintons – ever been arrested?… despite the never ending predictions.
At the time of his 2012 interview, Greg Bucceroni was employed as a school police officer by the Philadelphia school district as well as a volunteer at the city’s District Attorney’s office. He expounded on his trips to The Second Mile (TSM) fundraisers:
In 1979 and 1980—when I was 13 and 14 years old – a well-connected pedophile named Edward Savitz took me on trips from Philadelphia to TSM fundraisers. I knew the minute I got there it was a breeding ground because of Savitz’s involvement. While [Jerry] Sandusky interacted with wealthy donors, the other men were sizing-up kids. I felt like a cheap whore because I was in these naked pictures that Savitz was passing around. Savitz [had] talked about taking kids from Philly to the Second Mile and introducing them to men – soliciting them to ‘his friends.’ They exchanged and swapped kids like baseball cards. It was a feeding frenzy. I felt like a prostitute or a go-go dancer at a bachelor party. I felt dirty, used and cheap.[237]
The parallels are too striking to ignore between the Sandusky scandal and America’s largest pedophilia scandal, the Franklin-Omaha Boys Town debacle (Chapter 13) that directly linked the Bush Senior White House. First and foremost, throughout the 70s, 80s and into the early 90s they were both simultaneously co-occurring, both preying on an unlimited supply of underage children from two highly praised charity organizations – Boys Town in Nebraska and Second Mile in Pennsylvania. And equally significant is the fact that both longtime perps Larry King and Jerry Sandusky were covertly tolerated, supported and covered-up for far too long by powerful criminals at both federal and state levels protecting the elite’s larger pedophilia operations.
One common link of an alleged protector in both the PA and NE state scandals is one Graham Spanier. Is it coincidence that Spanier as the president of Penn State from 1995-2011 knowingly let Sandusky abuse underage boys for decades and that his last job prior to arriving at PSU was chancellor at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln from 1991-1995, a stone’s throw from the Omaha epicenter during the Nebraska scandal’s final years.[238] So we have Spanier moving from one statewide pedophilia ring to the next. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
But here’s the kicker. Spanier was also a very close friend and associate with another U. of Nebraska-Lincoln chancellor turned president, the disgraced Franklin scandal player Ronald Roskens after being fired in 1989 for getting caught entertaining naked young underage boys at his state owned residence. And then fellow pedophile President George HW Bush, also steeped in the Nebraska scandal, even deeper in its cover-up, immediately hired Roskens to run USAID, a frequent CIA cover for the global child sex trafficking network.[239] Is all this coincidence? Again, hardly. And as long as we’re on the subject of Daddy Bush, yet another common linkage between Nebraska and Pennsylvania pedophilia is the pedo-prez himself GHW Bush, who ran with and paid homage to both scandals’ beastly protagonists, major GOP fundraiser Larry King[240] and Jerry Sandusky whose pedo-foundation was #283 on Bush’s 1,000 Points of Light.
Just two days after the Sandusky scandal broke, having done his investigative homework, on November 7, 2011 former US Naval Intelligence and CIA field officer as well as private investigator Brent Goodwin had this to say about Penn State President Graham Spanier and his former University of Nebraska friend and colleague Ronald Roskens:
Spanier and Roskens are both ‘closeted’ gay men who are sexually aroused by young boys. They are classic pedophiles. Ronald Roskens has ties to former Franklin Credit Union president and convicted felon/child molester Larry King, as well as a long list of known pedophiles throughout the United States. Several of Spanier’s ‘military friends’ were recently charged in an international pedophilia scandal at the Department of Defense. Spanier and Roskens were also close friends and longtime associates of convicted child molester Dr. Daniel Schrein.[241]
Only after all the evidence of Sandusky’s monstrous crimes were made public knowledge did Spanier finally admit he was “troubled” by the scandal at his university. This man’s personal history explains exactly why his understated response throughout his 14 year PSU tenure was one big non-response.[242] With human sexuality the banished Penn State prez’s chosen academic career focus, his 1973 PhD sociology dissertation featured topic was premarital sex that included a subsection on wife swapping. He later wrote another paper embracing wife swapping as a healthy interpersonal choice.[243] Yet the so called sex expert claims he never knew Sandusky was a pedophile. Not only did Spanier tolerate child sexual abuse but it’s been proven in a court of law that he went out of his criminal way to shield the predator coach.
Additionally, in November 2000 Spanier officially endorsed several days of frolicking decadence on his campus with a Penn State festival called “Cuntfest,” complete with large banners draped from academic buildings broadcasting “Cuntfest.”[244] When asked by incensed legislators if it was immoral for a publicly funded university to sponsor such controversial events, Spanier’s smug answer was:
It depends on what your definition of immoral is.
Again by sinister design, the notion of moral relativism is intended to blur the lines between right and wrong[245] as the New World Order’s strategy is to normalize pedophilia (see Chapter 2).[246] If the Luciferian elite can make sex with little kids seem normal and okay, who’s going to complain if anyone knows they’ve been doing it for millenniums?
Then there’s the case of child abuse victim Paul McLaughlin, sexually molested from age 11 to 15 in the late 70s and early 80s by noted Penn State child development professor John “Jack” Neisworth, famous for writing the encyclopedia on autism.[247] As part of his therapy in 2001, McLaughlin taped a phone conversation confronting his abuser who admitted to performing oral sex on him. But when he took the recording to Penn State President Spanier, Paul reported:
[Spanier] told me that as far as he was concerned it was hearsay, [explaining] ‘Neisworth has an impeccable record. He has never been accused of anything.’ They were more interested in protecting the school. They didn’t seem to have any interest in protecting children at all.[248]
Five years later the “impeccable” former Penn State pedo-professor was charged with multiple counts of child abuse in the state of Maryland. Not that that would make any difference in the mind of pedophile enabler Spanier. His actions have always been consistent – protecting the pedophile.
And then after Spanier was fired from his Penn State gig in 2011, he took a top secret job covertly working for the US government as a national security consultant.[249] What is it with these fired, pedo-scandalous ex-college presidents from notorious child trafficking states immediately getting scooped up by Washington in high powered federal positions of such clandestine importance? Or as the always astute journalist-writer Jon Rappoport reasons and questions:
Because Spanier kept his mouth shut about Sandusky’s crimes against children, this proved he was no snitch and the government could trust him to keep its secrets, too?… Is there an agency we’ve never heard of, whose job is to protect high-level pedophiles from investigation and prosecution?… Was Spanier brought to PSU because of his close ties to a far-reaching pedophile network in Nebraska?[250]
One last bombshell of a fact to ponder, during Joe Paterno’s final coached Penn State game on October 29, 2011 – just days from away his oust, guess who was sitting cozily next to the soon-to-be terminated Penn State prez in his plush private press box watching the game with various PSU board of trustees?[251] The already grand jury investigated, less than a week away from indictment – the pedophile coach himself Jerry Sandusky. Clearly this telling scene is the giveaway outing Spanier, Sandusky and their implicated, closest trustee buddies as part of a larger national pedophilia network.
Bridging the Franklin-Sandusky national network made graphically clear is child abuse survivor Greg Bucceroni’s eyewitness testimony, confirming the broader scope of the existing pedo-network that was most definitely flourishing four decades ago. Greg maintains that he met the Franklin scandal ringleader and GOP superstar Lawrence (aka Larry) King when the infamous child trafficker hosted:
… Taking kids from the South Philly Boys Club to Washington D.C.[252]
Bucceroni recalls a Ronald Reagan fundraiser where Ronnie wasn’t present (kind of like his entire vacated presidency after his VP nearly assassinated him barely a month into office),[253] [254] but with other big names showing up, Greg was served with the other kids as after party dessert:
[It took place] in a townhouse somewhere in Washington DC [likely at the White House “midnight tour guide” Craig Spence’s pad]. When we got there, there were kids from other areas [like Nebraska]. There was food, watching porn and alcohol and marijuana. We were introduced to guys, like a meet-and-greet. [Remember Cheney’s meet-and-greet?] Afterwards, there was a post-party. Certain people were there… we negotiated a price, did whatever we did, then would go back in and do other sexual deviant acts.[255]
Numerous overly familiar themes run deep throughout Bucceroni’s firsthand accounts. Greg stated that Ed Savitz gave him $40 that night to service the future, third-in-line to the US presidency and longest running GOP House Speaker Dennis Hastert (1999-2007), who always was a stayover regular for after-party kiddie sex, in between mingling with his two high profile child sex traffickers Savitz and King. Of course in recent years the disgraced ex-congressman has done some time mingling with fellow prison inmates for attempting to bribe $3.5 million worth of hush money to his past pedophilia victims he abused while a high school wrestling coach.[256] Gotta watch out for those coaching pervs. In December 2017 just three months out of prison, the presiding Illinois judge who called Hastert a “serial child molester” barred the 75-year old from ever being left alone with minors.
Also just like the few honest Nebraskan state legislators such as John DeCamp, Loran Schmit and Ernie Chambers who at every turn were stymied, outnumbered and mostly defeated by the formidable conspiracy of guilty players bent on maintaining their criminal cover-up, led by President Bush himself, neutralizing and even assassinating truth seeking investigators who got in their way,[257] it appears as though the same ugly tactics and unfortunate outcome are unfolding in the Pennsylvania scandal as well.
In 2012 the first party Democrat and woman elected as Pennsylvania’s attorney general as well as Corbett’s successor Kathleen Kane successfully campaigned and won on the promise to uncover why the Sandusky disgrace dragged its heels so long before bringing the perp to justice, hinting she would go after the guilty, behind-the-scenes players who largely remain unidentified and most responsible, many of whom are linked to Second Mile, Penn State and the Harrisburg state house.[258] In so doing, since taking office in 2013 she threatened to expose the pedophilia operation that extends far beyond the Penn State coach to the notorious interstate trafficking network that’s long thrived in the Quaker State. But in Pennsylvania an anti-pedo crusader easily becomes a top priority target to the powerful criminals, hence various corrupt judges, state legislators and prominent attorneys who have so much to hide but even more to lose launched an all-out war to ruin her before she could ruin them and their pedophilia operations.
To add insult to injury, a couple years ago, a Pennsylvania pedo-enabling judge ruled in favor to reinstate Jerry Sandusky’s pension allotment of near five grand a month withheld since his June 2012 conviction for sexually abusing 10 boys, so as of January 2016 the jailbird for life was suddenly $211,000 richer with 6% accrued interest.[259] Meanwhile in stark contrast, because the state’s top prosecutor Kane was bent on removing pedophiles from power, the state Supreme Court quickly clipped her wings, disbarring her. Next her hidden and not so hidden enemies conjured up a bogus case of perjury and obstruction of justice in a kangaroo court to unjustifiably convict her, forcing her 2016 resignation, while today she still awaits appeal that for now keeps her out of prison.[260]
It supposedly started when Kathleen allegedly leaked grand jury information about the Sandusky grand jury prosecutor Frank Fina’s apparent mishandling of corruption charges against public officials.[261] But in actuality, Kane was going after powerful, politically connected, wealthy pedophiles that run the state’s child porn-sex trafficking network, protected by the courts and judges that have conspired to destroy Kathleen Kane.[262] The deposed Attorney General outed Frank Fina and a number of her corrupt attack dog adversaries – judges, district attorneys, and state police officials at one time ostensibly assigned to investigate Sandusky and his child sex ring, yet all the while hedging and colluding in massive cover-up.
Kane posted a series of their racist, sexist, scandalously pornographic, pedophilic suggestive images found in their emails, forcing some into early retirement.[263] But as of April 2018, Fina and company are at it again, just receiving the go-ahead from a judge that originally threw their latest libel case out claiming Kathleen merely exercising her freedom of speech was lawful.[264] But the Fina crowd finagled the state appeals court to overrule the judge’s decision, forcing him to pick and choose what former AG’s statements about her opponents can be contested as libelous in court. After disbarring her, convicting and sentencing her to at least a year in prison, forcing her as the state’s top prosecutor to resign, clearly this latest pile-on overkill to kill Kathleen Kane’s future is intent on sending the very loud and clear message to anyone else who may dare try to expose and bring to justice members of the powerful pedo-cabal club.
Several years ago even fellow Democrat Governor Tom Wolfe joined the enemy camp, pressuring her to resign. Pedophiles and their complicit enablers have always included both Democrats and Republicans, especially in the state of Pennsylvania. Investigative reporter Wayne Madsen has exposed a number of key state politicians, judges and attorneys with active membership in this pedophile enabler club determined to ruin Kathleen Kane.[265] Madsen also lists all the state’s pro-pedo peddling governors, starting from the 1970s to the present, from Republicans Richard Thornburgh, former Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, Mark Schweiker, and the biggest pedo-enabling governor of them all, former AG Sandusky “prosecutor” – Tom Corbett to Democrats Milton Shapp, Bob Casey, Sr., pedo-trafficking-linked Ed Rendell, to today’s Tom Wolf, all are or were pedophile-friendly and highly protective of prominent child rapists operating inside Pennsylvania.
In a state where the historic body politic has been in bed with very young boys for a long time, an anti-pedophile public servant like Kathleen Kane hardly stood a chance, and the post-Sandusky era only confirms that. Sadly just like in Nebraska, outnumbered and overpowered, it appears as though Pennsylvania is following suit, where the bad guys self-protecting their personal stake in the larger pedo-cabal are again outgunning and outlasting another honest public servant daring to challenge the evil status quo.
Another over-the-top sign that Pennsylvania lawmakers are either pedophiles or minimally compromised pedophile enablers is the state senate’s defeat of HB 1947 two years ago that would have abolished the statute of limitations for child sex abuse crimes in all criminal cases and extended the statute for civil cases from age 30 to 50.[266] Clearly the pedo powerbrokers in the Harrisburg government along with protecting the ecclesiastical pedo-interests of Catholic archdioceses do not want pedophiles to be held accountable for their egregious crimes. The bill’s righteously angry yet resolutely determined sponsor Rep. Mark Rozzi, a child sexual abuse victim himself, had this to say:
Today I want my message to be clear. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what institution it is. I don’t care when the abuse took place. If you abused children, we are coming for you. If you’re an institution that protected and actively managed predators, we are coming for you. If you’re a legislator who decides it’s more important to protect pedophiles and the institution that protected them, we are coming for you.[267]
Groundbreaking journalist and respected author Nick Bryant (The Franklin Scandal) concisely summed up the common linked essence of both the Nebraska and Pennsylvania scandals:
The reality is that many perpetrators are not shady men in dirty threadbare trench coats living in seedy hotels, but are in fact, ‘pillars of our community.’[268]
In recent years Pennsylvania has been riddled with scandal after scandal, many breaking concurrently with Sandusky’s in 2011. An example is Milton Hershey School, America’s largest and wealthiest free boarding school for impoverished children with $7.5 billion in assets and 1,850 students.[269] One of the school’ house parents was caught possessing 700 images and 40 videos of child pornography. The year before in 2010 the school settled a $3 million suit brought on by five abuse victims at the hands of a son of a part-time house parent. And in 2006 and 2007 a male and a female teacher were arrested for having sex with their students.
Then there was the infamous “kids for cash” case where a Pennsylvania children’s court judge was slipped a million dollars in bribe money by a builder of juvenile detention facilities in exchange for sending children by the droves passing through his courtroom to fill up his child prisons.[270] In August 2011 Judge Mark Ciavarella was sentenced to 30 years behind bars. The state supreme court was forced to overturn 4,000 juvenile offenders’ convictions for violating their due process from 2003-2008. Filling the lockup detention centers with first time offenders as young as 10 turned into a get-rich-quick racket that both Judge Ciavarella and fellow Judge Michael Conahan accepted payments of over $2 million before getting busted.
Another horrific case that played a large part in Russian President Putin’s decision to halt all adoptions of Russian children to America[271] was 7 year old Nathaniel Michael Craver who in 2003 with his twin sister were adopted by a Pennsylvania couple that abused and murdered the boy.[272] To save themselves from the death penalty, the parents claimed the child suffered from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Reactive Attachment Disorder, maintaining that the little boy’s self-injurious behavior did him in. Due to brain injury and failure to thrive, Nathaniel died in August 2009 with 80 body wounds, 20 of them head wounds. But instead of homicide, the Cravers were convicted only of child endangerment and released after 18 months of time served with a 3.5 year probation. This outrageous, next to no sentence was vehemently challenged by a Russian Investigative Committee since the Russian adoptee clearly was brutally murdered.
Reputed to be the most prolific child sex offender in US history, a PA pediatrician straight out of Temple University med school practiced his first 10 years in the pedo-friendly state prior to moving to Delaware in 1994.[273] Dr. Earl Bradley was arrested in December 2009 on 471 charges of child rape of 103 girls from 3 months to 15-years old. While parents were in the waiting room, the pedophile was drugging his young patients with chemically laced lollipops while filming his brutal crimes against children, up to 7,000 of them, hundreds becoming victims over a 15 year period. In December 2012 a $123 million lawsuit was settled and he’s serving 164 year sentence. The monster’s office building was torn down so that the townspeople are spared from daily remembrance of his crime scene damage.
Already covered earlier was the strange 2005 disappearance of DA Ray Gricar who threw out the 1998 case against Sandusky. But another prosecutor died mysteriously in Lancaster County Pennsylvania. This unsolved mystery involved the young Baltimore assistant city attorney Jonathon Luna, found dead in a shallow creek with 30 stab wounds to the body in December 2003.[274]
Last but not least, PA and its University of Pennsylvania are the dubious home to the False Memory Syndrome,[275] the pedo-elite’s calculated counteroffensive answer to the so called “satanic panic” of the 1980s and early 90s. Founded by pedophile scientists employed by the CIA’s MK Ultra and Monarch mind control programs, the False Memory Foundation was strategically launched as a sweeping broad stroke to discredit, obscure and dismiss abuse claims and testimony of actual sex abuse victims, a readymade go-to defense weapon deployed as legal aid in virtually every pedophile courtroom.[276]
The Luciferian elite diabolically behind the vast global pedophilia cabal and sex trafficking network knew it must suppress growing public awareness recognizing the mounting threat of the worldwide satanic child sex abuse epidemic and consigned the University of Pennsylvania think tank (and Hillary-for-president endorsed alma mater of President Trump[277]) to propagate the so called “fallacy” of retrieving buried memories. In 1991, 80% of the media coverage of child sexual abuse cases reasonably accepted the veracity of victims’ recovered memories but just three years later once the False Memory Syndrome (FMS) was introduced and propagated by mass media, the PA Ivy League mind control factory churning out the confabulated FMS propaganda by 1994 effectively manipulated 80% of the corporate media coverage to switch sides, thereafter routinely questioning victims’ claims as false accusations.[278] Leave it to Pennsylvania to lead the demonic pack of pedo-wolves to suppress the demonic truth.
Right up to this very day Pennsylvania has a major problem. Hiding in plain sight in the sleepy little farm communities across the state are revelations that pedophilia and sex slave trafficking are still ever-so-deeply embedded.[279] The Keystone State possesses a long shameful history[280] of breeding corrupt politicians and judges who overtly go out of their way to protect the pedophiles, who work hand-in-hand with entrenched organized crime and engage in ceaseless cover-up of one sex abuse scandal after the next.[281] Is it any wonder that incisive author and mind control expert Fritz Springmeier declared that:
Pennsylvania has by far the highest number of child-trafficking organizations.[282]
Hundreds of young boys ranging in age from 8 to 15 have withheld telling adults about Sandusky’s and his fellow pedophiles’ secret sexual advances traumatizing them repeatedly, cruelly trapped in their lonely, confused and heavily conflicted, dark, despairing worlds, often for years at a time. While their celebrated perpetrator and his elite friends remained safely shielded in insulated impunity, egregiously heralded as a children’s saint and “pillars of the community,” their victims have suffered in silence. Over many decades, countless abuse victims too ashamed or too scared to disclose, resigned to continued abuse, until the coldblooded predators moved on to their next conquest destroying more young souls. The infamous pedophile’s grooming system worked to the serial predator’s longtime advantage protecting him from all accountability from the 1970s through the first decade of this century, that’s 40 long years before the leaky cracks in the “open secret” dam finally began showing gaping holes, eroding, crumbling, and eventually bursting.
Aside from paralleling the Franklin scandal, the Jerry Sandusky case also shares many of the same eerily marked trappings of England’s creepiest and most outrageous of all cases – the Jimmy Savile story[283] (taken up in Chapter 18), where famous celebrities are lauded over many decades for their children’s charity work while exploiting their positions engaging in the most beastly acts of child rape imaginable, all the while protected by their heroic public image and corrupted inner circle insiders fully aware of the monstrous crimes being perpetrated.
The pretense of conveniently looking the other way for numerous decades was led by the powerful, idolized Coach Paterno himself in collusion with the Penn State president, vice president and athletic director that under their collective watch knowingly sanctioned yet more heinous, unspeakable acts committed against scores of more defenseless children. Similar to Savile’s longtime employer the state run BBC that remained complicit over far too many years protecting the Luciferian pedophile in its midst,[284] eventually Penn State’s corrupt gatekeepers could no longer keep Sandusky’s hardcore criminal habit secretly concealed as more victims kept emerging to confess and collectively implicate their most unholy sins.
Because college football during the modern era has morphed into such unholy Big Business, for all intents and purposes evolving into a mere extension of the professional National Football League, elite schools like Penn State, USC and Alabama supported by millions of dollars’ worth of revenue and annual endowments from well-connected Board of Trustees and wealthy alumni associations, conditions have turned overly ripe for corruptively spawning this pervasive unholy culture of silence, brushing continued rapes of children under the proverbial carpet despite overwhelming evidence mounting against Sandusky who, unimpeded, was given carte blanche license to routinely sodomize young boys in Penn State locker rooms for virtually Paterno’s entire near half century head coach career at State. Just as pedophilia in Hollywood has “forever” remained an “open secret,” so has Coach Sandusky’s predilection for violently preying on vulnerable boys on and off the Penn State campus. The Big Business of winning at all cost simply means that protecting its revered status and coveted reputation as an elitist moneymaking powerhouse automatically takes precedence over protecting and preserving intact the innocence of hundreds of shattered childhoods. Countless young lives became casualties to the monstrous crimes of one parasitic coach, enabled by the criminal complicity of his legendary boss and equally complicit school administration with ties extending to the state government and well beyond to both the national and international body politic.
Thus the domain of higher education within the realm of “professional” sports, like the notoriously tainted institutions of religion, politics and mass media entertainment, has also degenerated and succumbed to the vile perversions so rampantly practiced and operated by the Luciferian club of planetary controllers. Indeed no strata of power on this earth is free from the ruling elite’s ghastly crimes against both children and humanity.
But before moving on to some of the other major pedophilia scandals within the sports industry, it’s worth a reminder that Penn State is just one American university that happens to be the highest profile institution of higher learning out of many thousands in the US and world that was caught criminally enabling and covering up an infamous pedophile employee’s crimes for far too many years. But the bigger reality is pedophilia has been a dirty little secret quietly taking place behind the scenes off the public radar at hundreds of thousands of educational institutions both at the collegiate but especially the primary and secondary school levels where the younger student body populations offer an unlimited pool of targeted children abused by teachers and coaches around the country and world every single day, or are plucked into the deadly pedophilia pipeline. Thousands of lives are forever altered in the worst possible way every day that another innocent child on this planet is brutally violated.
It’s currently a global systemic pandemic crisis whether the pedophile is a famous politician, prince, actor, athlete, coach or not. Of course most pedophiles are not celebrities or members of the elite but typically the guy next door (since a significantly high percentage of pedophiles are male) – the local teacher, clergy, policeman, coach, Boy Scout leader, childcare worker, babysitter, nanny, social worker, charity worker, doctor, nurse, Disney worker, father, stepfather, uncle, family friend and on and on it goes. Those employed whose jobs come into daily contact working in closest proximity with kids giving them most access to potential victims are where the pedophiles congregate and are most heavily concentrated. Though the selected focus of this book centers primarily on unveiling the globalized network of centralized, massively scaled pedophilia operations run by the Luciferian elite, it’s important to maintain the broader perspective that the vast majority of pedophilia crimes being committed every day may or may not be part of this worldwide network but nonetheless are actively present, hiding in plain sight in virtually every single town, city and country on this earth.
The next chapter will cover the other major sports pedophilia scandals victimizing underage girls in US gymnastics and swimming teams as well as underage boys in UK and European junior soccer leagues. The topic of Super Bowl Sunday as the biggest child sex trafficking day of the year will lastly be addressed in this section before tackling the epidemic unfolding in Europe and every other corner of this earth.
[1] Will Hobson, “Six Years later, Penn State is still at War over the Sandusky Scandal,” The Washington Post, December 28, 2017, https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/sports/penn-state-six-years-after-sandusky-scandal/?utm_term=.9211c01ce863.
[2] “Arthur Sandusky – Meritorious Service,” Washington-Greene County Chapter of Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame, https://www.webcitation.org/63Oz1EtFK?url=http://www.wash-greenesportshall.org/1989/SANDUSKY.htm.
[3] Jerry Sandusky, Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story (New York City: Sports Publishing, 2000), https://www.amazon.com/Touched-Jerry-Sandusky-Story/dp/1582612706/ref=sr_1_1_twi_har_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1521950986&sr=1-1&keywords=9781582613574.
[4] “Jerry Sandusky,” biography.com, https://www.biography.com/people/jerry-sandusky-20857249.
[5] “Joe Paterno,” biography.com, https://www.biography.com/people/joe-paterno-9434584.
[6] “Joe Paterno,” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Paterno.
[7] Larry Brown, “Jerry Sandusky’s 1999 Retirement: Evidence Points to him being Forced out,” larrybrownsports.com, November 15, 2011, http://larrybrownsports.com/college-football/jerry-sanduskys-1999-retirement-forced-out/98643.
[8] Bob Flounders, “Jerry Sandusky was Penn State Football’s Defensive Coordinator for Decades,” Patriot-News, March 31, 2011, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2011/03/jerry_sandusky_was_penn_state.html.
[9] Cork Gaines, “Jerry Sandusky was Offered the Head Coaching Job at the University Of Virginia in 2000,” Business Insider, November 10, 2011, http://www.businessinsider.com/jerry-sandusky-head-coach-uva-after-leaving-penn-state-2011-11/?IR=T.
[10] Sara Ganim, “Report: Former Coach Jerry Sandusky used Charity to Molest Kids,” Patriot-News, November 6, 2011, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2011/11/report_former_coach_jerry_sand.html.
[11] Malcom Gladwell, “In Plain Sight,” New Yorker Magazine, September 24, 2009, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/09/24/in-plain-view.
[12] Ed Mahon, “Ties between Penn State, The Second Mile Run Deep,” McClatchy DC, November 21, 2011, http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/crime/article24719269.html.
[13] Luke O’Brien, “Second Mile Is … Penn State: School Paid $25 Million to Company Run by Chairman of Sandusky’s Charity,” deadspin.com, November 18, 2011, https://deadspin.com/5860893/5860893/second-mile-is–penn-state-school-paid-25-million-to-company-run-by-chairman-of-sanduskys-charity.
[14] Winsup Custer, “Jerry Sandusky, Second Mile Foundation and Penn State Locker Room,” CPW News Service, November 8, 2011, http://winsipcuster.blogspot.co.id/2011/11/jerry-sandusky-second-mile-foundation.html.
[15] Jack McCallum, “Last Call Jerry Sandusky, the Dean of Linebacker U, is Leaving Penn State after 32 years to Devote himself to a Different kind of Coaching,” Sports Illustrated, December 20, 1999, https://www.si.com/vault/1999/12/20/271564/last-call-jerry-sandusky-the-dean-of-linebacker-u-is-leaving-penn-state-after-32-years-to-devote-himself-to-a-different-kind-of-coaching.
[16] Mike Argento, “Matt Sandusky: Adopted, Abused, and now Sharing his Painful Story,” York Daily Record, June 22, 2017, https://www.ydr.com/story/opinion/columnists/mike-argento/2017/06/22/matt-sandusky-he-didnt-ask/412914001/.
[17] “Sandusky’s Son Sentenced to Prison for Sexual Abuse of Girls,” AP/Chicago Tribune, December 8, 2017, http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/breaking/ct-sandusky-son-prison-abuse-20171208-story.html.
[18] Jeff Pearlman, “The Resilient Soul of Jerry Sandusky’s Son,” bleacherreport.com, http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2366793-the-resilient-soul-of-jerry-sanduskys-son
[19] Mike Argento, https://www.ydr.com/story/opinion/columnists/mike-argento/2017/06/22/matt-sandusky-he-didnt-ask/412914001/.
[20] “Jerry Sandusky Case: Matt Sandusky’s Biological Mom Raised Concerns about the Former PSU Coach as far back as 1994,” CBS News, June 27, 2012, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jerry-sandusky-case-matt-sanduskys-biological-mom-raised-concerns-about-the-former-psu-coach-as-far-back-as-1994/.
[21] “Jerry Sandusky Case: Matt Sandusky’s Biological Mom Raised Concerns about the Former PSU Coach as far back as 1994,” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jerry-sandusky-case-matt-sanduskys-biological-mom-raised-concerns-about-the-former-psu-coach-as-far-back-as-1994/
[22] Jeff Pearlman, http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2366793-the-resilient-soul-of-jerry-sanduskys-son.
[23] Sara Ganim, “Jerry Sandusky, Adopted Son had ‘Rocky’ Relationship,” Patriot-News, March 25, 2012, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/03/jerry_sandusky_adopted_son_had.html.
[24] Charley Hannagan, “Jerry Sandusky’s Son: How he Groomed me to Sexually Abuse me,” syracuse.com, April 1, 2016, http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2016/04/jerry_sanduskys_son_how_he_groomed_me_to_sexually_abuse_me.html.
[25] “Jerry Sandusky Case: Matt Sandusky’s Biological Mom Raised Concerns about the Former PSU Coach as far back as 1994,” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jerry-sandusky-case-matt-sanduskys-biological-mom-raised-concerns-about-the-former-psu-coach-as-far-back-as-1994/.
[26] Sara Ganim, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/03/jerry_sandusky_adopted_son_had.html.
[27] Sara Ganim, “Jerry Sandusky case: Matt Sandusky says he, too, was Abused by his Adoptive Father,” Patriot-News, June 22, 2012, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/06/jerry_sanduskys_son_says_he_to.html.
[28] Charles Thompson, “Son and victim: Matt Sandusky Describes his Life and Times with Jerry Sandusky,” Patriot-News, July 17, 2014, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2014/07/son_and_victim_matt_sandusky_d.html.
[29] Jeff Pearlman, http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2366793-the-resilient-soul-of-jerry-sanduskys-son.
[30] Charles Thompson, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2014/07/son_and_victim_matt_sandusky_d.html
[31] Karyl McBride, “Why Boys do not tell about Sexual Abuse,” Psychology Today, November 12, 2011, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-legacy-distorted-love/201111/why-boys-do-not-tell-about-sexual-abuse.
[32] Jeff Pearlman, http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2366793-the-resilient-soul-of-jerry-sanduskys-son.
[33] Snejana Farberov, “’We are not in Denial’: Jerry Sandusky’s Family Rally around the Convicted Child Molester and Proclaim his Innocence after Explosive Oprah Interview with his Adopted Son Matthew,” Daily Mail, July 19, 2014, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2698043/Jerry-Sanduskys-family-rally-convicted-child-molester-proclaim-innocence-explosive-Oprah-interview-adopted-son-Matthew.html.
[34] Snejana Farberov and Lydia Warren, “’I Thought maybe that was just the way he was with his Family.’ Matt Sandusky Reveals True Horror of his Years of Abuse at the Hands of Father Jerry to Oprah but says he Still Regrets Speaking out against him,” Daily Mail, July 18, 2014, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2696845/Jerry-Sanduskys-adopted-son-Matthew-details-football-coach-groomed-sexual-abuse-emotional-tell-interview-Oprah.html.
[35] Snejana Farberov and Lydia Warren, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2696845/Jerry-Sanduskys-adopted-son-Matthew-details-football-coach-groomed-sexual-abuse-emotional-tell-interview-Oprah.html.
[36] Matt Sandusky, Undaunted: Breaking my Silence to Overcome the Trauma of Child Sexual Abuse (Los Angeles: RothCo Press, 2015), https://www.amazon.com/Undaunted-Breaking-Silence-Overcome-Trauma/dp/1941519873/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8.
[37] Peaceful Hearts Foundation website, peacefulheartsfoundation.org, http://www.peacefulheartsfoundation.org/.
[38] “Jerry Sandusky Case: Matt Sandusky’s Biological Mom Raised Concerns about the Former PSU Coach as far back as 1994,” CBS News, June 27, 2012, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jerry-sandusky-case-matt-sanduskys-biological-mom-raised-concerns-about-the-former-psu-coach-as-far-back-as-1994/.
[39] “The Religion and Political Views of Jerry Sandusky,” hollowverse.com, https://hollowverse.com/jerry-sandusky/.
[40] Jerry Sandusky, p. 99, https://www.amazon.com/Touched-Jerry-Sandusky-Story/dp/1582612706/ref=sr_1_1_twi_har_2?. s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1521950986&sr=1-1&keywords=9781582613574
[41] Malcolm Gladwell, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/09/24/in-plain-view.
[42] “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” compiled by Freeh, Sporkin & Sullivan, LLP, July 12, 2012, p. 39, “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky” (PDF).
[43] Marc Tracy, “Joe Paterno Knew of Sandusky Abuse in 1976, According to Court Testimony,” The New York Times, July 12, 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/13/sports/ncaafootball/joe-paterno-jerry-sandusky-sex-abuse-penn-state-1976-court-documents.html.
[44] Malcolm Gladwell, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/09/24/in-plain-view.
[45] Jerry Sandusky, https://www.amazon.com/Touched-Jerry-Sandusky-Story/dp/1582612706/ref=sr_1_1_twi_har_2?. s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1521950986&sr=1-1&keywords=9781582613574.
[46] Malcom Gladwell, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/09/24/in-plain-view.
[47] Ann O’Neill and Wayne Drash, “Jerry Sandusky’s ‘Make Believe World,’” CNN, November 20, 2011, https://edition.cnn.com/2011/11/19/us/sandusky-memoir-profile/.
[48] Charles Thompson, “Jerry Sandusky Loses Bid for New Trial on Sex Abuse Conviction; Attorney Vows to Continue Fight,” Patriot-News, October 19, 2017, http://www.pennlive.com/news/2017/10/jerry_sandusky_loses_bid_for_n.html.
[49] Malcom Gladwell, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/09/24/in-plain-view.
[50] Malcom Gladwell, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/09/24/in-plain-view.
[51] “A Comprehensive Timeline of the Penn State Child Sex Abuse Scandal,” deadspin.com, November 15, 2011, https://deadspin.com/5859823/a-comprehensive-timeline-of-the-penn-state-child-sex-abuse-scandal.
[52] Malcom Gladwell, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/09/24/in-plain-view.
[53] Malcom Gladwell, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/09/24/in-plain-view.
[54] Stephanie McCrummen and Jerry Markon, Rick Santorum’s Journey to Devout Catholicism, View of Religion in Governance,” The Washington Post, March 19, 2012, https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/rick-santorums-journey-to-devout-catholicism-view-of-religion-in-governance/2012/03/16/gIQAj4NzNS_story.html?utm_term=.1fd77ce5b21b.
[55] Joel Connelly, “Santorum: ‘Angel’ Award for Penn State’s Sandusky,” Seattle Pi, November 9, 2011, https://blog.seattlepi.com/seattlepolitics/2011/11/09/santorum-angel-award-for-psus-sandusky/.
[56] Matt Sandusky, excerpt from Undaunted: Breaking my Silence to Overcome the Trauma of Child Sexual Abuse (Los Angeles: RothCo Press, 2015) http://www.d2lblog.com/2016/03/16/an-excerpt-from-matt-sanduskys-new-book-undaunted/.
[57] “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky (PDF).
[58] “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” p. 42, Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky (PDF).
[59] “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” p. 45, Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky (PDF).
[60] “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” p. 45, Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky (PDF).
[61] Dom Cosentino, “Alleged Victim’s Mother: Jerry Sandusky Admitted it ‘to my Face’ 13 Years ago,” deadspin.com, November 8, 2011, https://deadspin.com/5857440/5857440/5857440/alleged-victims-mother-jerry-sandusky-admitted-it-to-my-face-13-years-ago.
[62] Paula Reed Ward, “Retired Detective Describes 1998 Sandusky Investigation,” Pittsburgh Gazette, December 18, 2011, http://www.post-gazette.com/home/2011/12/18/Retired-detective-describes-1998-Sandusky-investigation/stories/201112180175.
[63] Wallace McKelvey, “Ten Years Later, Ray Gricar’s Disappearance Still Haunts many,” Patriot-News, April 14, 2015, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2015/04/ten_years_later_ray_gricars_di.html.
[64] Sara Ganim, “Ray Gricar Mystery: 2012 Story Examines Gricar’s Fiercely Private Life, Ladies’ Man Reputation,” Patriot-News, April 12, 2015, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2015/04/looking_back_at_ray_gricar_on.html.
[65] Joseph Brownstein, “Childhood Trauma may Shorten Life by 20 Years,” ABC News, October 6, 2009, http://abcnews.go.com/Health/MindMoodNews/cdc-study-childhood-trauma-shorten-life-20-years/story?id=8758968.
[66] “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” p. 42, Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky (PDF).
[67] Malcom Gladwell, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/09/24/in-plain-view.
[68] “Report: Sandusky ‘Likely Pedophile,’” ESPN/AP, March 26, 2012, http://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/7731763/report-jerry-sandusky-called-likely-pedophile-1998.
[69] “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” p. 47, Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky (PDF).
[70] Elizabeth Vos and William Craddock, “Victim’s Testimony Reveals Establishment-Connected East Coast Trafficking Network,” Disobedient Media, December 4, 2017, https://disobedientmedia.com/2017/12/victims-testimony-reveals-establishment-connected-east-coast-trafficking-network/.
[71] Wayne Madsen, “Is Pennsylvania the Center of the Pedophile Mafia?” Intrepid Report/WMR, January 7, 2016, http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/17208.
[72] “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” p. 47, Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky (PDF).
[73] Franco Ordonez and Mike Dawson, “PSU Police Chief was Sandusky’s Neighbor, Ordered 1998 Case Closed,” Centre Daily Times, December 11, 2011, http://www.centredaily.com/news/local/education/penn-state/jerry-sandusky/article42807327.html.
[74]“Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” p. 50, Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky (PDF).
[75] “Remarks of Louis Freeh in Conjunction with Announcement of Publication of Report Regarding the Pennsylvania State University,” scribd.com, July 12, 2012, https://www.scribd.com/document/99901024/Freeh-Report-Release.
[76] Charles Thompson, “Unsealed Documents Show Strategy for Preserving Cynthia Baldwin’s Testimony in Alleged Sandusky Cover-up Case,” Patriot-News, December 18, 2013, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2013/12/documents_show_prosecutors_str.html.
[77] Sara Ganim, “CNN Exclusive: Joe Paterno may have Known of Earlier Jerry Sandusky Abuse Claim, Police Report Reveals,” CNN, September 11, 2017, https://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/09/us/penn-state-paterno-sandusky-police-report/.
[78] Sara Ganim, https://edition.cnn.com/2017/09/09/us/penn-state-paterno-sandusky-police-report/.
[79] [79] “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky (PDF).
[80] Larry Brown, http://larrybrownsports.com/college-football/jerry-sanduskys-1999-retirement-forced-out/98643.
[81] “Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky,” p. 57, Report of the Special Investigative Counsel Regarding the Pennsylvania State University Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Committed by Gerald A. Sandusky.
[82] Mike Dawson, “Freeh Report: Jerry Sandusky’s Retirement Benefits Played a Role in Sex Crimes,” McClatchy Newspapers, July 16, 2012, http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article24732811.html.
[83] Matt Hinton, “Jerry Sandusky, the Monster that no one wanted to see,” CBSsports.com, June 23, 2012, https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/jerry-sandusky-the-monster-no-one-wanted-to-see/.
[84] Michael McCann, “Did Joe Paterno Break the Law?” Sports Illustrated, November 9, 2011, https://www.si.com/more-sports/2011/11/09/joe-paterno.
[85] “Penn State Scandal Fast Facts,” CNN, November 28, 2017, https://edition.cnn.com/2013/10/28/us/penn-state-scandal-fast-facts/.
[86] Ian Simpson, “Witness in Trial Tells of Sandusky in Shower with Boy,” Reuters, June 12, 2012, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-crime-sandusky/witness-in-trial-tells-of-sandusky-in-shower-with-boy-idUSBRE85B03Q20120612.
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[104] Sally Jenkins, https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/joe-paternos-first-interview-since-the-penn-state-sandusky-scandal/2012/01/13/gIQA08e4yP_story.html?utm_term=.9aab97989f3b.
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[110] Charles Thompson, http://www.pennlive.com/news/2017/04/who_got_paid_in_the_jerry_sand.html.
[111] Sarah Jorgenson and Madison Park, https://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/06/us/penn-state-paterno-sandusky/.
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[114] Charles Thompson, http://www.pennlive.com/news/2017/04/who_got_paid_in_the_jerry_sand.html.
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[116] Sara Ganim, https://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/06/us/jerry-sandusky-victims-paterno-penn-state/.
[117] Sara Ganim, https://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/06/us/jerry-sandusky-victims-paterno-penn-state/.
[118] Sara Ganim, https://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/06/us/jerry-sandusky-victims-paterno-penn-state/.
[119] Sarah Jorgenson and Madison Park, https://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/06/us/penn-state-paterno-sandusky/.
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[134] Sara Ganim, http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2012/11/jerry_sandusky_victims_allegat.html.
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[191] Victor Thorn, http://americanfreepress.net/the-men-who-covered-up-for-jerry-sandusky/.
[192] Victor Thorn, http://americanfreepress.net/the-men-who-covered-up-for-jerry-sandusky/.
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