Chapter 4: The Secret Military Order of the Templar Knights – Satan Worshipping Pedophiles
Joachim Hagopian
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The sprawling mighty Roman Empire owned and controlled the Holy Land (and the entire Mediterranean region) even prior to it becoming “holy,” but from internal corruption and economic collapse it crumbled in 476 AD, inviting land grabbing invaders from the north.[1] Christianity had already been divided in 330 AD by Christian convert and Roman Emperor Constantine I into a Western Latin branch still presided over by Rome’s Catholic pope,[2] and an Eastern Orthodox branch that Constantine relocated to “New Rome,” otherwise known as Constantinople (now Istanbul). Instead of using the official language of the western Catholic branch which was always Latin, the new Eastern Roman Empire that included most of Eastern Europe, Asia Minor and the eastern Mediterranean in the Middle East adopted as its official language Greek, and marked the birth of the enduring Byzantine Empire. Thus the course of world history was taking a major turn.
In the 7th century with the rise of Mohammed and Islam, a Muslim Arab Caliphate seized possession of the Byzantine southern provinces of Syria and Egypt, and by 638 AD the Holy City of Jerusalem.[3] Just prior to that, the Persians had a 15 year stint (614-629 AD) occupying Jerusalem.[4] Due to Palestine’s location as both a three continent geo-center and the overlapping epicenter of the three major religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam, it was coveted turf that throughout history has constantly been invaded and occupied by dozens of warring tribes and nations. Once the Holy Land was taken, expansionist Muslim Arabs pushed westward by sea and by land, even threatening conquest of Constantinople as well. Ultimately after launching two failed sieges on the Byzantine capital ending in 718 AD, a period of relative calm and truce prevailed in the region…[5] that is until the Macedonian Dynasty between 920 and 976 AD when Byzantine Christian forces rose up to retake northern Syria and Greater Armenia,[6] the first nation to declare Christianity its state religion back in 301 AD.[7] A number of Armenians were among the Byzantine emperors that consolidated Christian holdings in the Balkans and Middle East as the Eastern Roman Empire lasted nearly a millennium before being overrun by the expanding Ottoman Turk Empire.[8]
But since 638 AD, the Holy Land had remained under Muslim rule, with the Jews, Christians and Muslims living side by side in Jerusalem in relative peace and calm under mostly tolerant Islamic control.[9] But malevolent forces were at work near the end of the 11th century in Western Europe that would permanently upset the Holy Land’s culture of peace and religious tolerance. Surviving in an ultra-violent world where aristocratic lords and kings imposed death feuds and wars on their feudal subjects, constantly clashing with other clans and kingdoms, day-to-day life in the post-Dark Age was hardly giving way to any better life in the Middle Ages.[10] Since the fall of the Roman Empire, there was no monetary currency system. The peasant class was born and died owned as feudal subjects, human commodities completely controlled by nobility in an enslavement system that was both violent and inhumane. In medieval Europe the growing economic disparity between peasant Christian masses as landless serfs and the uneasy, contentious partnership of aristocratic nobility and entrenched Roman Catholic hierarchy planted seeds of unrest and upheaval amidst so much despair and abject poverty. Seething tension and conflict had been brewing for centuries within the psyche of the peasant masses, activated especially when a series of droughts struck Europe in the late 11th century.[11] Life was cheap, food was scarce and death hung everywhere in the air. In Western Europe this was the dire setting both culturally and economically on the eve of the 12th century.
In contrast to the miserable plight of Europe’s Christian masses, life in the Byzantine Empire and in particular the Muslim controlled East with its developed mercantile system,[12] free flowing currency spurred on by the lucrative spice trade promoting economic and cultural wealth and prosperity, envy, ignorance and bigotry was growing in Western Europe.[13] Conditions were ripe for scapegoating any group of a different persuasion, specifically targeting the Islamic infidels. Rather than recognize the root of their misery falling squarely on the profound inequality and injustice born into a fixed feudal system based on bondage perpetrated by the 1% religious-aristocracy class (striking an uncanny parallel to today),[14] it’s always easier to allow the brainwashing oppressors – the church and state – to readily point to a scapegoat, an identified, designated enemy possessing a different religion or skin pigment than get honest and confront the true cause of misery.
The unfolding dark clouds were ideal for creating the perfect storm then crystalizing as the Christian Crusades, ignited in 1095 at the Council of Clermont in France by a fiery orator in Pope Urban II, whose exaggerated lies intentionally manipulated a “holy war,” (where have we seen this before?),[15] falsely alleging that Muslims were viciously attacking Christians in Jerusalem and Palestine and desecrating Christianity’s sacred ground. And that was all the unhappy, strife-ridden, angry, desperate, bigoted Christians needed to hear.
Meanwhile, the Eastern Roman Empire was slowly losing ground to the recent Muslim converts, the nomadic Seljuk Turks that had migrated from the steppes of Central Asia. The Byzantine Emperor’s major military defeat in 1071 at the eastern outpost Battle of Manzikert in Armenia set the stage in the short term for increasingly bold Turkish raids deeper into Mesopotamia and Anatolia (now eastern Turkey) and the ensuing clash of civilizations,[16] and in the longer term manifesting nearly a millennium later with last century’s first genocide against those same Christian Armenians (1915-17).[17] To make matters worse, also in the same year of 1071, it was anything but all quiet on the western front as well. Byzantium’s final presence in Italy was lost to invading Normans.[18] While the Turks captured the ancient city of Nicaea in Asia Minor drawing ever closer to the capital Constantinople, smelling blood off their recent Italian triumph, the advancing Normans decided to also launch an attack on Constantinople. Though the official fall of the Byzantine Empire would be held off until the mighty fortress walls of New Rome came tumbling down in 1453 by Ottoman Turks,[19] four and a half centuries earlier in 1095, the Eastern Roman Empire found itself being hit from all sides by multiple enemies, both Muslim and Christian alike.
Also smelling blood, in response to Byzantine Emperor Alexius I’s request to the Catholic pope for mercenary assistance to stem the tide of territorial gains by the Turks,[20] the power hungry, ambitious Pope Urban II seized upon the opportunity to potentially reunite both branches of Christianity under his sole authoritarian rule by declaring the larger holy war in the Middle East.[21] In so many words he proclaimed, “Save your soul and go kill some Muslims,” instead of themselves as many warring knights and peasants had been accustomed to doing. To the poor serfs who already had it rough, a guaranteed “free” ticket to heaven fighting for God sounded pretty good. Urban’s words had a gargantuan immediate as well as lasting impact, changing the course of history forever.
To Europe’s Christian peasant masses, it was really a no-brainer – continue suffering in status quo misery or blame everything on the Muslims, and begin killing them for God’s guaranteed ticket to heaven (per the pope who to them was their earthly God). Blaming the true villain – members of the church and state ruling class was a dicey proposition, certain to result in either instant imprisonment or death punished to an afterlife of eternal hell and damnation. It’s always been the same, from ancient times to the present, the master-of-deceit ruling class deploys its age-old divide and conquer, kill or be killed WMD con game on the manipulated ignorant masses and bingo! Just like clockwork, they fall prey to deception every single time. And sadly, nothing has changed as it’s still going stronger than ever today.
And so thousands upon thousands of Christians became Crusaders marching to the Holy Land to liberate it from the designated enemy. As they moved through the Eastern Roman Empire closer to the Middle East, whenever the marauding Christians encountered Jews or Muslims along the way, they simply killed them and stole what they could.[22] A lawless hungry lynch mob mentality characterized the unholy caravans swarming in waves towards the “Holy Land.” But reassured by Pope Urban that all their sins would be forgiven and that their reservation in heaven had already been booked as long as they kill for their Christian God, the desperately duped masses bloodthirstily did what they were manipulated to do.
After a five week siege of Jerusalem in the summer heat,[23] the Holy City was overrun by famished, determined invaders from the north, culminating three years of fierce bloodletting combat resulting in thousands, perhaps millions of dead Christians, Muslims and Jews, chapter one’s senseless carnage came to a tumultuous close in 1099 as the first of seven (or eight depending on historian) more Crusades to follow. Byzantine Emperor Alexius lived to regret asking for help from the Catholic pope as he’d been hoping on a few extra mercenaries to clean house in his own backyard, not the endless throngs of Crusading Catholics that raped, killed, burned and pillaged their way through his empire. As dire as it was for Byzantium prior to the First Crusade, afterwards it was left in even worse shape. The warlike Turks were still on the warpath grabbing more turf, but even the important Byzantine port city Antioch wound up in the greedy hands of a Norman invader that betrayed his oath not to steal Eastern Roman Empire land from fellow Christians. And to top it off, it was the Norman son in Antioch of the land-grabbing Norman father in Italy both laying claim to Byzantine territory not theirs… so much for the concept of Christian brotherhood.
Then to illustrate how the victorious Christian Crusaders were so far removed from the original compassionate teachings of their supposed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Desmond Seward’s The Monks of War chronicles events of the three day Holy City conquest:
Jerusalem was stormed in July 1099. The rabid ferocity of its sack showed just how little the Church had succeeded in Christianizing atavistic instincts. The entire population of the Holy City was put to the sword, Jews as well as Moslems, 70,000 men, women and children perished in a holocaust, which raged for three days. In places men waded in blood up to their ankles and horsemen were splashed by it as they rode through the streets.[24]
Crusade apologists always make sure to add that the slaughter was merely standard policy, as if that makes it any less evil.[25]
Less than 20 years after the Christians claimed their Holy Land grand prize, Turkish forces were already at it again, regaining a foothold in Mesopotamia, and appeared soon knocking on Jerusalem’s door once again.[26] That was all it took to conjure up renewed barbarism and bloodlust among the Christian diehards to want to go kill some more Muslims, thus spawning the Second Crusade. But unlike the first, this time they’d additionally be armed with a special Christian military order of knighthood to help defend, conquer and ostensibly ensure that Jerusalem remain under imperialistic Western Catholic control in the “holy war” that the planetary controllers have never stopped manipulating and exploiting to this very day.[27]
The latest round of zealotry culminated in 1118 with the founding of the Order of Templar Knights to protect the next major pilgrimage to the Holy Land.[28] The safe passage of Crusaders was the false premise used to found this new Christian military order. The first Christian military Order of the Knights of Hospitallers, later known as the Knights of Malta, were already established and pope endorsed in 1113 for that very same purpose.[29] The nine noblemen of wealthy means deceptively calling themselves the “Poor” Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon,[30] better known later as the Order of the Knights of Templar, actually had something entirely different in mind. The King of Jerusalem granted their authorization to literally set up camp on top of the ancient King Solomon temple ruins. Their new Order had the knights religiously poking around for any recoverable relics, artifacts and otherwise magic bullets that would bestow upon them an added advantage in their quest for power and supremacy that also happened to include a war not only on Islam but Christianity as well.[31] The original founders of the Templar Order were never loyal to Jesus Christ or Christianity to begin with. But that incredibly significant reality will be addressed shortly.
Speculation still abounds over whether the Templar Knights might have discovered the famous Ark of Covenant or Holy Grail that may well have been hidden in a secret cavern below the excavated Solomon Temple.[32] Apparently they did stumble upon something big though, something so esoterically mysterious and enticing that it changed their world-view forever.[33] And this could have been the beginning of the end that fated their alleged downfall less than two centuries later. Scholars have concluded that the Templar Knights pursued secret knowledge contained in the mystical Jewish traditions of the Cabala and as such, actively sought out Cabalists for consultation in both Jerusalem and Europe.[34]
News of their prized newfound “wisdom” and/or magically powerful possessions uncovered in the Jerusalem ruins, despite the details remaining hidden, combined with the official endorsement of Pope Innocent II in 1129, attracted noblemen from all over Europe clamoring to sign up for what the Templar Order was offering.[35] The Templar Knights were fully blessed by the pope in 1139, once they underwent the mere formality of swearing to an oath of strict allegiance only to the pope that undoubtedly the inner Templar brethren had no intention of keeping. A revealing passage from the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail:
In 1139, a papal bull was issued by Pope Innocent II – a former Cistercian monk at Clairvaux and protégé of Saint Bernard. According to this bull the Templars would owe allegiance to no secular or ecclesiastical power other than the Pope himself. In other words, they were rendered totally independent of all kings, princes, and prelates, and of all interference from both political and religious authorities. They had become, in effect, a law unto themselves, an autonomous international empire.[36]
As a historical backdrop to the Templar Order, a brief digression here is necessary. Jews have survived a very long history of horrendous prejudice and persecution, countless purges and pogroms throughout the ages. So of course it’s no wonder that to survive, many of Jewish descent have been forced to flee, convert or go underground, and remain incognito to others in their surrounding local environment. Hence the term crypto-Jewry (mentioned in the last chapter in connection with Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank being messianic crypto-Jew Satanists) as the phenomenon whereby in order to ostensibly avoid mistreatment and harm,[37] thousands of chameleon-like Jews have been forced, felt compelled or some chose to change their names and/or convert to other religions such as Christian or Islam, yet secretly retained their original Jewish identity and religion handed down from one generation to the next.
During the Dark Ages of the 5th-7th centuries, for nefarious, subversive reasons, crypto-Jews from the Merovingian bloodline chose to convert to Christianity in order infiltrate and marry into European royalty to reach top positions of power in both church and state.[38] The Merovingian clan proudly and boldly traces its ancestry back to King David, King Solomon, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, while remaining steeped in the Jewish mystical tradition of Cabalism. It was the crypto-Jews who masterminded and financed both the Crusades and later the Renaissance. The ambitious Pope Urban II who ignited the 200 years of Crusade atrocities was the sixth French crypto-Jewish pope from this same Merovingian lineage.[39] Not by accident, so were all the original founding Knights of Templar, including their chief sponsor St. Bernard who authored the Rule of Knights Templar and his popular propaganda piece “In Praise of the New Knighthood.”[40] And there was good reason the founding knights assembled in Jerusalem and requested fellow crypto-Jew the King of Jerusalem King Baldwin II to set up headquarters adjacent the Solomon Temple ruins. The knights who excavated the ancient underground caverns and chambers below the temple were convinced that it was their Merovingian Jewish birthright to reclaim their families’ lost treasures belonging to ancestors that hid priceless relics and secret Cabalist knowledge prior to fleeing Palestine for Europe right after the Middle East was engulfed by the Roman Empire conquest.[41]
Despite being eight centuries ahead of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion released in Russia in 1905,[42] as crypto-Jewish infiltrators of the Christian religion and incendiaries of the Christian vs. Muslim unholy wars, the Templar Knights and their sponsors were strategically positioned to implement Protocol #7:[43]
Throughout all Europe, and by means of relations with Europe, in other continents also, we must create ferments, discords, and hostility. Therein we gain a double advantage.
Whether the Protocols are a hoax or not,[44] whether written by an anti-Semite out to demonize Judaism and the Jews,[45] or a transparent attempt to attract and recruit more anti-Jewish bigots, or whether it really is the work of ambitious Jewish Zionist leaders plotting their world takeover in the latter 19th century, the accuracy with which it describes in detail the methodical Satanic conspiracy led by the planet’s ruling elite speaks for itself. With a couple of simple word juxtapositions, replacing the words “Jews,” “elders” or “Zion,” with the word “elite,” “Illuminati” or “Satanists” and the word “goyim” or “Gentiles” with “humanity,” or “us,” it perfectly divulges the ruling elite’s takeover plan of this planet. And regardless of whether Satanists are crypto-Jews, Jews, or non-Jews, or whatever subgroup they might fall into, Satanists have made it their enduring age-old agenda to divide and destroy all religions in their larger war against humanity. With utter contempt and hatred, they loathe our Creator, all life, love, peace and all people who are good, who possess a conscience and a heart and everything they lack. So by exposing a small evil minority of crypto-Jews and their inflammatory, devastating impact on all human history including Jews, truth can never be attacked or dismissed as pure anti-Semitism. Regardless of religion, ethnic race or nationality, evil is as evil does.
That said, crypto-Jews’ subversive infiltration into every realm of the global power pyramid, from ancient times to the present, has never adhered to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Instead as Cabalist practitioners, they were always aligned far more closely with occult black magic,[46] all the while secretly worshipping their fallen angel Lucifer. That’s why throughout history as infiltrating false prophets and agents provocateur summoning dark demonic forces within their secret society rituals, they have consistently sown the seeds of deception through divisive teachings, false doctrine and dogmatic extremism in order to subversively manipulate and incite political and religious upheaval and mass movements of violence that explode on an epic scale.
As such, crypto-Jews have been the architects of the Crusades,[47] the French Revolution, Marxism,[48] the Bolshevik Revolution and Armenian genocide as part of the first of two world war bloodbaths – the biggest in human history,[49] [50] giving rise to history’s deadliest tyrants Hitler,[51] Stalin and Mao, and finally onto the Anglo-American-Zionist movement wreaking out-of-control havoc to this very day. Zionist crypto-Jews having converted to the Synagogue of Satan, made a secret deal with a few other Satanists like Prescott Bush, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the international bankers as the usual suspects,[52] investing in Hitler and World War II, justifying the loss of 60 million lives for a Jewish State using as their bargaining chip the sacrificial lambs exterminated in concentration camps – the non-Zionist Jews.[53] This was the Satanists’ way of continuing the Crusades right into the 21st century,[54] indefinitely using their “divide and conquer” clash of civilizations as their M.O – ethnically cleansing Palestinians to make room for the Greater Israel Project.[55] The astute geopolitical analyst and author Henry Makow succinctly sizes it up this way:
Israel has little to do with the Jewish people. Zionism, Communism, Feminism, Nazism, are all creations of the same satanic cabal. These ‘isms are all means to the final goal, a neo feudal global dictatorship.[56]
And speaking of evil, the Merovingian Illuminati bloodline still lives on today in the crypto-Jews known the world over as both the Dutch and British royals,[57] both descendants of the House of Orange. Queen Elizabeth,[58] Prince Philip and Prince Charles are full fledge Illuminati Satan worshippers who indisputably protected longtime fellow Satanist, the child murdering rapist Jimmy Savile who for over a half century supplied children to the royals and UK VIP rapists.[59] Pedophilia permeates the royal family inbreeding. So does Nazism.[60]
The royals plotted and murdered Princess Diana and her Muslim lover about to become her fiancé,[61] all the while remaining in deep up to their Baphomet horns in satanic ritual sexual abuse of children and their globalized child sex trafficking network. The British royals decapitated Diana’s bodyguard-lover Barry Mannakee in a motorcycle “accident” and upon hearing Diana had died,[62] Queen Elizabeth’s first words were “someone must have greased the brakes” because once before the brakes in Diana’s Audi had been tampered with.[63] When the princess began her affair with Dodi Fayed who Islamophobe Prince Philip referred to as “an oily bed hopper,”[64] Diana was warned of befalling a similar fate as her former bodyguard. Knowing firsthand how evil the British royals actually are and that her life was in serious danger, Diana confided to friends about her in-laws, “they are not human,”[65] which goes right along with David Icke’s longtime contentions[66] (and a whole bunch of others like Helen Mirren and Lady Gaga)[67] that the royal family is a reptilian alien hybrid.[68] The bottom line is very strong evidence clearly shows that Diana was murdered by the royal family, afraid she would expose their Satan worshipping dirty laundry. So they assassinated her knowing as royals they are both legally and literally able to live completely above the law.
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip were the last known witnesses to see ten Native American children alive who disappeared while attending their Catholic school picnic outing with the royal couple back in 1964 British Columbia.[69] Over 50,000 aboriginal children from Canada have gone missing over the years, most often attending Catholic schools likely caught up in predatory global child trafficking networks. Closer to Her Majesty’s home, in March this year 800 bodies of children were uncovered in underground chambers below an Irish Catholic girls home for unwed mothers,[70] reminiscent of recent finds being dug up in countless sites like the pedophile paradise of UK’s Jersey Island where Savile and his royal friends came to play and abuse, with thousands of adult survivors coming forth to disclose the painful damage they sustained while living under the “care” of infamous children’s homes.[71] Over many centuries now the throwaway children from group homes and orphanages destroyed by a child welfare system that funnels and feeds for profit a fresh supply of young blood to the monster predators running this world have been a dietary mainstay for the parasitic Illuminati bloodlines.
This all sounds unbelievable until you look at the astounding numbers of children gone missing worldwide each year – 8 million and growing by the year. A reported 350,800 missing children from Ireland, Spain and Canada alone have been discovered at countless Catholic mass grave sites.[72] Additionally, as of November 2013 an incredible 10,077,574 sex abuse cases have been filed against Catholic pedophile priests.[73] The Satanists of royal ilk and the Satanists within the Catholic Church have been deceitfully conspiring against both children and humanity while working directly with fellow Illuminati Satanist puppets deeply entrenched in government, international banking, and the corporate world as the evil movers and shakers and planetary controllers behind every war and economic collapse throughout modern enslavement history. To sustain and increase their power and control over their devil’s dominion, they’ve literally needed a constant fresh supply of child victims. By maintaining top to bottom control of every agency designed to protect children by planting pedophiles at the top levels of the child welfare system, the courts, law enforcement, the media, education and the government, an insulated system of predatory foxes all guarding the young blood henhouse has been allowed to both flourish and increase its number of victims each year.
For a very long time these Satanists and their private coven, epitomized by all their overlapping multi-memberships in so many secret Satan worshipping societies – the Illuminati, Knights Templar-turned-Freemasonry, Malta Knights, Skull and Bones, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers to Bohemian Grove have all been hidden in plain sight. But now their global conspiracy of human genocide against us and our children is being exposed at a never before seen, unprecedented rate. By unveiling the truth, we can wrest power and control away from these murderous vampires. What they’ve been most afraid of is an informed, outraged masses that have caught on to their despicable high crimes and are demanding justice. And now for the first time in history, we’ve uncovered massive, overwhelming evidence to possess the opportunity to take back our planet by finally holding the evildoers accountable for millenniums’ worth of ugly past sins committed against humanity.
Turning our focus back to more historical “evidence” of how we got here, back to the Second Crusade. By the time the Seljuk Turks had captured the Christian stronghold Edessa in Mesopotamia in 1144, not a moment too soon had the new religious army the Templars raised sufficient funds and material support to enable zealous “onward Christian soldiers” to launch their Second [bloody] Crusade in 1145.[74] Despite all the pomp and fanfare, the knights of Jerusalem could do little to assist the floundering Christian armies of the King of France and Emperor of Germany, each never coordinating their offensives, arriving in Asia Minor separately and both getting their asses militarily romped by the surging Turks. The only Christian gain was nowhere near the Holy Land but back in Europe where Lisbon became liberated from the Muslim Moors. Otherwise the two year campaign turned out to be a complete disaster.[75] So much for the knights from the now two infamous Catholic military orders saving the day, both the Templars and the order that would later be known as the Knights of Malta. As a murdering ruthless mob, the Christians fared better without them in the First Crusade.
Meanwhile, the defeat distracted the Knights of Templar from their war making long enough to begin building scores of Commanderies all over Europe, particularly in France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, constructing fortresses, cathedrals, bridges, improving roads, building entire church communities, vineyards and shelters for the Crusaders’ safe passage, even developing their own fleet of ships.[76] Famous for its white tunic and eight-pointed blood red cross symbolizing martyrdom, the Templar Order Knights grew to its peak size of 20,000 in the 13th century (160,000 total including non-knights),[77] gaining the military strength to seize control over a considerable land mass in Europe extending south to the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the Middle East that had largely come under Arab or Turkish control. It seemed they were far more skilled at increasing their land holdings mostly in Europe than protecting Crusaders or Christian Holy Land. The Order consisted of nobleman knights, non-noble sergeants that did the grunt work and chaplains. Every knight that joined the Order relinquished all his worldly possessions, quickly becoming an ongoing source of revenue. Plus the Templar Knights enjoyed social prestige, hobnobbing with Europe’s most powerful royalty, constantly showered with gifts of castles and contributions, all tax-free.[78] For a while it seemed these guys were blessed and could do no wrong.
Yet despite the utter failure of the Second Crusade fiasco and the Malta and Templar Knights inability to change the dismal outcome for the Christians, whenever Templar Knights did finally get around to waging combat, so much has been written about their heroic, larger-than-life exploits. Numerous accounts describe their work ethic on the battlefield of fierce fighting to the death most often resulting in victorious conquests that overnight caused their knightly reputation to soar to legendary cult-like status.[79]
One typical example claims that a decade after the Templar Order was outlawed by the king of France and disbanded by the pope, evidence supports the contention that about 7,000 Templars managed to escape and relocate to friendlier territory in Scotland. The famous Battle of Bannockburn in 1324 was made even more famous when depicted as the grand finale of Mel Gibson’s film “Braveheart.”[80] Legend has it that the mere appearance of a sudden wave of Templar Knights coming off a hillcrest riding at full speed on horseback in support of Scottish foot soldiers outnumbered 3:1 was all it took for the advanced English army to panic and flee the battlefield, leaving all their equipment, money, and weapons behind. This is the kind of embellished fantasy and maybe truth that’s intrigued generations for nearly a millennium about the Templars, inspiring the chivalry of Camelot’s King Arthur Knights of the Round Table and search for the Holy Grail.[81]
But my question is, beyond all this inflated hoopla, in view of the debacle that characterized pretty much every Crusade beyond the first as the only one that achieved its military objective and that was accomplished without the Malta or Templar Knights, how effective militarily were these two legendary knight orders if they lost every single major military campaign in the Crusades they fought in? Okay, technically one other Crusade avoided outright military rout only because no actual fighting took place. Without the pope’s endorsement (granting license to any king to declare a Crusade), the Sixth Crusade was smartly ended through negotiation in 1229 by excommunicated Arabic speaking Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II as part of a 10-year truce that for a few years put Jerusalem back in Christian control (yet not its holy sites).[82] Of course no sooner had the decade long peace come to an end, right on cue the pope rallied his Christian troops for yet another 7th blunder of the Crusade world.[83] If measured strictly in terms of wars won and lost, the knights batted 0 for 7, not exactly a record any warrior would proudly claim, much less attain legendary status… which begs a second question, in whose eyes were these guys so fabulously heroic and militarily skilled? I’d say heavily biased Christian revisionists and war glorifying romanticists known for taking humongous leaps of deceit and liberty at fudging the truth.
Here’s another one handed down from Pope Urban legend folklore. One of the Templar Knights’ so called Muslim opponents, tagged with the killer name “the Assassins,” otherwise known as the Nizari Ismailis,[84] developed a respect for their fellow warriors’ combat skills from the north. This heretical, undersized, fanatical Islamic Shiite renegade order was allegedly equally feared for its deadly strike force and guerilla warfare tactics using stealth and deception to target and smite its enemies as history’s first Islamic suicide bombers if you will. On one occasion the Assassins paid tribute (or perhaps a peace offering) of 3,000 pieces of gold to the Templars.[85] But in between battles when they weren’t slitting each other’s throats, the Assassins and Templar Knights were known to mix it up and rub elbows together. With some of the Templars born and raised in the Middle East and fluent in Arabic, both these militias had reputations for working hard and playing harder as party animals. The knights were known to over-imbibe alcohol per the then popular expression “to drink like a Templar.”[86] Dating back to Marco Polo’s claim that the mystical Assassin Muslim Order smoked hashish and that their Arabic name Hashashins was possibly derived from the Arabic word hashishi has triggered debate that still persists to this day over whether the Assassins (and Templars by association) used a little hashish in between battles to connect better with Allah.[87]
It’s been historically proven that the Templar Knights frequently made secret alliances with various Muslim factions. They aligned with the Assassins to take control of Tyre and conspired with the Muslim Emir of Damascus in a plot against their “fellow Christian” military Order of Hospitallers.[88]
Whatever the Templar Knights gained along the way militarily, politically and financially, they lost spiritually as once allegedly devoted loyal defenders of the Catholic faith (though the founders were crypto Jews steeped in Cabalism). Before long, success had gone to their heads, hearts and apparently their loins. During their initiation ceremony, knights were required to renounce Jesus and God as their Lord and Savior by literally spitting, pissing, hissing and trampling on the sacred cross while literally kissing each other’s ass or that of a goat or cat or penis of their Grand Master,[89] swearing an undying loyalty to each other as brother-in-arms, and that many initiation ceremonies in Italy and France included permission to be lovers-in-arms.[90] But clearly sworn allegiance and loyalty was most binding towards their patron deity, the mysterious head or skull known as Baphomet, whose image by the 19th century morphed into a grotesque horned goat-headed, bearded satanic god sporting female breasts, an LGBT nightmarish version of the devil incarnate. Scholars contend that a minority of knights openly engaged in homosexual relations. Despite its acceptance amongst their Order brethren, by the 12th century, homosexuality in medieval Europe was equated with sodomy, considered an ungodly “unnatural act” of the first order, clearly violating both biblical as well as criminal law punishable by death.[91]
Homosexual rituals imposed on all newcomers during Skull and Bones’ (and other secret society and military brotherhood) initiation ceremonies are directly patterned after the Templars. So are the modern Illuminati black arts occult and satanic practices. The knights’ taboo brand of religion also had them faithfully sworn to celibacy with women, yet okay apparently amongst some to conveniently relieve their horny masculine urges between themselves. But evidence shows that wasn’t enough, so their passionate merrymaking expanded to such taboo indulgences as bestiality,[92] sacrificing young children[93] and committing pedophilia with boys recruited into the Order as young as 11.[94] [95]
Through their devilish god Baphomet, it appears these spiritually lost and misguided soldiers of fortune chose to sell their soul to the devil for the sake of attaining unparalleled wealth and power.[96] Making a quick buck and engaging in an orgy of sensual ecstasy while bowing down to a worshipped head called Baphomet confirms they more than dabbled in dark demonic forces. It seems throughout history virtually every secret society invariably succumbs under this same intoxicatingly degenerate spell, lusting insatiably for power, pleasure and riches in exchange for worshipping Satan. The more times change, the more things stay the same.
Calling upon their supernatural forces for guidance and knowledge, the other worldly Baphomet beast introduced usury banking practices to the earthlings, accepting traveling Crusaders’ real assets for paper issued credit,[97] for the first time in history offering credit loans with high interest rates to wary, conned Christian travelers who accepted a piece of paper unbacked by gold or tangible assets in exchange for all their own gold and tangible assets… not unlike the bankers’ Jekyll Island USA takeover with the 1913 Federal Reserve/Income Tax con.[98] A class of very rich bankers emerged as the Templar Order came to own more land and wealth than the monarchy kingdoms. Of course their usury scam making profit out of paper thin air was seized upon a couple centuries later by the likes of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who refined the art of swindling to new unprecedented heights,[99] establishing the modern central banking monstrosity still operating today as the bankrupt, debt-based slavery control system teetering on the brink of self-implosion.[100]
Despite the fame and glory of the Templar and Malta Knights’ collective efforts to save their Holy City from falling into infidels’ hands, after unifying the Arabs and learning his sister had been captured and taken prisoner, in 1187 the Kurdish Moslem warrior on a mission – Salah Ed-Din (known as Saladin to Westerners) – defeated the Christians at the critical Battle of Hatten and moved on to recapture Jerusalem after near nine decades under Christian control.[101] But unlike the Christians a century earlier, Salah Ed-Din chose to be merciful and not slaughter the Christian residents nor desecrate their holy shrines. Upon hearing the shocking news of another failed Crusade that lost the crown jewel Jerusalem, the pope allegedly keeled over and died on the spot, but apparently not before declaring the Third Crusade to avenge the loss of the Holy Land.[102] Within a couple months the revengeful English King Richard the Lionhearted was the first of the royals to grab the gauntlet gung ho for Round 3. Meanwhile, through his battlefield glory Salah Ed-Din had ascended to become the master of Syria, Palestine and Egypt ruling over a united team of Islam that the Christians were literally just dying to beat.
On another not so insignificant note, to further contrast the difference between how Muslims and Christians generally treat captured enemies and their leaders he had just conquered, Salah Ed-Din kept his enemies alive, treating them humanely. In the case of King of Jerusalem POW Guy Lusignan, in 1188 Salah Ed-Din let him go free on the condition that under oath,[103] Guy would never take up arms to resume fighting Muslims again. So immediately upon release, the first thing the Guy does is find a priest so he can be told that an oath with an infidel is invalid and doesn’t need to be honored.
Do you see a pattern here? Down through the annals of human history, it’s never truly been the “big bad bogey man” – the Muslims, or Putin and the Russians as the aggressors, mass murderers and liars as the government and Western media brainwash always promotes. Time and time again the historical facts point to leaders of the Christian Western civilization that have been the violent bloodthirsty villains throughout modern history. And this sobering reality has been a constant right up to this day.[104] Except with the ruling elite’s war on Christianity in full force now, it’s no longer fair to blame New World Order death and destruction on Christians. The running theme of this entire chapter and book is how Illuminati Satanists have for centuries been hidden in plain sight in the ruling elite bloodlines,[105] and through malevolent secret societies have infiltrated and taken control over the Catholic Church, international banking, corporate institutions and the globalized Anglo-American-Zionist crime cabal government. But more on the Catholic takeover later.
For many years the Order of Solomon’s Temple had not been taking its orders from Rome but exclusively from their heady genie deity named Baphomet, and as a result, under the interdimensional, demonic entity’s guidance, secret knowledge and control, the Order had acquired unprecedented strength and power throughout Europe, directly challenging the hitherto tyranny of both church and state that were nervously taking notice.[106] But by the late 13th century the Christians were running out of Crusade excuses after repeated bloody thrashings, the haughty, arrogant Templars had worn out their welcome in Jerusalem and were kicked out of Palestine for good. With Salah Ed-Din’s capture of Jerusalem for the final time in 1187, the Order’s functional role in the Holy Land was doomed. Eventually they were forced to retreat to their final port city Acre, where after coming under siege and attack in August 1291 by overwhelming Muslim forces,[107] and with Europe tired of losing, the Crusades were finally brought to a shameful close. Already considered has-beens, support for the Templars was fast drying up. Forced to retreat to the island of Cyprus, weak and vulnerable,[108] the majority of Templar Knights returned home to Europe with Paris their final headquarters just as the French crown moved in for the kill.
Already in deep debt to Templar loans for waging protracted war against rival England,[109] France’s King Philip IV whose most recent request for credit had been soundly rejected, in 1307 felt so threatened by the Templars that he sent a dozen spies to infiltrate the Order to gather sufficient evidence to end up justifying a Friday the 13th of October arrest of 2,000 knights in France for heresy based on uncovered sexual debauchery and betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church. The Order’s Grand Master and 51 other Templars who had recanted their initial confessions, in 1314 were summarily burnt at the stake,[110] two years after the pope dissolved the Templar Order.[111] But the bulk of the knights’ wealth and priceless relics had mysteriously disappeared just prior to King Philip’s attempted looting, leaving the king barely able to refurbish his own army along with a few former Templars while subsidizing the Templar’s chief rival order the Knights of Malta. Other remaining Templar survivors and their alleged missing assets apparently found safe refuge in Scotland and in short-time began resurfacing as burgeoning Masonic lodges.[112] The Templars and Freemasons in ideology and practice are virtually synonymous.
In 2001 previously misfiled documents known as the Chinon Parchment were uncovered within the Vatican archives by Vatican medieval paleographer Barbara Frale, who authored a book published a decade later divulging the ”full story” about the controversial secret order.[113] The recent evidence shows that a second confession of crimes was obtained through the pope’s inquiry while Templars were not under duress or torture. Many writers, both Catholics and Masons, have always insisted that the first confession of debauchery and demonic worship attained through torture was therefore false.[114] But the Vatican scholar who wrote the recent book unveiling the papal discovery confirmed the homosexual and pedophilic practices as well as the idol worship of Baphomet. Yet Frale’s media spun press conferences misleadingly minimized these depravities.[115] Despite the obvious crime of heresy committed by satanic practicing Templars, Vatican Pope Clement V in 1307 absolved them of their crimes based solely on their confession, yet the following year charged them with 127 offenses. 700 years later the pope in power,[116] forced in 2013 to unprecedentedly resign his crown (not done in 600 years) over his criminal part in the pedophilia scandal cover-up, just prior to his papal exit, the Rat-zinger also “forgave” the pedophilic Templars.[117]
At the same time that the Templars had gone both gay and astray, far away from their Christian God, just as so many Catholic priests have historically followed suit to this day, child sexual abuse committed by Dark Age Catholic priests and monks was rather commonplace. Vatican archives confirm the church had been covering up priestly child rapists since the early days of the Middle Ages. [118] Peasant children were known to be sodomized and then found crucified in the fields or by the road perpetrated by frocked pedophilic murderers, purposely set up for local Jews to be falsely blamed for engaging in blood sacrifice discussed in the preceding chapter.[119] What was left of the Templars and its secret occult ideology firmly took root in Scotland and evolved into the Freemasons also covered in the last chapter. Next up is a critical examination of the Templars’ bitter Catholic archrival even more dangerously enduring secret society – the military knights from the Order of Malta.
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