We have begun PRINT production — a five-volume set that will help our President educate the American public first, then other publics as to the deep Satanic pedophilic nature of most of their leaders. Each volume is 8.5 x 11 full page size, with the footnotes displayed on the pages rather than as endnotes. Each book has its own index. This is a PhD-level reference work highly relevant to the campaign to take down the Deep State and the Satanists, Pedophiles, & Secret Societies that Torture Children and have cheated hundreds of generations of humanity of their inheritance.
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Book 1: A Quarter Million Millenia of Human Enslavement, Child Rape and Blood Sacrifice from Antiquity to the Modern Catholic Church
Foreword by Robert David Steele
Chapter 1: Introduction to Pedophilia – The Mental Disorder and the Child Sex Abuse Crime
Chapter 3: Tracing from Antiquity to Today the Ruling Elite’s Pedophile Bloodlust for Children
Chapter 4: The Secret Military Order of the Templar Knights: Satan Worshipping Pedophiles
Chapter 5: Crimes of the Millennium Committed by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Chapter 6: The Jesuits as the Vatican’s Order of Assassins and Subversion
Chapter 7: Papal Sins of the Vatican – Satanic Pedophilia Abuse and Church Cover-up
Book 2 The United Kingdom – The World’s Pedophilia Epicenter
Foreword by Robert David Steele
Chapter 6: Sir Jimmy Savile and Margaret Thatcher’s Pedo-Love Affair [Originally Chapter 22]
Book 3:The Rothschild Illuminati Bloodline and Ties to More British Scandals
Foreword by Robert David Steele
Book 4: North America’s Shameful Pedophilia Scandals Exposed Like Never Before
Foreword by Robert David Steele
Chapter 1: America’s Military Pedophilia Scandals – Daycare Scares and “Satanic Panic”
Chapter 2: Military-CIA Mind Control, Torture, Pedophilia and Satanic Sacrifice
Chapter 3: Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile Operations
Chapter 7: The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System
Chapter 8: Epstein-Maxwell Zionist Blackmail Operation: Lucifer’s NWO Control Matrix Dissected
Chapter 9: Satan and Pedophilia Rule Hollywood
Chapter 10: Coach Sandusky – Anatomy of a Pedophile Groomer and Penn State U. the Enabler
Chapter 14: The NXIVM Scandal: The Sex Cult, Megalomania and Pedophilia Protected by the Pedo-Cabal
Chapter 15: Canada & Pedophilia: Genocide against First Nations Women and Girls Deconstructed
Book 5: Pedophilia Operations in Mainland Europe, Australia, Middle East and the Rest of the Planet
10 Chapters 35-38, 40-42 Estimated Total pages: 230 PLUS Rest of World including Australia; approximate Total pages: 500 Out by Spring 2121
Foreword by Robert David Steele
Chapter 1: Introduction to Pedophilia – The Mental Disorder and the Child Sex Abuse Crime
Chapter 2: Elite’s Sinister Agenda to Normalize and Decriminalize Pedophilia
Chapter 3: Tracing the Ruling Elite’s Pedophile Bloodlust for Children from Antiquity to Today
Chapter 4: The Secret Military Order of the Templar Knights – Satan Worshipping Pedophiles
Chapter 5: Sins of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Chapter 6: The Jesuits as the Vatican’s Order of Assassins
Chapter 7: Sins of the Pope and Vatican–Satanic Pedophilia Abuse and Church Cover-up
Chapter 8: America’s Military Pedophilia Scandals – Daycare Scares and “Satanic Panic”
Chapter 9: Military-CIA Mind Control, Torture, Pedophilia and Satanic Sacrifice
Chapter 10: Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile Operations
Chapter 13: The Franklin Scandal and Cover-Up
Chapter 14: The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal – Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System
Chapter 15: Satan and Pedophilia Rule Hollywood
Chapter 18: Worlds Pedophilia Epicenter – UK Soccer Pedophhilia Epidemic
Chapter 22: Sir Jimmy Savile and Margaret Thatcher’s Pedo-Love Affair
Chapter 23: Tony Blair, his Pedo-Infested Ministers and how Zionism and Pedophilia Reign Supreme
Chapter 24: Heart of the Westminster VIP Scandal and Cover-up – Elm Guest House and Dolphin Square
Chapter 26: Raping Hollie Greig – Another Scottish VIP Pedo Cover-up at all Cost
Chapter 27: The Rothschild Banking Dynasty: How Zionist Luciferian Overlords Came to Rule the Earth
Chapter 30: North Wales Masonic Sex Abuse Epidemic: Elite Pushback – Lies of Denial and Murder
Chapter 32: England’s Asian Grooming Gang Epidemic: The Perfect Cover Hiding the VIP Pedo-Network
Chapter 33: The British Royal Family, Pedophilia and the End of a 1200-Year Parasitic Monarchy
Chapter 35: Belgium: When the King, Prime Minister and Elite Pedophiles Get Caught Red-Handed…
Chapter 36: Netherlands – The Pedophile Kingdom and Sodom and Gomorrah of the Modern World
Chapter 37 – Germany’s Exploding 2020 Pedophilia Crisis
Chapter 38: The Pedophilia Crisis in Today’s Scandinavia – Rape and Bestiality Capital of Europe
Chapter 39: Epstein-Maxwell Zionist Blackmail Operation: Lucifer’s NWO Control Matrix Dissected
Chapter 40: Spain and Portugal: Iberian Peninsula’s Dark Pedophilia History of unprotected Kids
Chapter 42: The NXIVM Scandal: The Sex Cult, Megalomania and Pedophilia Protected by the Pedo-Cabal
Chapter 43: Canada & Pedophilia: Genocide against First Nations Women and Girls Deconstructed
Chapter 44: John Roberts and Mike Pence: Treasonous Trump Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate
Chapter 45: Italy’s Pedophilia: The Deep State and Today’s War Between Good Versus Evil
Chapter 46: France: The Pedophile Haven Holdout Still Awaiting Its Age of Consent Law
Chapter 47: Eastern Europe: Western Europe’s Stepsister Is the World’s Sex Trafficking Capital
Chapter 53: (Book 5: Chapter 14) Elite’s Sinister Agenda to Normalize and Decriminalize Pedophilia
Epilogue: What We Can Do to Fight Back and Save Our Children
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